Rawrrrr O: Ayyye sexay.
Lies and deception
:]]] You're fun ;D
Oh dear.
Let's do it again, RIS. ;D
aight, and you?
I'm both D:
Sex is for kids :D Raep is for adults >:
[Best thing to say to a girl when she says she's on her period: 'Againnnnn???']
I think mine is ;D Let's gooo ;D haha.
Oh jeeeeze ;D Hmmm Your bed or mine? ;D
I see that now I'M the one that's not enough for you. D:
I like sex, that's why.
Ahahaha, I could own you :] But internet fights are the epitaph of lameness.
She's mine B|
O: I see someone's mood is set to In Love. ;DDD
Let's sex, right now B| xDDD
Bow chica wow wow, Now now, Don't get toooooooooooo optimistic.