Well I am not great but I am also not in a bad way. I am just glad the Ff7 remake is on its way. So time for a new theme for me.
To be honest I knew this would happen. Ff7 is one of the most explored world's of the series. There is the original story based around Cloud. Then we have Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus which take place a few years after it. Square even created two prequels in Before Crisis and Crisis core. That is all the game Canon we know of. But there is also the Novella Canon we have with the Once upon a smile stories which take place before Advent Children. I also read the story I think is called "A Maiden's journey with the Life Stream" That story tells of what happens to Aeris after her death up to Holy stopping Meteor. While I am not certain I believe those stories were released as official stories. There is also another story I know of called Ff7 lateral biography: Turks The kids are alright. If that is official or not I do not know. Since all of that exists it would be highly unlikely for the fan request of a remake to be ignored. Other final fantasy games are less likely to be remade. Nine and eight are the least likely considering both only had one game made while Four had more than one. For that reason I believe Four is the next most likely to have a remake made. But now onto the subject of the Ff7 remake. There are several things I believe could be added. One would be that the ruins of Banora and possibly Mondeoheim would be added to the world map. Another could be more detail added to what happened to Lucrecia. My third possible addition could be a new ending involving Vincent and Yuffie. In the original game they were optional so they didn't appear in the ending. It is likely that they will remain optional so an additional ending could be required. The final thing I believe could be added is some content referring to Angeal and Genesis. That is all I believe could be added to the remake. There is also one thing I hope isn't added to the game, and if it was it would be an insult to a great game. Some people may be happy but others will be angry at the break of Canon. I am sure you have guessed what I am talking about. I hope that a method of reviving Aeris is not included to the remake, while it is very very unlikely to be added. We also tough that a ff7 remake was very very unlikely too. So I guess we will have to wait and see.
Looks that way.
Hello Excasr. How have you been?
That is fair enough. I have seen many rangers over the years and can not truly decide who I put at the top.
Nice. I personally think Emma is awesome but Noah is my favourite.
You asked what I meant by "You moved on too" and that is what I meant.
I used to be the friendly Bastion Misawa. But I am not anymore.
So you have moved on too?
Glad to hear it. I am guessing you are no longer the dark side to Jade.
We may have spoke since then but I can not recall. And I had only one reason for posting on your profile. My reason is to see how you have been.
Well the last time I recall talking to you. You were 17.
Fearless do you remember me?
Is your avatar Emma from Power Rangers super mega force?
"Those who actually succeed in life, they just happen to be born with a magic ticket called talent." Tohru Adachi from Persona 4.
Happy birthday BIU. Hope you have a good day.
Nas I am giving you the floor in Home.
As you can see I am fine.
Hello there Abby.
Like I said I would not ask you to take it down unless it was directed at someone. You have a voice which should be heard.