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  1. Odamadillo
  2. Odamadillo
    Profile Post Comment

    Life keeps almost all of us busy.

    Life keeps almost all of us busy.
    Profile Post Comment by Odamadillo, Oct 9, 2016
  3. Odamadillo
    Profile Post Comment

    I have been well. How about you?

    I have been well. How about you?
    Profile Post Comment by Odamadillo, Oct 9, 2016
  4. Odamadillo
    Profile Post

    Hello old pal.

    Hello old pal.
    Profile Post by Odamadillo for Light-Rune Maven, Oct 9, 2016
  5. Odamadillo
    Hey Ienzo! Good to see you back! I have missed out rhyme chats so much!
    Post by: Odamadillo, Oct 9, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Odamadillo
    Thank you all for the advise. I have began discussion with both and await to hear back from them. I already have an idea to pitch to them so lets see how this goes.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Oct 2, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Odamadillo
    So do you think I am being stupid for considering that I ignore this opportunity?
    I know this is the spam zone not the dicussion section but I would like advise on this.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Sep 29, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Odamadillo
    Last Sunday I attended a convention where I was given contact info for Madius Comics and the creators of the new 2Kill comic. I showed the ones there some of my basic ideas and small story plots and they gave me advise on how to improve them. They said I should email a script to them and they could have it published if it is good enough.

    I am asking if any of you would take this opportunity if you had been given it?
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Sep 29, 2016, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Odamadillo
  10. Odamadillo
    That is quite a list, should I list mine next?
    Post by: Odamadillo, Sep 20, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  11. Odamadillo
  12. Odamadillo
    I am interested in seeing you read my past life. It could prove quite interesting to see how the two lives differ.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 4, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Odamadillo

    I will start off by saying yes that is the correct layout. And as for your interpretation of the cards I have to say they are pretty accurate. As a fellow reader(or reader in training in my case) I shall interpret what I believe each card refers to about me.
    Two of Pentacles: I believe this refers to my current struggle with completing my tasks in work effectively. I personally doubt my suitability for the job so that card hits the nail on the head.
    Six of Swords: This card is obvious to figure out, it refers to the work I mentioned above and how I believed the job would set me up for success originally.
    Queen of Swords: This card is still in the future so I can not identify the woman as of yet.
    Page of Swords Reversed: This card I can easily identify since there is a colleague in work who seems to have taken an immediate dislike to me so it must mean them.
    Ten of Pentacles: This I already have realised but have not bothered to fix it yet. I am a spoiled brat and a Mother's boy so I never really had to work for anything since she couldn't say no to her baby. And as a result I have almost no independence.
    Knight of Cups Reversed: This one is quite difficult but I believe it goes back to my work and how I feel quitting may be easier for me.
    Page of Cups Reversed: This is something yet to happen since it basically means I need to grow up.
    Four of Cups: This is spot on since I am bored all the time and I am in a rut with how I spend most of my days.
    Three of Cups: Now this one I think refers to my desire to be a writer but I am not sure which of my projects it refers to just yet.

    So to sum it up, Calxiyn nice work on that reading!.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jun 28, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Odamadillo
    I have my own set of Tarot cards and have been able to read a few people accurately but have never been read myself so lets give it a go! I would like to be read in either the Road to the solution or the dream goal layout.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jun 28, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Odamadillo
    I have seen several of the power ranger series. Operation Overdrive is not too bad but it doesn't have anything memorable about it. RPM is ok but rather boring, the only good thing about it was Ziggy in my opinion. Samurai is bad and completely mocks the Samurai concept in my opinion. Jungle Fury was better but they cast the wrong person as the red ranger in my opinion. Dino Thunder had a good story and was more enjoyable to watch. Ninja storm had its moments but over all I didn't enjoy it as much as I could have. SPD had a good group of actors and I enjoyed watching it. Mystic force was just horrible, the only part I enjoyed was Toby and he wasn't even a ranger. Wild Force was bad and basically had Tarzan as a Ranger. Or at least that is how I saw it. Megaforce and Supermegaforce completely mocked the previous series and that ruined it for me.
    As for Dino Charge, I am currently still watching it and I am finding it a bit boring but Riley the green ranger is quite memorable.
    I may have seen other series but they are the only ones I can think of.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jun 27, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Odamadillo
  17. Odamadillo
    Well to be honest, it takes me about an hour since I am a very lazy guy.
    Post by: Odamadillo, May 19, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Odamadillo
  19. Odamadillo
    I honestly like to be left alone, I have my own peaceful paradise in my own home. I hate leaving my house or at least I did back then and the idea of having to go to a court room to judge someone else seemed like too much of a hassle so I did that to remove the possibility entirely.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Feb 28, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Odamadillo
    There is another option, though I wouldn't recommend it. I kept on the right side of the law until I was 18 when I purposely let myself get caught stealing. The police was called and I confessed to the theft. They said since it was my first time they let me off but it was put on my record thus meaning I will never get called for jury duty.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Feb 28, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone