I give you two words, AGAIN! Holy sht.
A dream come true?
This is but a first start. I'll finish the Part II as quickly as possible, but it will take at elast several days because it's gonna be long. Normally I'll split it into three or four parts, but I'll just finish it in Part II. After all, it's gonna be hell for Sora either in dreams or reality. Who say nightmares only happen in dreams?
Well, it is a video that deserves the first spot, but there are rooms for improvement. For an instance, the flow and the change of cutscenes in the first 2 minutes are too fast and rapid. I was like, right, great, when is it going to slow down? Also, due the song element, I think you should've at least added a couple of scenes about Kairi and Namine for they fit better in for the song, to make it even better. I understand that you intended to make it a Sora/Roxas video, but the song choice isn't really right. However, the last scene about Sora Roxas battling and Namine's voice is really well placed. GJ on that.
Two words to give ya: Holy ****.
Destiny Force didn't explain it fully lol, but I guess he knows it himself. Just that Namine was created from his heart doesn't give her powers to control his memories, you might wanna elaborate further on that so our friend could understand. I wrote this before, really long so I wanna save my breath to continue on something else. However, I could tell you that due to Sora's willingness to give up his heart to Kairi and stab himself to release his heart, that situation has given Namine the power to control his memories. Do you understand? Sora willingly gave his own heart, which is most important by a human, to Kairi. He willingly gave the power to manipulate his heart to Kairi, and that's why Kairi's Nobody can control his memories. (Also, you can see why Kairi's the only oen who could call Sora back from heartless form. She has control of Sora's heart. Well, I also agree that the connection between them saved Sora, that Kairi lent the light in her heart to Sora and cast away the Darkness. Different explanation, same thing.)
A Kingdom Hearts Short Story: 'Happy' Dreams Part I: It was morning. Sunshine shone through the curtains of Sora's room and landed directly on his face. At first it would seemed that he was having a really deep sleep, but a closer look told things differently. His eyes were clenched too tight, his hands holding the blankets underneath his body in a death grip, and his legs were thrashing. This would've gone on even longer if it wasn't for Kairi's voice calling out from outside the windows, "Sora! Sora! Wake up already! We're gonna be late for school!" He stirred. There was something that's holding him in his dreams, would not allow him to return to reality, and he was fighting with everything he had to wake up, but it wasn't enough. Then he heard another voice. Riku's voice. "I'll handle this, Kairi. Watch me." Before Sora could dive out of the way and into safety, a surge of energy has blasted him off the bed and into the wall. Dazed he might be, but there was no mistake of the smirk on Riku's face. And Kairi's restrained giggles that burst into uncontrollable laughter. Slowly but steadily, he got up to his feet and stared daggers at Riku, his eyes blazing dangerously, "You've blasted -" he looked into the huge gap where his windows once were, "- twelve thousand munny outta my purse just to wake me up?" Riku looked around mockingly, pretending that he was surprised by the destruction that he's caused, "Oh my god Sora, what on earth could've did that? I would never have done such a blasphemy in my entire life. In fact, I do good by waking my best pal up with a healthy dose of - Agh!" And Sora charged into him with his head. It no longer mattered to Sora that his garden would be dirtied to the point of no return. As they fought Kairi simply stared at the tangled mass of Sora and Riku, giggling non-stop. She sat down on the grass and looked into the sky. "It's a beautiful day, right Sora?" Sora and Riku released themselves and sat on the grass, looking at the same direction as they felt the silent breeze swept over them, the sun shining. "Yeah." _______________________________________________________________________ While Riku and Kairi managed to escape punishment as this is the first time they had ever been late to school, Sora was not so lucky. In fact, he had never failed to arrive late to school, and this time Mr. Jameson was mad. "Sora?" *Gulp* "...Yes?" "GET OUTTA MY CLASS AND STRAIGHT TO THE HEADMASTER'S ROOM!" It felt like the Northen Pole for Sora. The Headmaster of Destiny's School has been well-known for his ruthlessness and creativity in punishing ill-behaving students. Sora could still remember clearly the day when Tidus was dragged out of the classroom by the impossibly strong Headmaster and thrown into a truck. No one knows where the Headmaster drove Tidus to and what he did to him, but all remembered the complete terror and anguish on Tidus' face when they came back, and since then Tidus has never played anymore pranks in class again. To the students, it was a miracle. To Sora and Riku and Kairi, they believed that the Headmaster must have a cloning facility somewhere to clone a new Tidus and disposed of the real person. And now... But there was no escape. Out of nowhere, two prefects stepped into the classroom and held Sora on both arms. Without a single word, they marched him out of the classroom and towards the office. Sora was afraid, very afraid indeed. He didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to Kairi! As all sorts of frightening weapons of torture course through his mind like a racing horse, he realised that he was there. Too fast, you stupid prefects! In front of the dreaded door of Doom. Sora thought he could saw a glimpse of terror on both of the prefects face before they opened the door, threw him in and scurried away like thieving rats. Groaning at the ungraceful fall, he stood up and looked around. To Sora's big surprising, everything seemed to be normal. Shelves of books, ancient looking artifacts, a wide glass table and a comfortable feather-cased chair. Typical items for any Headmaster of a school. He couldn't see the Headmaster though, he was giving Sora his back and did not turn around. It was as if Sora was unworthy to talk with face to face! A bit of anger flared, but subsided as quickly as the flash of light when a cold, deathly voice resonated around the room. "What is your name, boy?" It was so cold, so inhuman that Sora nearly tripped over his own feet! Shivering slightly, he replied with a hint of fear, "Sora, sir. The name's Sora." Silence. Then it was complete silence. As Sora waited anxiously for a reply, he noticed that the thuderous emotions within his heart were threatening to overflow. It was as if an alarm bell had rang soundlessly behind his mind, and he could do nothing to stop it. After several unbearable minutes of silence, Sora finally decided that he cannot take the pressure anymore longer and burst out in defence, "It wasn't my fault, Headmaster! I didn't choose to wake up late! I had a dream last night, and it was horrible! There was this guy there, he was holding me down and I couldn't get up! I struggled and struggled until I was exhausted, but -" Sora stopped abruptly, completely dumbfounded. What on earth is he talking about? He had no recollections of that dream before, at least until he stepped into this room. At least until the Headmaster has asked him about his name. Something was terribly wrong, but he cannot understand, he simply cannot understand! What in the nine hells is happening? But Sora knew he was right in the middle of the trouble. Instinctively he ran towards the door, to escape this horrible place that threatened to drown him with unspeakable emotions, but it just wouldn't open! It was as if the door had been glued to this one and only exit, for the doorknob just wouldn't turn, the piece of heavy oak just won't budge! Slowly he turned around, straining a half smile on his face as he spoke outloud, this time trembling, "H-Headmaster, the door seemed t-to be locked. Could you g-give me the key to open it?" And still there was no answer from him! *******, it was as if - Suddenly, everything made sense. His mind froze as he moved across the room, never really knowing what he was doing. A trance, that's it, I must be in a trance or something, he thought with a crazy smile. His hands touched the Headmaster's chair and turned it over. Numbness coursed through his body. There was no one. There never was. Sora suddenly understood what was wrong when he first came in. He should've seen two pairs of feet, one his and the other pair the Headmaster's. But instead, he saw no feet except his own. Kingdom Key shone into Sora's palm. Now nearly mad with fear, he charged towards the door and slammed the Keyblade as hard as he could on the door, intending to destroy it and get out of there forever. But to his utter horror, it merely bounced away as if it is a toy and quickly vanished into nothingness. No matter how many times Sora tried, he cannot summon his Keyblade. Sora fell to his knees, crying. His last hope was gone and he was trapped in this place.There is no escape. He could see feet moving underneath the door, but no matter how hard he screamed for help, no one came. No one at all. He heard his laughter, his cold cruel laughter. And he screamed. Wake up.
You make me sad, it reminds me how much I miss my girlfriend, no we're not that close but still...
Well, when you think of pregnant on Aerith, you would wonder whether the same will happen to Kairi, even though I'm sure it won't lead to that either, but that thought's burned in my mind... AHHHHHHHHHH
Another Riku versus Sora for Kairi? Man, I hate that... The word pregnant sounds very...
So it would seemed that I have some willpower left to write a second and possibly third Kingdom Hearts Short Story, so I'll just brief any readers that's eager to read it of the new stories I'm constructing in mind. The second Kingdom Hearts Short Story will be aimed for Sora's worst nightmares. He would experience what fear and pain truly means in his life, and that would open the path to the third short story. The third Kingdom Hearts Short Story shall start with a bang in everyone's head. All residents in Destiny Island are affected by a strange phenomenon, and again it would be up to Sora to save everyone. Somehow, he was the only one unaffected, but his time is running out. Within twelve hours, he must defeat the enemy lurking behind the covers and stop it before it breaks out of Destiny Island and affect the other worlds as well. Second story's really bloody and eerie, that's what nightmare's suppose to be, so I advice that readers should avoid getting their feelings involved. Third story will be the ride through a most confusing day ever. Reading this would sent your mind flying wondering what is truth and what is not. So until then, ta ta!
If I'm a good person (Now I am, but sometimes I'm just pure nasty. Split personalities maybe?), then I'll go all around the world travelling. But if I'm mad,I'll seduce every beautiful girl I can find and have my own way. o.O I'm pure evil, man am I evil o.O
Final Form doesn't counts cause it needs two friends to use Final Form. But Normal Sora can fly once you've level Drive right? So he could fly without Peter Pan... o.O That's fun. And Riku says that, "Sora also asked me to video something else when you're on ground. And when you're on ground, there's plenty of stuff to video too. How bout' a few 'pictures' or even better, 'videos' of Selphie in exchange of this exclusive, huh?"
It doesn't look nice >.> Still... imagine Kairi wearing only Organization XIII cloak and nothng else o.O
First, it was blackmailing in Untitled. Now it's ANOTHER blackmailing in SWITCHED!. If this was true in reality, I woulda *censored censored censored* that *censored censored* for the God's *censored censored censored censored censored censored censored* Tidus really needs to shut up. In both stories. Next time I'll put him in humiliation in my new story. MUHAHAHAHA!
Very good idea. Since I've finished most of KHInsiders RPG game, I would like a new challenge :D Don't make levelling too hard, it's one of those things that completely ruins the entire game.
Hmm, maybe Xehanort or one of the five apprentices but never mind.
Oh, tq. Very much appreciated :D About the grammar, well, I ALWAYS make those mistakes, guess I need to look more closely and fix them. Thanks for the comments very much!
Is it that hard to understand o_O? Lukily i did not put them into the story lol, considering i wanted it to be a short story...
Huh? I just put a kiss scene for them only, and when Kairi was stuck in Mirror World nothing happened lol. You see, in the Mirror World, if you wanted to destroy someone from the real world, you have to destroy their heart. While Kairi's heart has no Darkness, it makes things hard for the monsters to do so because she has some kind of natural protection. Sora was the only weakness and vulnerable spot in Kairi's heart, so the "Sora Other" tried to seduce her and destroy her heart completely once he obtained it. And with that, he would have enough power to enter the real world as well. That day was when the dimension barrier between mirror and real world at its weakest. Kairi Replica was able to get out without destroying someone from the real world because her heart has no Light (Complete opposite of Kairi, thus meet da MIRROR!), and with full power of darkness she is the only one capable of breaking out from their eternal prison (Kinda got that idea from 'we must release them from their torment').