I should've posted Blade of Truth in this forum and hack into this site and put my character in this story to whack the hell outta this blackmailer !@#$%^&* But then again, it won't be fun if it turns out that I write the humiliation scene. And it won't be right to hack anyway *rolls eyes* Just make sure you get Chaylie badly...
You could write it this way: 1)Super slashes from Sora cuts away rocks (If you play the game, you'll know that this is no joke...) 2)Trinity Limit... provided you can come up with something... cause Donald and Goofy ain't here. 3)Ami's specialty to blast things open? Dunno, you decide... 4)Anything else. In fact, go slam yourself on the head to get ideas. Now THIS, is a joke.
Music? I hope it won't lag the game by too much? Cause my experience with background music when playing KHInsider RPG Inferno ain't good (It gives you the choice whether to play background music, but when you play it its almost a guarantee you'll lose connection >>, so I never on the background music)
Yet? >> Damn. But yes, I understand that.
But upon hearing Riku was behind the mess, I expected Kairi to be as angry as Sora, but instead she gave the 'none of my buisness' 'super blank' look... Just doesn't seemed Kairi anymore. One thing I've learned from Kingdom Hearts is, no matter what they are, no matter how long time's gone to, they'll always be there for each other. So how come Kairi's suddenly so cold all the sudden? Of course, if you said that she's trying to hide her feelings, but... AH! Why on earth am I even reasoning, it's pointless! I just need to read the rest of the story and I'll get my answer eventually...
zzzz... Don't tell me Riku has gone to become a Dark Zero... And the way you remade Kairi, she doesn't really fits to be a Princess of Heart anymore. Although I had suspected that much, her lack of reaction and everything... How come it all sounds so grim and painful >>
Plain funny. Could you put action in Roxas and Namine this time?
Hmm... Nice fight. But as long as I'm concerned, if they could clone Kairi, they could clone Namine as well, and of course the clone should be able to switch as well? But nah, I prefer things to be simpler. However, the final battle is kinda, similiar to my story, The Mirror Game?? My story talks about the Kairi clone, and yours is also a Kairi clone :P EDIT 1: Forget to add something. Now that you say it, the surprises is definitely not over yet. There is still one more thing to solve: The final enemy. Guess what? I got an idea about it, and again I'll have to see whether it's true or not... (A very funny idea. VERY VERY FUNNY IDEA.)
Right. Exactly. This is seriously the best video I've ever seen, and the fact that it is all about girls brawling just made it even more... *OMG LOSES CONTROL* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Ok, ok. Calmed myself down at last. This video is going to show you four characters from FF, four characters from DoA, and ONE, THE ONLY, FROM KINGDOM HEARTS! Guess which chick in Kingdom Hearts is fighting. Nope, not Aqua. So, without delay... No Advertising >: vid links are cool cool, site links are not. The video is on the front page. Super high quality stuff. A CANNOT MISS! (This forum is probably the most loved, and it says spams available, so I think this video here is legal. I could put it in Creativity Corner cause it's not my stuff)
Okay, this is seriously the best video I've ever seen. Everyone says that this guy should go work for Square Enix. Why? See for yourself. This is a video about girls battling (HELL YEA BABY! HELL YEA!). I know that most of you will think: How On Earth Does KH Has Anything To Do With Girls Fighting? Now, don't you think about Aqua, there's near zero data about her fighting abilities, so... MHUAHAHAHAHAHA YOU'LL HAVE TO SEE IT FOR YOURSELF MUAHAHAHAHAHA. GUESS WHICH CHICK OF KH IS FIGHTING. >: post vid links, that is fine. However posting just site links is not. No advertising other sites please my love. The video is on the front page. Super high quality stuff. A CANNOT MISS!
I thought for an instance that you've decided to change the storyline completely (All those unseen names and crazy literary)
Riku ordered the Heartless to attack him. He had the powerof Darkness at that time, remember?
Part II "I do not understand, One. What is it do you want from the Keyblade Master?" A lone figure stepped out from the corner of the magnificent castle, to probe his leader's plan for Sora. He simply could not understand why the boy was so important. So weak. So fragile. "Not today, Chapel. Not today. Once Maretine succeeds, I shall tell you about my intentions... How many times should I tell you to adress me by my name? You do not need to respect me, Chapel. We are after all, equals." Turning around to face him was an old man of ancient. The bald head and funny beard has never failed to amuse him, and yet the thought to smile never crossed his mind. He knew very well that the old man's appearance are no judge to the true power he held. Even though One had insisted again and again that they are equals, he knew the truth more than anything else in the world. Friends they might be, but the line between their existence lies all too clearly. And still, the fact that One would regard him and only him as an equal flattered him mightily. His tone lightened, "Why not now? Surely a simple explanation would not disrupt your plans, aye?" One closed his eyes and savoured a moment of silence before answering slowly, "You should know how Maretine operates. He does not like his work... uncovered." Before the lone figure could say anything else, One jogged away as if he was a three years old, whistling in a tune so joyous that the rainbows around the castle seemed to dim in shame. He gave a small frown before continued his facial expression with an understanding smile. Funny guy. He always is. Chapel headed back towards the door he came from, and silently cursed Maretine for setting his original plans back. _______________________________________________________________________ Sora woke up with a start again. What a horrible nightmare! I certainly hope that it would not happen again, Phew! Slowly, he got up from his bed and instinctively reached for the curtains. It was too dark around here, he cannot see a thing. Must be the extra layer I put on yesterday, he spoke to himself outloud. But then he frowned to himself. Something isn't quite right. How come he couldn't touch the curtains? And why isn't there his voice - And suddenly he found himself hanging above a pithole, his arms bounded by a single chain. It came as a surprise, and surprise quickly turned into utter horror. Immediately he tried freeing himself from his bounds, thrashing around trying free his arms but to no avail. What is this? he cried outloud, what on earth is happening to me? But no matter how hard he shouted, he cannot be heard even to himself. There's simply no voice. Suddenly Sora remembered that sound is actually ripples of air, a distruption to the air particles around that support his life. Funny that he actually remembered what Mr Jameson taught in his school, given that he slept through most of his class - He couldn't breathe. It happened so quickly that he released the air in his lungs and was unable to suck back anything. His gasps came in fast and shallow, but he simply couldn't get the air he needed so much. He was suffocating to death! Sora's body began to thrash around wildly as the pressure built. Never had he felt so desperate and painful in his life. His lungs is on fire and his head is throbbing madly. It felt like a worm, a flesh eating worm chomping in his chest, and with each greedy bite his chest felt as if it was about to explode. And so he struggled and struggled and struggled. But it was a futile effort. There was no way he could escape. The pain was unbearable. Sora could feel his strength leaving him, his mind shattered into a million pieces by the unending torment. He knew it should only take a few minutes for him to pass out, so why exactly isn't he having jus that?! End this! End my torment! Whatever this is! Whatever you are! End it now!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! It was the most pleasant job One had ever gave him. It has been a long time before he could torment his victims. Not since he was captured by the Keyblade Wielders of the past and sentenced to death. One had saved him, One had given him freedom. And even better, he was given the chance to do this, finally, after ten years - Another mindless scream from Sora. What a waste of effort. There is no hope in this world. There never was. Scream as you like, to struggle so hard that you make a fool out of yourself, but you could never escape the torment. Never. So Sora, he whispered into his ears with a cruel smile, How does it taste? But he doubted Sora could ever heard him. He was busy feeling... something else. What Maretine felt now was pleasant enough for him to stop this and move on to the next course he had prepared. But no. Unfortunately for you, Sora. Maretine gave another cold laughter of triumph. Yes, this is what he had been seeking. To torture the hated Keyblade Wielders until they are all ripped apart. Forever. And after all of Sora's soundless pleas and mindless begging, there was no release. There would not be at all, if One had not warned him to not overstep the boundaries... Yes, One's order shall be his command, but he will not stop until hours later, so he would savour the distorted face of Sora's, to lick on his fear until it became wild and uncontrollable, to feast on his torment and the screams in his head. I love you Sora. This is, but the beginning of my pleasure, hahahahahahaha... Thousands of blades sprang to life around Sora. _______________________________________________________________________ Riku has always hated his school bag for getting in his way, and this time he decided that he would get rid of it once and for all. Not that the stupid bag tripped him off the school fence again, but this time it had nearly prevented him to avoid a fatal blow from his left side. The bag was ripped apart by a massive sword. Papers flew everywhere while Riku summoned The Way to Dawn into his hands. He stared intently at the huge, bulky figure several metres in front him. It was a beast. It wore a bear's face, and yet his size would've put the biggest of the species to shame. It was at least ten metres high and three metres wide, and yet its body was so well shaped and muscled that it looked like a human. Even more astonishingly was the fact that he had a two pair of hands and a pair of car-sized feet. But perhaps the most surprising thing about this beast is the fact that it could talk. "Hello, Riku. I trust that your peace lasted long enough to lick the wounds in your heart, aye?" A growl rose to its voice. Riku was completely stunned, but he managed to find his voice and spoke clearly, "You... what on earth are you? And why did you attack me?" The mighty beast raised an eyebrow before answering angrily, emphasisng each words with the deep hatred he felt for everyone and everything, "So, the mighty Keyblade Master would mock me huh? You must be wanting to die -" Before Riku could react, the beast shot forwards and swung his sword on him mightily, "NOW!" It was pure instinct that has saved Riku's life. Leaping aside with everything he got, he managed to save himself from being crushed into a pancake by a hair's breath. He's unbelievably fast! Riku thought in frustation, This ain't going to be an easy fight. Not at all. And he charged into the great beast, The Way to Dawn gleaming like a diamond under the sun. Somewhere near Destiny's Street, Kairi is hopping cheerfully towards Sora's house. A happy smile came to her face when she thought of the present she got for Sora. And of course, the kiss that she'll never miss in her entire life. _______________________________________________________________________ Sora had always heard that suffocating to death is the most painful way to die ever, but what he was bearing now was nothing compared to the pain of losing skin. And limbs. This time, he could feel the air entering his lungs and the slight relief that swept through his being like aswift wind. But he soon wished that he hadn't got them. A blade stabbed into his stomach as pain and blood exploded in his head. Then he felt his left index finger sliced off with effortless precision. Then the slow, easy scrapping on his right thigh until all the skin was scaled off. And it began to scrap on his flesh. The melody of hell, begins. Maretine began to play his piano. And at once music reigned as more blades plunged into Sora's body almost hungrily. With eerie perfection Maretine waved and lifted the sweet melody throughout the entire process; he intended to scrap Sora to the bones. Tone by tone he struck as one by one they sticked in and out of Sora's body, making this strange 'earkkk' sound when they enter, but nevertheless it is beatiful. Too beautiful. But this is not the climax yet, he must raise the melody to even higher grounds to float above the fluffy clouds and - TWANG. A broken string. A devastated song. How unpleasant. Unpleasant indeed. All the blades vanished into htin air as he reached to a Sora's that half mad now. "Hello, Sora." Maretine spoke sweetly, his pointy teeth flashing. "Hehe... haha.. eee hehehe... Who... What... WAHOO! Hehe..." Sigh, he had lost his mind completely. Unfortunate, truly unfortunate. And so Maretine decided that it was enough, that carving out his organs and his eyes and skinning him alive and chopping off his legs are overkill. And to his knowledge, the only way to overcome an overkill is to... Bring it higher. And so this time, with both eyeballs popped back into Sora's eye sockets, he grabbed his hair and tore out a huge chunk of it, revelling in the anguish shouts Sora gave. Slowly, he whispered into his ears, "Now now, m' boy, I knew we're far from done just yet. You're a strong kid, you know that? I couldn't believe you were plotting how to escape even under such... joyful events, but guess what? You'll enjoy this even further..." Donald and Goofy were the ones strung up now, and the same torment Sora's been through was happening to them as well. At Sora's shock yell and desperate moans, Maretine smiled devilishly. He slowly paced back towards his piano. And so the tune rose again, accompanied by Sora's screams for his non-existent friends, and the joy for the revival of the shiny blades, and thus began the most beautiful melodies ever existed in the world. The music of life, and death. _______________________________________________________________________ One stepped into his laboratory. It wasn't very big, merely a few hectares wide, but to One, it would be sufficient. And until he could choose a bigger and better one in the near future, he'll just have to wait patiently. After all, Sora's playing right into their hands. Staring into the left corner of his eyes, a screen projecting an image of the Nightmares conducted joyfully by Maretine. And he was doing a splendid job in closing down the boy's heart. In fact, it was a masterpiece. One was glad that he had chose Maretine for the work, for he had completely surpassed Hyphon in the art of scarring the heart. What a beautiful manipulation of the heart. Simply gorgeous. But still, One is unsatisfied. The art Maretine's drawing now is still lacking of something. Something... sensational. And he knew exactly what it is. He waited patiently for Maretine to finally end his beautiful melody before relying instructions on how to improve. And of course, Sora' gonna be the guinea pig as well as their key to total victory. _______________________________________________________________________ Riku was hurt in many places. The head, the arm... just name it. He is a monster! A monster! He nearly toppled over as another powerful bash struck him and was forced to dodge roll away from the beast. He had tried every single trick in the book and used every ounce of strength in his body to defeat it, and unbelievably, nothing works. His powerful slashes did nothing except for some small scratches, sometimes nothing at all. And his magics merely burned away some of the beast's chest hair. He nearly laughed at the thought, except that the grim reality had kept him rooted and fighting with all of his might. Slash by slash he dealt on the great beast, pushing it back with surprising ferocity and yet he wasn't hurt at all. For the first time in thirty minutes of intense battle, the beast laughed, "Is that what you've got, Riku? My grandma would've fought you and won! You had me really disappointed..." And the beast vanished from Riku's sight. Riku frantically looked around with his Keyblade poised for attacks from all directions. But he forgot to look up. And there was this bone crunching blow the beast dealt upon Riku's head, and he knew no more. _______________________________________________________________________ "You didn't kill him, did you Beast?" One questioned seriously. He had a curious dislike for death even though he had done more murders than he could count with a supercomputer. "No, I did not. And what does my prey have to do with you anyway? Mind your own buisness!" Beast had never liked obeying orders from One. He hated everything in this world including himself. And One was one of them. But then again, One always had a way to control his beastly form, to control his rising temper, and to tame him before he went out of control. And for that, he was secretly grateful, even though he never showed it to anyone. Until he could locate the hated scientist who had done this to him, he shall follow his orders. Until then. One waved his hands dramatically before answering Beast with an air of apology, "Oh no, my powerful Beast! I had no intentions to stand between you and your prey, or should I say what rights do I have to do so! But Riku... Riku is a valuable asset, very valuable indeed. His existence was a miracle itself: Tainted by the Darkness, and yet he still existed as a human. He was unlike anything I've seen before! Therefore -" "- Should he not stands in our way, we shall keep him alive and study him, until we understand what he truly is. Trust me, One. We all know and understood." It was Chapel. He stepped into the laboratory with a smug look on his face. One's expression shown nothing but pleasant surprise but Beast's face grew more solemn and serious. He was unhappy and angered for some reason.Snarling, he stomped out of the room and left them alone. Chapel stared directly into One's eyes, and instantly both knew what was about to unfold. The fall of the Keyblade Master. One of the screens showed a cheerful Kairi knocking on Sora's house with a beautifully wrapped present on her hands. One smiled. _______________________________________________________________________ If there was anything Sora wanted more than Kairi in his life, it was death, now. It was the only way he could escape, the only way he could end this eternity of madness. He was taking a bath in a pithole of hot, boiling blood, his blood. He had never known hell. He knew it now. But what that had maddened him more is the fact that Donald and Goofy were suffering just as much as he is. He cannot see what was happening to them, his eyes were forcefully pulled out by the horrible scum called Maretine, disallowing him from seeing what he was doing to his friends. Their terrible screams are the worst sounds that he had ever heard in his entire life. Drenching is red, bloody red hell in this panic filled fear contained hell of hellness - Suddenly he was himself again, Kingdom Key ready in his palm and Maretine stood in front of him, smiling. He was perfectly normal, filled with energy and more importantly, out of pain. Out of everything. Out of the nightmare. And now, something that has never burned in his heart ignited. Hatred. Impossibly deep hatred. His grip grew tighter as his Keyblade shone with Light. Maretine rose his hands in a gesture for Sora to attack. And without hesitation, he did, screaming like a maddened monster and he charged into Maretine with no other intentions except for murder. Thirty steps now. Twenty. Ten. Zero. He swung his Keyblade down in a massive arc, aiming for the neck. _______________________________________________________________________ Kairi was angry. Very angry. She knew Sora was in the house for she could see him through a peek hole Riku had dug on his bedroom years ago. He was actually still sleeping when she was out there, banging on the door and calling out his name so loud! Her eyebrows arched dangerously as she summoned her Keyblade to her hands and unlocked the door. There is no way Sora's going to get out of this one, she'll definitely beat the heck out of him. The famous hands-on-the-hips pose was out to strike fear once again, and it was rumoured that Riku armoured to the teeth would've look less intimidating than her fury. She stepped to Sora's side and growled angrily as Sora let out another loud snore that threatened to blow her ears. She sucked in some air and readied her fist. It's pounding time. All the sudden, Sora's eyes fluttered open to reveal a red, seething hatred before he gave a hideous scream of madness and swung the Kingdom Key as hard as he could to Kairi's neck. And it was bye-bye Kairi, forever. Is it? _______________________________________________________________________ Sora never knew until it was too late to stop. To his horror, Maretine had turned into a terrified Kairi and before she could even scream, his Keyblade sliced her head off clean and perfect. His hands began to tremble as he stared at the lifeless head that he had loved so much in his life. The headless body began to spray out a fountain of crimson blood all over his body. His heart. His soul. "H - A - A - A - U - A - A - U - A - U - A - A - A - A - A - A - A - A - A - A - A - H ! ! !" Life has never been so beautiful, hellishly. Unable to believe, unable to trust, Sora conjured up a false fantasy that none of this had ever happened, it never had - And the Darkness took him, as he fell into an endless slumber, determined to stay exactly that way forever, for the pain truth of reality is too much... Wait! What is... that Light? Man, and I thought you were stronger than that, Sora! Wake up! Wake up... and to see her dead in my hands? NEVER! Who says she's dead, anyway? See the truth for yourself, Sora! Hmph, and I thought my other was better than he looks! Sora began to reach out for the Light. Roxas... _______________________________________________________________________ He was awake. His hands still hold the Kingdom Key, and his assault was as real as the world around him, except that the Kingdom Key has stopped a milimetre away from Kairi's neck. Finally freed from her shock, Kairi stumbled away from Sora and held her neck to see if its alright. Her eyes shone nothing but fear and terror. She could not understand, not at all, that sudden light of madness and torment she had saw in his eyes. And she thought - She thought he really wanted to kill her. Sora. Sora's heart was shattered to pieces when he saw the undisguised emotions of horror and repulsion behind Kairi's eyes, but the deep wave of relief swept through his heart and soul was real. True. He had not killed her. He never intended to. He began to turn away before Kairi called out, her voice trembling, "Sora? What.. What was -" "I'm sorry. I had to go. I must find Riku... Never come near me again, I'm afraid that -" He feared that he might burst into tears and the grim reality that dawned upon him, and so he leaped towards the cool air above him and flew away. And still she sat there, dazed and frightened. Ten minutes later, Sora discovered Riku near the beach, and quickly healed him to full health. Still dizzy from the blow on the head, he failed to stop Sora from flying away. Left before he could even mutter a thanks. he had no idea what had happened, but still, there was no mistake. There was unbearable grief in his eyes. _______________________________________________________________________ One was furious. His fist slammed into the computer screen so hard that he punctured a gaping hole in it. Chapel quickly vanished from his sight before One decided to land his wrath upon him. It was his turn to stomp away from his laboratory, swearing on top of his lungs that he will kill Maretine, the Nightmare Artist no matter where he tried to hide. And he was right, as always. Ten minutes later, somewhere in the sewers of Destiny Island, a hideous howl of misery broke out, and Maretine is no more. *Back in the laboratory* "... Xehanort." Ah, how much had he missed that name. That title that was granted to him, so much better than the one given by his parents. One sighed deeply at his past memories. "Ah, Chapel. Is that you? Forgive me for my outburst." One paced back and forth aimlessly, his mind distorted by Maretine's failure. He had been a fool, a complete fool to trust Maretine who cares more about his own personal interest than work. And now he had payed dearly, very dearly indeed. Seeing that there was no harm, Chapel began to ask questions. He spoke slowly, "I do not understand, Xehanort. Maretine failed, but why must you kill him? He made a simple mistake, that's all." "Mistake!" One bellowed. Instantly Chapel grew silent, as One began to continue his speech, this time angrily, "Mistake, that he had failed to scar the boy's heart! Mistake, that he had failed to close the boy's heart once and for all, and instead made him stronger than ever! Mistake, that he had caused us the Kingdom Key!" And he grew silent again, leaving Chapel to wonder about his last sentence. The Kingdom Key, Chapel thought to himself, so that's what he as after? "Yes, Chapel. That is what I want. The Keyblade of the Realm of Light." Chapel was startled. It had been ten years, and still he cannot get used to One reading his mind as easily as he would study a book. One finally calmed down, but still he spoke with and angry hiss, "We failed to close the boy's heart. And so the Kingdom Key would still be bounded to Sora, and without the Key we are unable to obtain Kingdom Hearts, the Hearts of All Worlds. It as a simple mistake, but a fatal one. It had caused us everything." Again he raised his arms high in the air in a dramatic gesture, his mouth working furiously, "The first rule of survival! Strike down the strongest person and the blocks shall toppled in our favour! The most important rule of the arts of heart, to crush without hesitation! And although I had completed the first rule for Maretine, he still failed in absolutely everything!" One began to pant heavily. It was not good to subject a body to anger. Chapel decided that it would be safe to ask, even though it might invoke One's wrath, again, "But... if we are to obtain the Kingdom Key of the Realm of Light, then surely we would also want to take the Key of the Realm of the Darkness. And definitely, Sora is not the strongest of all! Have you forgotten King Mickey?" One froze suddenly, and Chapel held his breath. To his amazement, One began to laugh, "The mouse? Him?" One blasted a hole in his laboratory again so fast that Chapel nearly fell over. One's eyes seemed to burn with ill enjoyment, "I had never forgotten him, never. He seemed so useless, so young, so weak, that I was lulled into a false sense of security, thinking that his existence would never affect my plans. And ten years ago, it was this harmless little mouse that has foiled everything." He took a deep breath before continuing, "And I shall not make the same mistake again. Sora may look weak and harmless, but if a mouse could wreck my every plans, so will Sora. After all," He gave a feral grin that Chapel has never seen before, "King Mickey's time had passed." He gestured to the screen on top of his head. Chapel looked up and saw that Disney Castle is under attack, and King Mickey and Donald and Goofy and the others fleeing on a Gummi Ship. The Cornerstone of Light was theirs now. Disney Castle has fallen. "He is now truly, useless." And the screen was switched off. One turned around and stared directly into Chapel's eyes. He began to relay his orders, "You would tell Hyphon that it is his turn to prove his worthiness. You would tell him that if he fails, he shall receive the same fate as Maretine. The same goes if King Mickey and his followers enters Destiny Island. I will give no mercy." And again he disappeared, vanished just like that, but not before he finished his sentence. "As always."
Don't be like me, a girl I liked tried to trick me to confess my feelings cause she likes me, and I missed the chance on purpose (Oh god, that's painful), and then I hurt her instead (Unintentionally but still), and then when I finally got to confess on Valentine's Day, and then we had an arguement on the second day and till now we haven't spoke a single word to each other. Suks to be me >>
I TOLD you guys DF's finally blown his circuit...
Brr... so cold! (I like it)
... You definitely learned something from him, but not enough though. Still, it's very good!
Lucky guy. Anyway, just make sure you feel normal. Not act like normal, but to truly feel normal around her. If you got all tensed up whenever you go around her, you'll get nothing done. Once you get used to it, then start following advices on top of my post. Lucky guy >>
Man... Destiny's Force has finally blown off his circuit >>