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  1. Panda Face
    Phobia looked back inside of his room for a moment, seeing him jump on his bed, and quirked an eyebrow.
    "Enjoying your self?" Phobia smiled at him, and closed the door behind her, as she went down the hall to show axel his room.​
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Panda Face
  3. Panda Face
    Nai looked at them all from a corner in the shadows.
    She walked forward, allowing others to see her, as she opened her eyes.

    "I'm here to hopefully help to destroy the heartless here. (And to avoid a marriage...)Nai said wistfully said, mumbling the last part.​
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Panda Face
  5. Panda Face

    Username: Panda Face
    Name: Yuuku Arisu Nai (Nai-Nai or Ari)
    Age: 18
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Mafia Family: Yakuza
    Mafia Family Status: Partial Leader
    Powers: Great aim, ability to walk on walls.
    weapon choice: sais, katanas, poison senbon, shotgun
    Bio: She is the powerful daughter of one of the infamous Yakuza leaders, or rather-- its desendant. She may seem very fragile, but do not judge this pretty book by its cover. She can be cruel, but is very polite, and hates people that talk too much for their own good. She is currently avoiding any if not all men who attempt to court her.
    Preview Post: Ari lay on her side, facing the zen garden, as one of the lower members came in.

    "Nai-san! Gomenasai! I did not mean to fail the mission!"He uselessly blabbed.

    "You disappoint me, bozu. Hand out. You know the code."

    "Yes m'am."
    The member winced as she cut off his pinky finger, it was the code. Fail a mission, lose a finger. When you run out of fingers, you were killed. That's all that mattered. Following orders.

    " Respect the family. DO not let it happen again, weakling."
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Panda Face
  7. Panda Face
    "I'm sure the 'ocean view' would be to your liking."

    Phobia opened a door made of sand-wood. It had carvings of shells in it, and a few sea birds, as well.

    The inside of the room, the flooring was an appealing shade of sand-wood, with a large rug that cover half of the room, which had the remarkable design of sea creatures, big and small, not tacky-looking in the least.

    The walls carried a lovingly color of blue, with some pictures of beach scenes on the walls, a few of the pictures containing beach-umbrellas.

    It had a bathroom connected to it, and a telivision in it too. It had a king-sized white bed with matching creme-colored sheets.

    The t.v was directly in front of the bed, on the wall.

    "Enjoy."Phobia said, quietly as she walked in a different direction to show Axel her room.​
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Panda Face
    ooc: yay! xD how am i to start though? :3
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Panda Face
    *gigglesnort* hi-larious!
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 16, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  10. Panda Face
  11. Panda Face

    May I join? :3

    Name: Yuuku Arisu (Alice) Nai
    Job: Secret Female Ninja
    Ability: Mild strength, stealth, speed, can walk on walls, katana wielding, advanced archery, master of the way of the crane (kung fu).
    Personality: Kind, caring, slightly shy, semi-quiet, loves children, a bit of a rebel. Her father (King of the World "Mishap" ) attempts to make her more "lady-like" and tries to set her up for arranged marriages. So far, most of them get pissed off by her, but one of them wants her because she has "spunk" (ew.)

    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Panda Face
  13. Panda Face
    xD my ex-step-brother loved that song! i HAVE watched night at the museum 2! did you guys know those 3 cupids were played by the jonas brothers?
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 15, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  14. Panda Face
    AWWWWW! I feel so loved! ;-; :glomp: izz okay, i love you both. (no homo.)
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 15, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  15. Panda Face
    *rises from the dead*i was only predicting the predictable. it shall happen. v.v X___________________x *dies once again*
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 15, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  16. Panda Face
  17. Panda Face
    Markie grinned, and raised one eye-brow.

    "Hmm? Like what?" Markie looked back at her new friend.
    "Anything strange?"
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Panda Face
  19. Panda Face
  20. Panda Face
    Phobia walked over a small desk, and pulled out a pair of keys.

    "How about I show you guys to your rooms? I have pretty good taste, so I'm sure you won't be disappointed."
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home