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  1. Panda Face
    ooc: cuz i like it big! its easy to read. 8D

    Markie blushed when she felt lips apon her own.

    Markie was even more surprised when she felt herself kissing back.

    'Gah! What am I doing! Damned hormones!'

    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Panda Face
    Nai got up and slowly left her room, to "meet" one of her courters.

    She entered the room, and sat behind a shoji door.

    Only the shadow of herself and her "courter" could be seen.

    "Who might you be, that my family finds you worthy of even speaking to me?"

    She heard the man gasp, and breath deeply before answering.
    "I am Tommi Nao. I am a great warrior of the Yakuza, and wish to ask for your hand."

    "Then you truly know nothing, Mister Tommi. My hand is mine to give, and I do not wish for a weakling to be my husband. Good-bye Mister Tommi."

    Outside of the room, a gun-shot was heard, and a figure leaving the sliding door was seen.

    The figure walked up to a maid.
    "Please clean up the mess. Mister Tommi's contract has been closed, and I'd like him to be burned."Boredly mumbled Nai.

    Nai's grandfather shook his head. "This is why she'll never be married. Can't stand idle chatter and stupid underlings."
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Panda Face
    Phobia smiled at Axel, and led him to his room.

    The door had carvings of all the elements, and in the center, a whisp of fire.

    The door-knob was a burnt bronze color.

    She opened the door to reveal cherry-tree wood on the floor, with a rug in the center of the room, depicting the story of how the elements came to be.

    A large honey-colored bed with red trimmings sat on the farthest wall. It had White and gold sheets, with little whisps of fire here and there.

    The bed post was made of a dark oak.

    The walls had frames of paintings, each depicting some image of fire.

    A burning torch, a blue-fire burning bush, A flame of different colors of golds and reds.

    It had a large entertainment center made of dark oak, with a flat screen t.v.

    The bathroom too had gold and red bits all over, bringing the entire room together.

    "I hope this room is to your liking." Phobia sent a grin his way.​
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Panda Face
    Profile Post

    your welcome. xD

    your welcome. xD
    Profile Post by Panda Face for Finale, Jun 19, 2009
  5. Panda Face
    ooc: recap please? :D

    Nai sat in her room, drinking her jasmine tea.
    She frowned at the recent reports of her lowers' missions.

    'Poor. Very poor. If something doesn't get done soon, heads will roll.'
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Panda Face
  7. Panda Face
    Markie raised a delicate eye-brow, but closed her eyes anyways. "I don't see what this has to do with anything..."
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Panda Face
  9. Panda Face
  10. Panda Face
    Profile Post

    hmmmmmmm... i'm okie.

    hmmmmmmm... i'm okie.
    Profile Post by Panda Face for Finale, Jun 18, 2009
  11. Panda Face
    Ari sat indian-style on a rock, and felt her new "groups" auras.

    'Hm... that "Angel" person has some pretty depressing waves... the drunkard doesn't seem too serious, but a little more carefree.
    Mr.Antonio simply reeks authority... good leader qualities....'

    Ari sighed. 'Just hope no-one expects me to be a brat... Damned high-society...'

    Ari took out one of her kunai and began to sharpen it, polishing it as well.

    She grabbed about 5 of them and began to juggle them, making sure each of them was balanced enough for combat.​
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Panda Face
    Markie raised a delicate eyebrow.
    "I don't get it. *airy chuckle* Tell me, or I'll probably kill myself from the strain of actually guessing."
    Markie gave him a slightly pleading pout.​
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Panda Face
    ooc: soon we will be able to bring out the mafia big guns!! xD but-- i think it would be only fair if the mafia leaders had a "leader meeting" every once in a while... disputeing territories.... killing terrible servants... yatta-yatta. :D
    just a suggestion.
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Panda Face
    Profile Post

    hewwo! xD :glomp:

    hewwo! xD :glomp:
    Profile Post by Panda Face for Finale, Jun 18, 2009
  15. Panda Face
  16. Panda Face
    ooc: zank you! i'm in a bit of a sadistic mood. xD
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Panda Face
  18. Panda Face
  19. Panda Face
    ooc: got it. i was only planning on being a yuffie-like ninja!! xD *drop-kicks a cockroach*

    Ari frowned.
    "Oh, but I do." Ari had a disturbed look on her face, which was replaced with a small smile.

    "Anyways, hello. I'm Yuuku Arisu Nai. Please call me Ari. Blah-blah-blah... No formalities, pleasure to meet you all..." Ari boredly waved her hand while saying this.​
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Panda Face