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  1. Panda Face
  2. Panda Face
  3. Panda Face
  4. Panda Face
    yo yo yo!! girlyz! me and LOz are baaack! xD
    Post by: Panda Face, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  5. Panda Face
  6. Panda Face
    Hey guys!
    Panda Face here! I just recently decided to make some awesome art for people!!

    I will have a waiting list and everything, so dun worry!
    I'm willing to make these for whomever asked. (unless you're one of those trollers who whine about everything.)

    i have a few examples here!

    Hope you like!

    Thread by: Panda Face, Jul 6, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. Panda Face
    "Hmm, turning the tables, are we?...Well, I like My Chemical Romance, Maximum the Hormone, Vocaloid... Me first and the Gimme-Gimmes.. and Black eyed peas. (don't ask.)"
    Markie chuckled lightly.
    "Hey-- favorite color?"
    Post by: Panda Face, Jul 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Panda Face
  9. Panda Face
    Markie squirmed slightly under his gaze, but decided to ask some random questions instead.

    ooc: *is smacked* cut me some slack!! 1am @_o


    "So, Aiden-- any band you like?"
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Panda Face
  11. Panda Face
  12. Panda Face
  13. Panda Face
    Ari pouted.
    'I'm not playing around, I was checking my kunai's balance... it's the only way to tell without stabbing someone!'

    Ari put all of her kunai away, and put a blank face on.

    "All depends on the heartless type... damned knights are bothersome with all their dancing... "Ari mumbled, recalling her last encounter with the heartless.​
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Panda Face
  15. Panda Face
    Markie looked at Aiden and sent him a grin. "If I wasn't fun, I'd be boring. And boring isn't good for buisness!"
    Markie grinned, and finished her brownie.​
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Panda Face
  17. Panda Face
    ooc: you guys need to slow down! i can't post as fast as you can! D:
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Panda Face
    well, you are welcome. :D
    Profile Post by Panda Face for Dexnail, Jun 19, 2009
  19. Panda Face
    Markie's blush died down to a light pink, and remained on her cheeks.

    "Uhhhh... *grabs brownie* How.... awkward..."Markie mumbled as she nibbled on a brownie.

    She had to admit though, the kiss was nice. And he was right. His idea was strange. In a good way.​
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Panda Face
    *le gasp* MOMMY! she said a Baaaaad word! D; *flees*
    Post by: Panda Face, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)