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  1. Panda Face
    n this Game, a hero is just a person trying to get the key for a "GOOD" purpose. While a "murderer" just wants to kill everyone else, though that will be hard.

    I fixed it, so :P
    Post by: Panda Face, Sep 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Panda Face
  3. Panda Face
  4. Panda Face
    Welcome to the land of the dead.​

    Hello. You're wondering where you are, aren't you? That's too bad. If you don't know, then why should I have to tell you? Seeing as you're "new" here, I can't leave you alone to "die", now can I? It's a shame, you know. Barley a soul noticed you were missing. A rather "big" mess you left behind. But we can focus on that later.

    I am Alizza Marie Jaques Fulle. You may call me Jack. I own this place. I own you. I hold in my hands the only chance of a second life for you, my darling little sinner.
    I am the last person who died like that you know. But you.... you're strange. You don't even know the rules of this game, do you? Shall I tell you?:
    • Do not spam
    • Only I, Jack, have the power to kill you again.
    • Superpowers are for Heros, and Weapons are for murders
    • Only I know your true name, all you have are memories
    • Reused characters are allowed
    • We will restart every TWO weeks (if the site is up)
    • Follow proper grammar rules, lest we confuse your type as an accent.
    • Alliances must be signed in BLOOD
    • Murders must attempt to kill at least ONCE
    • Heros must try to win the game.
    • Winning comes at a HIGH COST
    • Winner gets his life back
    • In the next round, the winner must be "Jack"
    • The purpose of this game is to regain life, interaction is KEY.
    • at the end of the two weeks, the current "Jack" will decide the riddle.
    • the solver of the riddle is granted the "key" to second life.
      Please remember where you are, my children. This house is only as big as you wish, and the gates are as far as you go.

      The object you seek lies not neck-to-neck, but sometimes by the heels. What have thine heart fought so hard against? Find me so close, but lose me so easy. An ask be thy killing.

      • name:
      • age:
      • height:
      • weight:
      • date of death:
      • Character description:
      • Personal qualities:
      • abilities:
      • race:

    Members of our loving Family
    • Jack
    • Steffan
    • James [Slasher]
    • Cat
    • Maggie

    Who they are
    * name: Steffan Monette "Steffi"
    * age: 23
    * height: 5'8
    * weight: 132
    * date of death: 02/25/06
    * Character description: Steffan has long black hair swept into a low ponytail, hazel eyes, and rimless glasses. He looks very innocent when smiling. Steffan has been in the land of the dead for quite a while now, and has basically gotten the gist of everything. Unfortunately, he's also become bored. A side effect of that condition has made him very.... unstable, and sometimes down right crazy. Normally, he'll zero in on someone 'weak' and become violently obsessive over them. In other words, he likes to stalk people.
    * Personal qualities: Kind, in a very deceiving way. He wont hesitate to stab someone in the back if they become ... unneeded. But very helpful to others when it also benefits himself.
    * abilities: mischief-making, manipulating other people, thievery, stalking someone.
    * race: human villain [murderer]

    * name: James 'Slasher' Saw
    * age: 19 (when died) 44
    * height: 6'1
    * weight: 152
    * date of death: 12/25/85
    * Character description: Short spiky black hair and unnaturally pale skin. Dark brown eyes and strangely white eye brows. No eye lashes. Wears a burgundy jacket and a white shirt under it. Black jeans and red trainers. He also has a bright red right arm, claiming thats where his arm got slashed however never explained how he got his right eye red.
    * Personal qualities:anti-social and self-involved. He believes all those who cant kill should be killed and is very religious to god claiming that every death is a sacrifice for a better world. He hates Christmas since he died on that day.
    * abilities: Stealth kills. He can move very fast and although physically weak he can use a knife well.
    * race: Undead Human. Evil side. [murderer]

    •name: Catherine "Cat" Mitchell
    •age: 15
    •height: 5'5
    •weight: 127 lbs.
    •date of death: 04/18/08 (it's my b-day irl)
    •Character description: Brown hair and eyes, wears jeans and a t-shirt constantly and is almost always listening to music (the song changes instantly with her mood, spooky)
    •Personal qualities: She usually keeps to herself but because of childhood troubles she will make bonds easily. They usually are broken but she doesn't care because she's smart enough to tell a liar from the real thing. She died trying to run away from drunk gang members. They had knives and well... you know the rest.
    •abilities: She can heal at will and she can sense people's aura. If they're evil they'll glow a deep red. If they're good their aura will be blue. If they're uncertain because of amnesia and such their aura will be a bright green.

    •name: Maggie O'Carroll
    •age: 14
    •height: 5 ft 4
    •weight: Umm...8 st I guess XD
    •date of death: Janurary 15th 1845
    •Character description: grubby, messy ginger hair, bags under her pale green eyes, thin, dirty and shabby looking clothes
    •Personal qualities: When she see's herself in a mirror she pictures the horror of seeing everyone she had loved dieing from the great famine in Ireland while she was the last to survive how her death had happened is unclear but all she does remember is coldness and the smell of smoke also she has no idea that she is dead all she remembers is sleeping and found herself somewhere different, she is also quiet bashful and paranoid and is easily scared.
    •abilities: Healing
    •race: ghost/Hero
    Thread by: Panda Face, Sep 25, 2010, 63 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Panda Face
    Profile Post

    I'm gooooooooooooood

    I'm gooooooooooooood
    Profile Post by Panda Face for cloud's buddy, Sep 25, 2010
  6. Panda Face
    Profile Post

    Im baaaaaaaaaaaak

    Im baaaaaaaaaaaak
    Profile Post by Panda Face for Feenie, Sep 25, 2010
  7. Panda Face
    I'm scared of being alone. Why? ---Because I never am :3
    Post by: Panda Face, Sep 25, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  8. Panda Face
    Profile Post

    I am bakkkkkkk <3

    I am bakkkkkkk <3
    Status Update by Panda Face, Sep 25, 2010
  9. Panda Face
  10. Panda Face
    Profile Post

    hey brudda-brudda.

    hey brudda-brudda.
    Profile Post by Panda Face for Finale, Jul 10, 2009
  11. Panda Face
    "Hm.... I guess I like black, white, silver, and red. ... *looks at clock* damn! It's 6 in the morning already?"
    Markie stretched her stiff muscles.
    "Want some breakfast?"

    Post by: Panda Face, Jul 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Panda Face
  13. Panda Face
    Profile Post

    g'afternoon. :D

    g'afternoon. :D
    Profile Post by Panda Face for Johnny Bravo, Jul 6, 2009
  14. Panda Face
    nope. just that little pad on a laptop. :D
    they are just examples i drew for some of my gaia-cosplaying friends.

    i'm gonna draw my gaia avatar.

    a lovely random doodle by ME! xD
    Post by: Panda Face, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  15. Panda Face
  16. Panda Face
    Profile Post

    okie bye-bye!

    okie bye-bye!
    Profile Post by Panda Face for Johnny Bravo, Jul 6, 2009
  17. Panda Face
    Profile Post

    thanken joo. :D xD

    thanken joo. :D xD
    Profile Post by Panda Face for Johnny Bravo, Jul 6, 2009
  18. Panda Face
    Profile Post

    cools. :3 :D

    cools. :3 :D
    Profile Post by Panda Face for Princess Celestia, Jul 6, 2009
  19. Panda Face
  20. Panda Face