It is quite epic. XD
XD indeed. Damn you,khv X3
Approved. You may begin :3
Misa~~~~~ :3
LOL, GO-GO-GO! Pie 'em in the FACE :3
Jack made her way back to James' room, tea tray in hand. "Cooks cookies are the best, scones better then the rest! Just an itty-bitty bite is sure to make all well and right~~" Jack chirped in a sing-song voice, opening his door slightly. "Your tea, Mister James." She put it down on top of his desk, bowing slightly. "I really hope you enjoy it."
kay'. see ya tomorrow :3
yepp <3 I am fairly easy to make happeh.
Jack sighed as one of the doors shook. "Oh, shuddap, former Jack. It's no longer your turn to play." She hissed as a knife was thrown at her feet from under the door. She jumped up, kicking the door into silence. "Vulgar, fiendish creature. Silence, lest I nail your under-toe SHUT." Jack 'tch'ed, sweeping up debris off the floor. "Cleaning is the only house-hold chore that is mine~~" She hummed.
I am simple to please :3
Jack frowned, truly saddened. "Cook will be disappointed. I will bring you some tea, then. If you need me, please don't hesitate to ask. I am only a few doors down." She quickly righted a picture hanging on the wall, and sent a small smile his way before leaving; closing the door behind her. 'Distrust is unsettling in my home. So long as he doesn't snoop 'round "Master's" things, all will be well. Jack calmly walked down the hallway, tapping , once again, on the walls-- enjoying the sound of her long-forgotten guests.
kay <3 whatever you say, brudda-brudda
LOL, they stomped on her crotch
"Dinner will be ready and waiting in the dining room,so feel free to take your time. Our cook is one of the best. He's practically dying to serve. I am Jack, by the way. The master informed me that you are....a Mister 'James?" Jack's eyes smiled at this thought. Oh how the chef would be pleased at the change of events. Of course, he was dead twice, but he was still the head cook.
sure, and I'll be sure to tell, long as yur postin. XD
it diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid DX
Orly??? Damn khv is laggin
.......pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee????? I'll make sure Gaby comes online tomorrow, so please. I'm BORED.
POST dammit.
I had like 3 RPs, and then khv decided to delete them. D;