Steel Attacked With A Combo! x2
"Fever Pitch!" Steel shouted out, causing an aura of speed to flare to life around him. He rushed forward to deliver another combo to the opponent. OC: Steel Activated Speed Aura LV.1! Steel Attacked With A Combo!
Chrys shook her head at Dentro's antics. "There are hardly enough to be having fun just yet. Stay on your guard; we have no idea how many more of these will come after this first batch." Leaping into action, she hacked her way through the remaining shadows before focusing on the last of the Neoshadows. One tried to attack her from the front, but she quickly dodged around and slashed through its torso. Others made to surround her, but she cut through them with a vicinity break that left them all severely weakened. It wasn't particularly hard to finish them off after that. Encouraged by the fact that the enemies' numbers had already been severely cut, Chrys continued to attack further, though she remained cautious. OC: AP: 4/54 Enemies Defeated: 10 Shadows 5 Neoshadows Enemies Remaining: 12 Neoshadows
Not particularly bothered with his low damage output, Steel once again dived towards the Darkside for a combo attack. "This seems to be going a bit slower than the project our new friends are working on, huh?" OC: Steel Attacked with A Combo!
Chrys took her stance and readied for battle. Since the anti-magical field was up, she had a much narrower range of tactics. She'd just have to crush them then. Rushing forward, she swung her keyblade with intense force, often splattering shadows into the pavement. Of course, their remains only vanished into thick black smoke whenever she did so. With her keyblade in reverse grip, she launched a shadow into the air with a quick swipe. Flipping her weapon into a normal grip, she sliced it as it fell back to the earth. It had perhaps never been more clear that Chrys put quite an emphasis on gravity when she was physically attacking. She swung her weapon as if it were an ax or mace, but with unrealistic speed for a style so heavily dependent on brute force. There were many heartless, but Chrys was cutting through an entire fraction of them all by herself; nearly half of the shadows were already gone. At this moment, many who knew her might stop to wonder why she chose to rely on spells so often. OC: Enemies Defeated: 27 Shadows BP: 0/54 Enemies Remaing: 33 Shadows 20 Neoshadows
"So... does it hunt for you or does it just play around with the wee kids?" Steel donned an extremely confident and menacing smirk. "Weeeeeell~" Whatever Steel was going to say to Finlay was lost to the mist of time, as things suddenly... escalated. It seemed by the end of it that the Horde of heartless had this time taken a rather more hive-like approach to confronting the lot of them. However, it was not something he could pay attention to at the moment, as the Darkside with the strange bluish tint was a far more immediate threat. With a twirl of his cape, Steel transformed into a Ninja and with a flick of his wrist he summoned Starseeker. With his regular eye covered, Steel glared up at the Darkside through the eye of the storm. "I'm not bad at hunting actually!" His shout was a response to Finlay, but it also served as the start of a ferocious attack. He charged the beast and leapt high into the air before unleashing a combo of furious blows in an unrelenting torrent. For indeed, just as it seemed he was done, he burst back into action, slicing at the Darkside's head for an inordinate amount of time overall. Steel attacked with a combo x2!
Chrys stepped through the portal, finding herself in the suburb. "Well, better get going. We've got people waiting on us." She began the trek into the city, Koa and Dentro following closely behind. Silently, she wondered what type of people they might meet in this new world.
It was with shock, Steel could admit, that he fell to the ground with Ananta in need of assistance mere feet away. It seemed that Finlay had finally reached him, and at the worst possible time. So while Ananta was shooting him desperate looks for aid, he had two axes at his neck. Charming, this Finlay character. He wasn't exactly one to talk himself of course. Still, Ananta was pretty much right there and the only reason she was safe was that she was lucky enough to not have had her head chopped off when Finlay had been distractedly cleaving everything that was within range as he waited for a response. Having been rendered useless as the fight drifted to an end, Steel sighed once again at the superfluousness that was him. "I'm an Artisian, and I came with the others. Can I get up now, or is this the part where I become 'a fine trophy mounted on your wall?'" His voice dripped with sarcasm, but he certainly believed that the man above him had the motivation to kill with little reason or provocation. He could fight back, but... well those axes were awfully close, and things happened. It wasn't as if he hadn't died before, but there was a very real possibility that it could be permanent this time. That just put a damper on everything. "For Christ Sakes Finlay, I can't look away for one battle can I? Stop trying to kill the pet and maybe focus more on the heartless. Steel is harmless enough, and if he needs another good beating I can handle that. This is not what I brought you for!" Ah, Karina. "You see there? I'm the pet. 'Woof woof.' Fido doth wanteth a cracker or some other."
"Can I help you, sir?" Steel shouted to the distant form of the strange Viking madman that had been shouting his own name earlier. Finlay, it would seem. The barbarous Norseman seemed to have fixed his focus on Steel for some reason and was dashing towards him whilst he cackled madly and slaughtered every heartless in his path. It was a lot like looking in a mirror in several ways, though insanity was no longer his current state. Of course, that didn't exactly make it any less unsettling. As he stabbed at an errant Neoshadow trying to sneak up on him and swung around his weapon to decapitate another, Steel calmly pondered what he had done to gain the man's violent brand of attention. Since it was a Viking, he probably just wanted Steel's pelt on his wall or some such. He sighed as the berserker continued to storm towards him. He just sort of stood there waiting... and eviscerating all the heartless that came near his location, but waiting patiently for his addressee to respond, nevertheless. OC: Words: 177 EXP: 17 Total EXP: 557 Enemies Defeated: 9 Neoshadows Enemies Remaining: 331 Neoshadows 402 Darkballs
Well, events sure had taken an interesting turn. Karina was back, Luna was crying with some guy who was apparently her fiance, and the battle had become considerably more rampage-y. It seemed that things were looking up for everyone else. That wasn't to say that his day had suddenly taken some kind of awful turn just as everyone else's started to get better, it was just that the events going down elsewhere in the horde of black soupy evil had little effect on him overall. He himself was also of considerably little consequence to the others as well. The two variables could be described, in a word, as 'superfluous.' It wasn't as if he didn't matter at all, or that they didn't matter to him, it was merely that his presence was... optional. While he was sure the others would likely show at least some degree of worry were he to abruptly vanish into smoke, the fact remained that his aid was more like a nice bonus prize than something that was actually required. Likewise, his knowledge of the others' goings-on was something that, while not worthless to him in the least, was something that had little bearing on the fight or really any of their missions. It was just as so that he was practically ignored by them as much as he showed little interests in talking to them. Completely Superfluous. To that end, he could definitely see Ananta's point about him needing to make more friends. Still, he was hardly a master conversationalist. It wasn't as if he had a fair amount of friends growing up... in his alternate life. No one had even noticed he was there until he had 'died' and of course at that point he had more pressing matters to deal with. Still, he had found a way to make friends with some of them... before he had gone... completely off the wall insane. Then said thing happened and... He was superfluous. One hundred percent. He was okay with that. He had grown up being ignored by people literally inches away from him: People who just... couldn't comprehend the seemingly simple fact that he was there and who constantly had to be reminded of his name whenever he addressed them. He was grateful for the fact that at least these people wouldn't forget his name the second he looked away. It wasn't as if he was the only that of needless excess around here. Like his Aura for example. The water aura that he was currently using was not necessary in any way. It was just being added for flavor text as he ripped through the horde of Neoshadows intent on his painful and torturous death. Superfluous. Like him using the words 'painful' and 'torturous' to describe his theoretical death at the hands of the heartless and the fact that it was the kind of death that they wished to cause. Superfluous. [It is at this point that the reader would be made aware of a certain type of statement that would belong within these brackets. A statement of which the nature would be unnecessarily lengthy and without real purpose. The statement stating this, however, would be considerably short under normal circumstances, though in this circumstance the statement is needlessly long and, in essence, pointless. Further, the text would indicate that the text inserted, in fact, could, should, and would be completely superfluous. As such, one could argue that the brackets themselves are even less than superfluous, as everything within them is, essentially, without meaning, and thus embellishes nothing. However, as the text and brackets are indeed there, as is the text, the brackets are altogether merely unnecessary excess, rather than being altogether unnecessary. The speech to be inserted therein is equally superfluous.] OC: Words: 629 EXP: 60 Total EXP: 540 Enemies Defeated: That information is Superfluous when combined with the data provided below. Enemies Remaining: 816 Neoshadows 882 Darkballs
I'll always be the 1%.
After the Master came by, Chrys quickly made to get ready. She didn't know who all would be there, or just where they were going yet, but keeping everyone waiting wasn't really high on her list of priorities. Leaving out the front door of the "Earthbound Papa," Chrys briskly made for the center of Daybreak Town to meet with the others.
"Thank you, Master." Chrys bowed politely. "We'll report back to you tomorrow morning. Have a good evening." With that simple comment, she turned around and effectively exited the conversation. She also found herself leaving the building shortly after, heading in the general direction of where she remembered the inn to be. Chrys walked in silence, something that had become commonplace for her. As she trailed down the road, her thoughts turned once again to her brother, as well as to the situation she had found herself in. She found herself wondering, not for the first time, why her brother hadn't been the one to gain a Keyblade. As one who was once a crystal, he surely was possessed of a stronger light and purer heart than she was. Surely the mystical blade, in its wisdom, could see that his brother was just as much a living being as she was. Surely it could feel that he had a heart of his very own? Then again, she supposed she didn't know what exactly had happened to her brother after the two of them were separated. She supposed he could very well have a Keyblade of his own... wherever he was. Eventually, she found herself at the inn, sporting a large sign that read: "The Earthbound Papas." What the heck was up with that? "The Black Mages" had at least made sense. This new establishments name was something she found completely confusing... yet she somehow felt that this one would also be a band name. Go figure. With a shrug of her shoulders, Chrys went inside to get a room for the night.
I do really like the ideas of the treasure planet -esque environment, as well as airship adventure. What I really like though is the idea of each player having their own team to control. It would be interesting if every character had a unique ability that would help in certain situations, or if the player had to pick from certain classes of characters. It could be a competitive Rp or one where everyone has to actively work together. Having 3 to 5 characters might be a bit much for some people though. Definitely a more advanced roleplay. There's also the other ideas I expressed before though along the line of other RP story concepts. Having unique weapons with ties to the story, for example. It could definitely be a magic artifact type of deal, or maybe it just has some hidden plot device, like a map. One idea that sticks out to me though is with objects that are indeed magical and they go looking for the smith who forged them, who seems to have vanished either recently or some time ago. A very fantasy setting. My rp ideas are very fantasy cliche, but then again I'm pretty sure that extends beyond into all my ideas, so.
Just as foretold, the fight ahead was indeed nowhere near as simple as casting an ice spell. His opponent was certainly making its type clear enough, to be certain. Every swipe of a sword or flick of a wrist was immediately countered with a second-tier fire spell. So yes, Steel had not at all gone wrong assuming elements based on color coordination, as his opponent was indeed what one would call "fire aligned." Unless one was a police officer, in which case they would more likely be calling the heartless an "arsonist." Whatever ones social class and the resulting impact on what they would call his opponent, one could certainly agree that a great many fire attacks were being used. So while a single ice spell in itself should in no way be powerful enough to end the fight, one would think it would have an effect of some kind. But alas, any Blizzara sent the fiends' way vanished harmlessly once it met the fiery red cloak. Spells that did more elementally neutral damage met with the same fate. In fact, he was even starting to suspect that his opponent was somehow absorbing the spells to maintain its energy levels. He would have to try sticking to physical attacks, but every time he got close he was blasted in the face with more fire. As yet another flaming sphere careened toward him, Steel swung at it with all his might, not really intending to avoid damage more than anything else. However, the fire spell bounced back towards its user and... did damage. Steel could only gap rather gracelessly as the fiend actually reeled back a bit at making contact with the spell. Shaking himself out of his stupor, Steel considered to himself that basing ones entire style of fighting around the one and only effective combat variable was a very misleading way to fight... and not at all something a heartless would be able to pull off to quite this extent, even if they thought of it. Covering one's own weak point via augments, though... Augments resembling accessories such as, say, a cloak? With renewed vigor, Steel dashed towards his opponent in hopes of preventing his enemy from recovering. He plunged his Keyblade into the monsters' chest before ripping open the cloak. The subsequent blast of ice did noticeably more damage, as the Invisible began shrieking as it was slowly frozen over. With his enemy's weakness exposed, Steel figured now was a good a time as any to unleash his new power. "Splash Dash." He muttered the words quietly, not particularly caring about the fact that he felt somewhat ridiculous saying such words in the middle of what had thus far been a rather intense confrontation. Nevertheless, the effect was immediate. As tears began to flow from his blighted eye, they trailed down his face and arm towards his Keyblade, continuing to come forth in a flowing torrent rather than dissipating. It wasn't long before his weapon was coated in water. His arm was also in the condition that it would be quite soaked under normal circumstances, as the slightly glowing liquid was a continuous stream from his eye to his sword. As the water flowed into his enemy, still impaled on the end of his blade, he pumped in several more Blizzara's leaving it only a matter of time before the heartless vanished. Turning to his final opponent, he found the summoner gathering several shadows around it. "Heck. No." Not wanting to face another group of enemies like the one he had just obliterated so soon, Steel rushed forward. Slashing at the new opponents, dressed as dolls of all things, a surge of water splashed up as he cut through his own wake. Impaling the summoner in much the same way he had the fire fiend, Steel instead pumped a Thundaga spell into the water around them, drastically damaging the final of his more notable opponents. With a few more sparks, the summoner was finally vanquished. OC: Words: 667 EXP: 60 Total EXP: 480 Enemies Defeated: 7 Shadows 1 Neoshadow 1 Invisible Enemies Remianing: 109 Shadows 54 Darkballs 55 Neoshadows
Steel was in a predicament. While he had been dealing with the threat of the wind-based Invisible, the water one had apparently been gathering enough energy for a gigantic tidal wave. Yeah, he hadn't really been able to find an effective way to dodge that as he was now... Now coughing and sputtering, he lamented that he had not paid more attention to the turtle-like entity earlier. He doubted the shell could be penetrated very easily, but leaving it to its own devices had clearly been a mistake. Speaking of which, the stop spell on the earth Invisible should have worn off at that point. Gathering a Firaga spell in his hand, Steel allowed only a moment for the heat to dry him out a bit before tossing it rather unceremoniously at the first of the three fiends. Thankfully, after a whoosh and a piercing shriek, the heartless disintegrated into smoke and dust. As if the antics of the other two weren't enough, the last thing he needed was someone throwing stop spells at him. With the first of the threats neutralized, he turned his attention back to the other two heartless. Just in time, it seemed, for he had almost taken a sword to the face. He dodged to the side as the wind fiend came at with an indignant fury. However, Steel suspected that while he was avoiding being filleted, the water fiend was likely charging up for another tidal wave. He took a peek when he could and sure enough, there was more water cascading around a lone shell. Since he definitely didn't feel like nearly drowning again anytime soon, Steel blasted the wind fiend with a Graviga spell. Whilst it was being comically flattened into the ground, he sent a Thundaga spell towards the water fiend. The idea was that the electricity would course through the water and be channeled into the heartless. He knew his idea had hit the mark once the water abruptly dissipated with no signs of recondensing. With both of his opponents down, Steel would give them no chance to recover. Blasting out another Thundaga spell, he smirked with satisfaction as the second of his opponents vanished into the dark aether from whence heartless came. Turning back to the fiend in the strange, long, blonde wig, he charged with full force as it only just raised its blade in defense. Rather than remain in the blade lock for overlong, Steel instead chose to snap at its face with his particularly sharp teeth. This distracted it long enough for him to kick it into the air, a kick that was quite imbued with the natural force of his speed. It would be up there for awhile. Whilst that particular problem was ascending at breakneck speeds, he took a moment to place seeker mines on the ground around him. Looking back up at the sky, Steel carefully timed his next spell just as the Invisible was reaching the apex of its ascension height. It was a Graviga spell. The wind fiend came careening down even faster than it had ascended, and Steel backflipped away to avoid being caught in the explosion that resulted from his enemy smashing into the volatile magic at near sonic speeds. So that was three down, in addition to all the additional heartless caught in all of his various blasts. That left just one more of the four fiends remaining, along with the summoner. As he turned towards the two, the Invisible in the red cloak stepped forward to meet his challenge. Steel himself took his stance as the two squared off, going through his combat options silently. The color of the cloak at first glance implied a fire-based opponent, but he felt himself lacking any confidence that he could end this with a quick ice spell. OC: Words: 637 EXP: 60 Total EXP: 420 Enemies Defeated: 7 Shadows 3 Invisibles Enemies Reserved: Neoshadow (Rydia) Invisible (Rubicante) Enemies Remaining: 272 Shadows 153 Darkballs 128 Neoshadows (1 Reserved) 1 Invisible (1 Reserved)
Chrys giggled at Dentro and Avra's antics. Though the sound came out wet and strangled due to the leftover tears, her spirit felt considerably lighter. She was truly fortunate to have met the Light Chaser and made friends with the people who sat with her now. They were right of course; she needed to keep moving forward. She had all of them beside her, and together they would make the worlds a better place. A better place for all of their friends and families. "Yeah. Thanks, guys."
Of the four Invisibles, only three of them charged. The remaining one hung back to guard the summoner. The blue turtle Invisible was the only one that attacked him directly. The one with the strange wig wrapped itself in a tornado, shockingly enough. The brown, earthen one just stood wallowing in the disgusting stench of its own rotting flesh... wait, did it have flesh? He put the thought aside as he blocked the sword of his chelonian nemesis, quickly becoming locked in combat. As the two exchanged blows, Steel noticed the watery aura emanating from the blade and broke the near stalemate with a Thundaga spell. As it reeled to recover, Steel launched a Firaga spell in the direction of the undead threat. He was correct in assuming its weakness, thankfully. It was sending strangely mixed signals, what with being undead, yet earth? Undead were usually damaged by fire though. However, it was most certainly the proper weakness, since the Invisible let out a deep, angry bellow as the putrid stench of it's now burning flesh(?) could be smelled quite clearly even from his position some distance away. However, the counter tactic of a careening orb flying towards him from so far away was a far more unexpected development. Not wanting to risk getting hit, regardless of the spells' nature, Steel cartwheeled to the side. It was very fortunate he did too, as the spell that sailed past was one that was all too familiar to him. It was a stop spell. An extremely basic one, with no purpose other than to slow the target. Nevertheless, he was not intending to let his opponents put even the smallest dent in his flow of motion. Even the slightest disadvantage was not one he was willing to take on, nor was it probable to be one he could afford. So he decided to blast the fiend with his own, more potent, stop spell. With the first fiend now frozen in time, he threw another Firaga spell its way before turning back to the blue turtle one. It seemed that it had decided to hide out in its shell rather than counter-attack him. Said shell was now beginning to flow around the shells perimeter. He decided he did not like the look of that, but it seemed that it would have to wait. The third fiend was now launching lesser aero spells at him from within the comfy confines of its tornado shelter. Thinking quickly, Steel jumped onto a nearby Darkball. It hadn't really been threatening him at the moment, but he needed the extra height. As it struggled in vain to escape whatever plans he had in store for it, he executed said plan with a continuous downward stream of fire as he jumped up into the air. This quickly launched him into the sky while simultaneously destroying the Darkball. He wasn't able to maintain his angle for too long, but it was long enough. From his now much higher position, Steel canceled the Firaga and slowly began his downward plunge. Readying his blade, he slashed another Darkball as it drew just a bit too close. While he hadn't gone absurdly high, he had certainly gone high enough to pick up plenty of speed as he fell, momentum which the fiend felt full force when its face was bashed in with Steel's Keyblade. The attack from above had left the master completely untouched by the tornado, a construct that now evaporated like water in a volcano. The invisible collapsed as well, and Steel's landing nearby obstructed by a shadow that was quickly crushed underfoot. Looking around, Steel could see that he had done quite a bit of damage, but there was still more fighting to be done with these three. OC: Words: 628 EXP: 60 Total EXP: 360 Heartless Defeated: 1 Shadow 2 Darkball Injured: Shadow: 1/3 Invisible (Scarmiglione): 25/50 Invisible (Cagnazzo): 25/50 Invisible (Barbariccia): 25/50 Reserved: Neoshadow (Rydia) Invisible (Scarmiglione) Invisible (Cagnazzo) Invisible (Barbariccia) Invisible (Rubicante) Remaining: 623 Shadows 292 Darkballs 279 Neoshadows (1 Reserved) 9 Invisibles (4 Reserved)
As he once again shoved the paladin Neoshadow away from him, Steel felt immensely grateful that he had already dealt with the white mage. The paladin had some healing magic of its own, but it was nowhere near as powerful. As he dodged out of the way of the dragoon's spear he decided that he was also extremely happy to not have the ninja to deal with. It had gone down surprisingly easy, but he wasn't going to be one to look a gift horse, or rather a complete and total failure at coordination, in the mouth. As he dodged a fireball from the one in green his thoughts took more of an analytical turn. By its behavior so far, he might assume it was a black mage. However, the ornamentation and color of the robes suggested something... different. In Steel's honest opinion, the less unforeseen surprises he had to deal with the better. This thought prompted him to launch himself forwards to where the unknown mage had been blasting out spells. Unfortunately, no sooner had he gone in for a strike when he was blocked by the sudden appearance of the paladin. Both Steel and his blade bounced backward at the abrupt halt, he only barely recovered in time to block the opponents' next blow, which sent him flying. Recovering in mid-air, Steel used his momentum to fling himself around an incoming tree and shoot himself back in his opponents' direction. His blade struck the spear of the dragoon in midflight, and the two began a brief attempt at a duel, with Steel doing reversals away from the dragoons' kicks and thrusts. His own stab was parried and knocked away, and he found his Keyblade sliding off of the weapons of both his opponents as he met to counter them both left and right. The two eventually coordinated their attacks to both come for him at once, and he found himself in a three-way blade lock. As he pushed them both away and ducked under their attempts at counters, Steel twirled around in a spin slash to sweep them both off their feet. Directly afterward he cast a seeker mine spell, knocking them both further into the air. Of course, the shadows were not very fond of how their larger brethren were being treated and were beginning to pour in from all around him. As the two Neoshadows were falling began to reach the ground, he charged two Thundaga spells in his hands before blasting them out to his sides. This took out many of the smaller heartless before they even remotely began to form a relevant problem and significantly damaged the Neoshadows to boot. The paladin, all but defeated on the ground, found itself impaled on the end of the Artisan Shard, as well as frozen in a block of ice. The dragoon, recovering more quickly, attempted to surprise him with a spear from behind while his back was turned. It did not foresee the Keyblade Master suddenly shoving it's frozen comrade into the path of its weapon. With the paladin down and vanishing from his Keyblade, Steel dispatched the dragoon with a flick of his wrist. Turning his attention back to the Neoshadow in green, Steel saw that it was now accompanied by an invisible... covered in grotesque earth-like tendrils. It had a strange, skull-like face that was rather unpleasant to look upon, and it seemed that it was being... controlled by the Neoshadow!? It suddenly struck him with absolute horror: A Summoner. It began gathering even more Invisibles around it, infusing them with unique attributes. One with a turtle-like shell, another with... a blonde wig? The fourth and final one came began forming a menacing red cloak with several blue spots, sitting high above the other three. Well, this would certainly be something, wouldn't it? OC: Words: 639 EXP: 60 Total EXP: 300 Enemies Defeated: 16 Shadows 2 Neoshadows Enemies Remaining: 1451 Shadows 337 Darkballs 381 Neoshadows (1 Reserved) 20 Invisibles (4 Reserved) 1 Darkside Enemies With Injuries: Darkside 2: 1206/1500 Invisible: 22/50
Surprised this isn't already bouncing with activity after two days. I guess I'll start us off. To just get the ball rolling, I will bring forward some rather cliche ideas, such as "Questing" and "Ancient Artifacts." The setting, of course, could be anything from medieval to sci-fi. The artifacts also do not necessarily have to be magical. Perhaps we could have a storyline tied into special unique weapons that the players have? It's something to think about. So how about it? More suggestions guys? Don't leave poor Lord Krowls out in the cold.