Overall, his reappearance seemed to be well received. He supposed for them it was enough that he just wasn't dead. He could relate to an extent; he was glad they were all still alive too. Of course, Ria just had to walk in and kill the mood. "You already know how I feel about all this." He said as the rest of L.I.G.H.T. dropped into Mora's getaway route one by one. "Beep, Boop, I'm not a robot. CPU 2's turn, and all that." He emphasized his numeral pin on the last line before jumping down after the others. He was not afraid of a possible trap this time. While he was a bit upset about last time he had been overly cautious, but that wasn't really why. It was more just that there was a lack of options.It was either stay in the house and do nothing, leave through the front door and die, or take a possible trap with the chance to live. Not much of a choice really. Besides; the chances of Mora trapping them at this point seemed... low.
"Right." Aria was taking a severe beating, and while Chrys had the means to keep her going for awhile longer, the younger girl was right. She had the means to end this here and now, so there was absolutely no reason why she shouldn't. With a quick nod to her partner, Chrys ran towards the Darkside. With a leap and a slash, Chrys performed a blitz attack and the opponent reeled back. "That should do it!" LVL: 40 HP: 59/100 AP: 0/54(+10)
"Often enough." Chrys shrugged in response shortly before the monsters' attack. The shock wave was fairly damaging, but Chrys managed to recover with a quick back flip. As her feet hit the ground with a loud 'thud' sound, she bore witness to the Darkside attempting to summon Shadows to it's aide... only to fail. "Good, It can't call for reinforcements!" With that exclamation, she leaped forward and attacked. Four powerful strikes to the creatures head were promptly delivered, before she made a tactical retreat and shifted her attention to Aria. "You're okay, right?" LVL: 40 HP: 72/100 AP: 14/54
After being welcomed aboard by Qrow and the plane's subsequent takeoff, Braden sat in silence as the other students began listing off their woes. The first student seemed woefully ignorant of just how important a distraction was, or even that the teachers had been evacuating other students. Their 'backup' came from numerous places, such as the Hunter who had pulled the two teams away from that wreck, as well the Guardian that had stepped in to fight in their stead once evacuation was done. The second student equally lacked perspective, though he was far more optimistic. The third student seemed to compensate for the lack of the former at least. "Well, I think it's important you understand you were all at risk there..." His face gave a small smile, betraying none of his inner thoughts. "...But I do think it's good to consider that you are all still alive as your friend said. Live to fight another day, and all that." He gave a somewhat sheepish shrug. "Though I admit I was no help at all. I apologize for that."
There was certainly a large number of Cybugs. Tons really. Oodles. They were swarming. Fighting was getting a bit challenging with so few of them to fight the horde. Jumping around the area was getting a bit tiresome, what with having to constantly find new angles and such from which to shoot. Though, a good few thankfully managed to be obliterated when Ralph crashed through earlier. That... yeah that happened. He shot at yet another Techno-menace as he turned to his partner. "You holding up okay?"
While the others had been fighting the Darkside, Chrys had continued to fight off the legions of shadows that spawned around them. It seemed that the rest of L.I.G.H.T. had yet to notice him. According to Cerdic though, the Darkside should be just about done. "I've got it." Zooming around to the front of their mutual opponent, Chrys slammed his foot down on the final step to create a small anti-gravitational field, causing several smaller shadows to drift into the air. He lifted his keyblade and cast another spell: Stop. Now frozen in mid-air, the shadows positioned into stepping stones that he swiftly navigated up to the beast' head. His first order of business was to do a quick slice as he sped towards his target, followed by him grabbing one of the creature's dreadlocks as he passed. Using the momentum, he flipped himself up and over it for a crushing quick blitz. Maintaining his grip, He dragged the creature down to the ground with him, slamming it's face against the surface. He finished it off with an overhead blow.
"Watch out!" Chrys warned Aria as she turned to face the source of the shadow looming over them. The two had evidently been far too busy examining the backdrop and it's ruination in contrast to rest of the world they currently resided in. Summoning Forgotten Flower, she made ready for the first attack. Hoping to draw attention for long enough for the weaker Aria to get a clear shot, Chrys leapt straight for the creatures' head. Knowing her target to be this brand of heartless' weakness, the Chaser hit it fast and hard. LVL: 40 HP: 100 AP: 14/54
Steel's question was not immediately met with a response, but that didn't bother him. He instead to continue to shoot at the seemingly endless hordes of disgusting, apocalyptic alien bugs that were encroaching upon them. It was certainly a challenge to find weak points on enemies that had consumed more resilient materials. He wondered how players normally handled that sort of thing. He and Glen would have to come up with something. There was the possibility of magic, but, Steel was cautious of using much of it. If the Sergent didn't already know they were from outside the game, magic would only make it more obvious. Though he wasn't sure if they were really focusing on hiding it at this point, since this was part of the test, and the were off world and technically game jumping? Plus there was the players to consider. What would people do if they saw that one day some of the NPC's could randomly fire off bolts of lighting and shards of ice only for there to be no trace of it in the system the next day? This was a more complicated situation than it looked like on the surface.
Just as Chrys strayed out from under his shelter, the swarming horde immediately converged... upon his newly arrived allies. Some made for him too, of course, but the amount was considerably lesser. Summoning Light Seeker with a flick of his wrist, Chrys flipped the weapon to his preferred reverse stance before charging into the fray. He wasted no time in casting some Zero Gravity magic, rendering several of his opponents temporarily helpless as he leapt to attack from above. It was a strange form of combat that he was using, he realized, as it was like wielding an axe or large mace in reverse grip. A feat that would normally require a much larger amount of skill and precision than he possessed... at least currently. However, the size and shape of the keyblade made it considerably easier on him, allowing for the blocks, parry's, and nimble twirls that he could normally only dream of performing while using such a stance. His battle style, it seemed, was to somehow be precise in the manner of which he smashed his opponents. A style that was aided by his debilitation magic. Speaking of such, he cast a stop spell as he evaded an attacking shadow, leaping into the air once more to remove himself from the direct center of the active crowd. It seemed they all had quite the fight ahead of them.
"Of course, Master." This time, Chrys bowed to the Light Chaser. "We'll handle it right away." She turned to face her new charge. "Won't we?" She gave a gentle smile that was somewhere between playful and encouraging. She was glad that things were starting off on the right foot with Aria. Heaven knows her quiet nature was a safeguard against her foolhardy tongue. She had a tendency to be a bit too free with her words when they left her mouth, and... well it could cause problems. One in particular came to mind, but she couldn't be worried about that now. She was here, she had a new acquaintance, and they were going out to fight heartless at her master's command. That was all that mattered at the moment.
Ignoring the fact that some kind of phenomenon intervention seemed to have occurred, Steel began shooting at the Cybugs, rather than an observer that probably wasn't even present anymore. Taking aim, he carefully avoided shooting into the mouths of the Cybugs to best of his ability: Though the surrounding chaos was making it into something of a challenge. He delivered a special head-shot to the Cybug that he was positive had been the one to shrug at him earlier in that... other... possibility. It's sharp death squeal was accompanied by a sense of satisfaction within him. "How are you holding up?" He questioned Glen.
"No, questions master!" Chrys answered the Light Chaser with a soft smile and a salute that was somewhere between playful and serious. "She'll be safe with me." She continued in her soft voice as she stuffed her hands into the pockets of her hoodie. "You have nothing to worry about." Turning from her master, Chrys instead turned her focus to her new charge. "It was Aria, right?" Her smile remained, though it now seemed somewhat nervous, and she didn't seem to quite want to look the other girl in the eyes. "Like the master said, my name is Chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemum Light." She removed one hand from it's resting place to instead scratch the back of her head in further show of apprehension at introducing herself. "Though most of the others just call me 'Chrys'." While lowering her hand, she seemed to come to some form of realization before shoving it towards Aria rather suddenly in a manner as to propose a handshake. "It's nice to meet you!"
After Glen and Leo's... unique showdown, Steel saw his partner give him a nod: The signal. Raising his gun and taking aim, He delivered a quick head shot. The fake Karina fell to the ground and dissipated into pixels like it's counterpart. "There we go, done." Steel commented to himself in a rather pleased tone as he watched... in eerie silence. Looking around, everyone seemed to be looking at him. Everyone. Soldiers, Ralph... even Cybugs and the Sergent herself. "What?" A nearby Cybug moved it's appendages in a such a way as to convey a... shrug? Suddenly and without explanation, Steel understood. "Oh I see... so that wasn't flashy enough for you?" He held his weapon towards the crowd. "I can show you flashy!" The battle resumed without a single further movement from him.
Name: Chrysanthemum Light Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: Another Light... Keyblade: Forgotten Flower Homeworld: Garden of Rivers Master: Personality: Chrysanthemum Light is a soft spoken, yet friendly and curious individual. She loves to see other worlds and meet new people; even if she is hard pressed to introduce herself and doesn't actively contribute, she greatly enjoys being around and watching others. Other: "He'll probably hate me for this, but... I guess you can call me Chrys."
With Ria gone, and the Darkside pounding against the shield outside, Chrystopher Light turned over the dark creature's speech in his mind again and again. The dim lighting of the shack perfectly reflected his mood, which was to say... silent. It was a strange word to use to describe one's mood, but Ria hadn't exactly been wrong about him "Shutting off." It had always been a tendency of his to think about things more logically, even when he was just a kid... now that he thought about it... Spoiler: Built MOM! The little girl's voice rang out through the hall. Her desperate attempt to get her mother's attention ringing out through the entire section of the palace. A few servants gave a brief peek at the commotion as the young girl began to tug at her mothers dress, doing her best to tug her towards the room that she and a boy her age had been playing in. "He took my toy Mom! You have to tell him to give it back!" A young Chrystopher Light peeked out the door as he continued to fiddle with the reason he had incurred the girls' wrath. It was just a simple toy: A rubicks cube that his sister had been dead set on solving. He hadn't intended to be rude, but he had been promised a turn, and her allotted time had been exceeded. So he figured he would take it, then either solve it or try until his own time was up. Then he would just put it back how it was and leave her to it. His sister had been less than cooperative with that idea. "Now dear, we talked about this: You need to learn to share with your brother! Surely it's been half an hour by now?" The girl was visibly distraught with that answer. "..But you said he wasn't even really my brother!" The boy's hands froze, but he remained silent. "You said he was just some thing that Daddy had built by the-" "Now Shush!" Her mother interrupted harshly as she glanced around to make sure no one had heard. Chrystopher had retreated back into the room unseen by both of his "family members." The cube was left on the floor half solved. "He's living with us, and he's flesh and blood just like you." He went to find a different toy to play with. That hadn't been the first time he had heard such things from his "mother" and "father", but it had hurt that even the young girl had not thought of him as family, despite being raised together. That was long ago though. He had come to terms with the fact that he was... something else. Though he still wasn't quite sure what. Still though, perhaps his behavior had nothing to do with his darkness: Maybe he really was some kind of computer. Implications of his past aside, the memory made him angry at Ria. Not because he been right though. No, like he said he had honestly accepted it to the point he had actually not even thought about it when he had woken up in that cave with the others. It made him angry because it was proof of Ria's arrogance, ignorance, and hypocrisy. Though it was true that he still did not know much in the way of Ria's true goals, so perhaps it was hypocritical himself to be judging Ria's ignorance. The fact was that Chrys quite simply didn't have a family, and any friends he may have did not remember and were unremembered in return. So here was Ria, a part of Aevum, the man who actively betrayed his so called friends in return for dark power that surely no good could come of, lecturing a man with nothing to lose about not standing by to let friends and family get hurt. It made him both angry... and amused. The bit about not wasting a second brought the old saying to mind; haste makes waste. Clearly he had been patient enough to meticulously plan out events so far... and yet was clearly in all too big of a hurry to toss them all aside... or perhaps he wanted them by his side forever, seeing as how he had been absorbing them all one by one. He had grown tired of that though it seemed, so things really remained the same. He gave a rare smile as he watched the Darkside reel back in pain once more. "I suppose we're just walking to different paths to the same end, you and I: Paths of broken trust and wasted time. Maybe in the end..." His voice trailed off for just a moment as his smile grew into a smirk. "...We'll both perish." The mass of heartless writhed outside the building, twisting like a lake of suspicious black fluid as he looked out in the direction of the hatch the others had used. "But not before I play what few cards I have." This detour couldn't be for nothing: The others needed to know what he had learned.
I'd like to get in.
Character Name: Braden Cadell Nickname: Cadoc Gender: Male Race: Faunus (Thylacine) Age: 15 Personality: Braden shows a composed, yet cheerful demeanor to the world. However, beneath that facade he is extremely thoughtful individual. He has a tendency to analyze information, and isn't nearly as positive in his own inner universe as he is in reality. Appearance: He has Platinum blonde hair that most consider white. He has a somewhat medium dark complexion and white eyes. As a thylacine faunus, he has rounded ears and medium length tail, which is skinnier farther from the body. His fur matches his hair, with light brown stripes along the tail. Bio: Weapon: Alacran (Metasoma and Telson)- A spear that can split into a staff (Metasoma) and a dagger (Telson). The staff can be further collapsed into a sort of whip. He can use the whip to maintain distance, and he can use the dagger to counter the use of his whip against him. Should he so choose, he also has the option of leaving the dagger attachment on the whip. Opening up further combat possibilities. Both weapons have dust chambers. Other:
"...And then this kid with bright orange hair swoops in with glowing hands, and..."