It was rather obvious to Chrys that the subject of Avra's sisters was something of a sore subject for her. She supposed she had some vague semblance of understanding, given her own troubled relationship with her brother. However, she could tell quite clearly that Avra's situation was far from the same. Still, the girl had been right at the forefront of trying to cheer Chrys up not too long ago. The day she had blabbed all of her problems, she had been told that they were a team and that the others were going to stick by her. She remembered how she had laughed at Dentro and Avra's behavior that day. Now though, Dentro was gone. She didn't know if there was anything she could have done, but there was something she could do now. The problem was figuring out what. Unfortunately, she had a pretty hard time of knowing when the best way to help somebody was to back off or push further, but at the very least she could try to express a desire to be there for her friend. "Of course... but if you ever do feel like talking about it, we'll be here for you. After all, we're a team, right?"
"Well, it isn't really surprising, since we sort of took our time with it." Steel spoke up. "We're surprisingly close to the water now though, just by following along, but we still can't be positive of their trustworthiness. What do you think we should do?" He himself was still rather uncertain of the little blue imps desire to do true harm, and uncertain of their chances if that was the case. With all of the warnings from earlier ringing in his head, Steel figured they might not stand any chance of staying discrete should even half of the tales be true.
Chrys turned towards the direction of the manner after her companions had said their piece. "It's as you say..." She voiced her agreement readily, but also quickly voiced the need to continue on. "...Still, we can not dwell on that now; if we have no preparations to make, then we should head for the manor as Master told us. Chrys waited only a moment to see that her companions were following after her before she began walking in the direction of the exam. Now that the heat of battle had passed, her mind couldn't help but return to prior thoughts.
The others had all joined in, and the group had quickly thinned out the small hoard. Indeed, the team's quick and decisive actions had destroyed all but two of the monsters. Cadoc smirked at the Beowolves as he stromed towards them, combining his weapons into their spear form, he jumped up and plunged Alacran into one of the two remaining monsters. He impaled the creature and stuck his weapon into the ground, landing on it's head before using the shaft to spin kick the other before landing with a crushing strike on the original's head. He pulled the weapon from the ground as the first Grimm vanished into thin air, stabbing it into the throat of the retaliating Beowolf. With that, the wave had been vanquished. OC: HP: 18/20 BP: 1/7 Ammo: 3/3 Enemies Defeated: 2 Beowolves EnemisRemaining: None
"I'm not really sure either..." Chrys added into the general sense of quiet bemusement. There really wasn't much to be confused about, but... well, Zeno's comment probably hit it on the nose best. "Are there any preparations you guys think we should make beforehand?" The Master may have healed them, but he didn't give them the impression that they were pressed for time either. If nothing else they should probably take a little bit to settle their thoughts on the new information they had been given. Though she wasn't too sure getting a bite to eat and chilling out while they did that was on the list of things to do while parsing said information. He expected them today at least, she was fairly certain...
On one hand, Chrys was rather glad the master thought they were capable of passing the exam, but his words about the council of lights... "Do you really think it's possible that they'll listen?" With all that they had seen so far, Chrys wasn't too sure. Everyone seemed rather desperate to hold on to their own personal point of view, and anyone else's be damned. This 'Council'... if Torrin or someone else had convinced them that the chasers were in the wrong, was there even the slightest chance that their convictions would be worth anything to such a group of people? Surely this was the same group as the Master had mentioned before who would let entire worlds fall to darkness just because they believed it necessary?
As Ananta distracted herself with Stitch, Steel turned to the one who had addressed them. "Afraid I don't know much about music, anyone else got one?" It would be more accurate to say he didn't know much about the local music, but he didn't think the other would be very clear on the distinction. He had sort of neglected to introduce himself to Nani earlier, but if she didn't really notice him it might be okay. Ananta's vacation excuse probably helped with that a bit.
BASIC INFORMATION Name: Gratien "Grav" Vespertine Crew Position: Scout Age: 20 Race: Carnelian Birthplace: Carngaurdia Personality: Not particularly fond of others, Grav prefers reading his books or perhaps the animals of the wilds to that of people. He is, however, willing to extend trust to others in the proper circumstances and tends to think the best of individuals. Bounty: 2,000 Crime: Grav was framed for the theft of a rather valuable artifact from his home planet. Not much is known to him about the actual thief. APPEARANCE Hair: Teal Eyes: Red Skin Color: White Height: 5'7" Distinguishing features: Fractal-like Iris's as common for his humanoid species. It causes them to resemble gemstones. SKILL SET Weapon Proficiency: Has trained in fencing styles and mostly sticks to a rapier, be it made from any material from steel to laser. Also has a basic grasp on how to use various types of handguns. Special Skills: Has a degree of empathy, but is mostly trained to use it with wildlife. Gets only vague feelings when used on more intelligent races, but doesn't usually bother using it on them, since there isn't quite as large a communication wall. Spoken Languages: English, Draconic, Al Bhed
As Auburn started the group off, Cadoc pulled Metasoma from his belt and began his own assault. He cracked the whip towards the nearest Beowolf, only for it to dodge with little effort. Not even close to done, he pulled out Telson as he cracked his whip at another of the creatures to gain it's attention as well. He headed away from the main group a bit as the two agitated foes began circling him. As they took turns charging, he kept a close eye out on them, springing to attack when one leaped in at him, and often dodging the blow of whichever tried to come in fro the side or behind. It could be likened to a dance; the way the two Grimm would dart in only to be met with painful friction and force of Cadoc's weapon, all whilst he dodged any blow that got past his whip. In a finale of sorts, he sent a final blow towards the first of his opponents before turning and stabbing at the one that had sought to use the demise of its fellow as an opportunity. hindered by the metal lodged in its chest, it was child's play for Braden to wrap his whip around the Beowolf's neck and tighten the weapon around it. With that, an additional two enemies had been vanquished.
Chrys Reached Lvl. 50! Learns Doublecast! HP Increases by 5! Watera Upgraded To Waterga! Reached Lvl. 51! HP Increases by 5! Reached Lvl. 52! AP Increases by 2! Reached Lvl. 53! MP Increases by 1! Reached level 54! MP Increases by 1!
Satisfied with her opponents state of health, Chrys muttered a quick spell under her breath. In response, the blade of her weapon became engulfed in water and the final requirement for her next attack had been fulfilled. Jumping high into the air, Chrys turned her blade on the Demon Plague in her stylistic manner of a fast, backhanded axe, putting the full force she was capable of into the blow. The contact made quite the interesting and powerful sound, and she landed on the other side of her opponent confident in having done a large amount of damage as she'd hoped. "Guys, I think if you give it all you've got we can finish this thing off right now! One final push!" OC: MP: 0/40 AP: 0/64(+10) Cast Watera Used Shield Break For 93 AP!
Steel looked thoughtful for a moment but ultimately shook his head. "Is that really the best idea? I mean... he's supposed to have super strength, and he quite clearly does have claws. The laser pointer would only distract him until he was actually in the bag, after all, I don't think it would hold him for very long once we got him in it." Though along those lines, just how were they supposed to nab him though? Lure him with candy, pastries or food of some kind? The creature hardly had any reason to head for the water. What could they really do here?
Steel's ears twitched as he was rather abruptly called out from inside by Kaida. How on earth she had heard him from inside with the limited hearing human ears provided, he wasn't sure. Regardless, it seemed he was being summoned. "Well then..." He turned to the wolf who had been keeping him company. "...It's always nice to meet a fellow fan. Enjoy your vacation." With that farewell and a quick wave, Steel walked around to the front of the hotel and made his way inside. He approached Kaida and her laser pointer since she was the one who had called him in specifically. "Aren't laser pointers more a cat thing?"
"...What I'm saying is that they've kind of replaced the character with a standard cardboard cutout happy go lucky trope that's a complete departure from the original character." The wolf next to Steel let out a thoughtful sounding sort of noise in response. Steel himself was still paying attention to what was going on inside, but had started making small talk with his companion as a way to help pass the time. "I mean, everyone complains about how the girl has been a plot device for so long, but here the guy has had his intelligent and inquisitive nature completely removed so he just winds up acting stupid eighty percent of time and the entire series shifted away from him until they need some sort of tie in to the original. As soon as they do it's all, 'Yes, only he can unite them again.' and yadda yadda chosen one. And while we're on the subject-"
Chrys staggered to her feet. Having taken such a heavy blow, she quickly cast Curaga on herself as well as Koa, who wasn't doing all that great at the moment either. No one really was doing all that great at the moment, but they were getting close to defeating the enemy, so letting up too much now wasn't an option. Zeno and Avra were thinking along those lines it seemed, and the two seemed all fired up and ready to finish it off. "I'll prepare to hit it extra hard then!" Rather than throw the brunt of her force in now, Chrys instead raced forward to hit it with a relatively weak, mana draining blow before retreating again and setting up her guard. The next chance she got she would be unleashing a tremendous amount of force on her opponent. OC: AP: 44/64 Used MP Drain Used Curaga on Self and Koa
Steel, not wanting to put himself in the middle of a hotel of all places whilst wearing such conspicuous clothing, decided to sneak around in the abundant vegetation by the windows. He was able to get a good look inside at the others having some kind of conversation with the little girl. Aux seemed to be getting mad at her though. "Let's hope they won't blow it." He muttered to his side, where the wolf that had started following him now sat. Its response was merely a large yawn that showed off all of its sharp teeth rather nicely. "Yeah, me too."
Secluded in a heavily wooded area within view of the target, A strange wolf wearing local clothing stared up at Steel innocently. Steel himself merely stared back for a good several minutes before pulling out his phone and typing away at it. It took him a few minutes, but he spoke up as soon as he got what he was looking for. "I'm seeing a lot of mixed results, but it's a consensus that wolves aren't native to the Hawaiian Islands." The wolf, of course, had nothing to say to this. After all, it wasn't as if the overall lack of explanation for it's being there meant that it somehow wasn't.
Chrys found herself briefly enjoying the same sight as Zeno before she charged back into the fray. She dashed past the Demon Plague with a single, slightly weaker blow before casting yet another spell. "Sparkra!" Crystals of light materialized around her, doing little damage to the heartless overall, but healing her slightly in the process. It was a very useful spell for her type of combat. She landed on the other side of the arena and quickly did a 180, facing the monstrosity that was their opponent once more. "Next!" She shouted with an oddly enthusiastic sort of vibe. Perhaps she just wanted to keep up the nice chain of banter they all had managed to get going. OC: AP: 14/64 Cast Sparkra
Steel had only the briefest of moments to think that he was rather inclined to like the 'dog' as it rained down fragile substances with not but a stringed instrument, even it had severely hurt his sensitive hearing, before being dragged after it by Ananta. He wasn't quite sure why she seemed to think that was her job all of a sudden. She had come to pull him away from the beach too, and he had been doing some important research. It was too bad it couldn't be completed, though that was more because of a missing variable. He had stopped her from dragging him away, after all. Still, as she let go of them at their new destination, he decided he had clearly made a mistake in joining them out in the hot sun. It didn't seem anyone actually needed him, so he waved to the others before heading back a shady spot he could watch the target from. There were plenty of tree's around, so it didn't take him long.
Steel shrugged... again. "Sounds good to me." He hadn't really felt like talking about his family anyway. "With that out of the way then, I don't think it's too wise to dismiss the subject as a non-threat just yet." He chided as Ananta flipped through her magazine. "While it's certain he's not quite up to senselessly attacking as they made out, it still hasn't exactly been threatened. Just because it won't attack blindly, doesn't mean it's not powerful: Just as every bit as smart as their other warning. Rember that bit? Thinking faster than a supercomputer? It can surely learn... though just what it's picked up on is quite the question of its own."