*Erin watched*
*Corin blocked the blast easely*
*Erin nodded agin* ooc: I g2g we will have to end this later
"I don't know about that dress." Anna said ooc: I g2g IM with u in a sec
ooc: I g2g...I'll IM with ZC in a sec
*erin looked down, but then noded*
"sure" she said walking over
*Erin sent out magical energy waves*
"no...I wonder...has Erin tolde you the truth about his family?" Corin asked "Don't lissen to him! shut up Corin!" Erin yelled "Erin is acshely...Prince Erin!!! he is me and a women named Angel's son, and the air to the thrown!" Corin yelled ooc: cheap star wars impreshon I know! lol
*Erin sent iot back at him*
"well hello there" Corin said in a clode voice
*Erin blasted at them*
"ZC...." Erin asked
*Erin ran up the stairs*
ooc: no...wedding dresses. I wanna see BP and Anna clash over the dress
*Erin opend his eyes*
*Erin blasted at him*
ok. I love storys that have Roxas in them...I am obsesed with that nobody!
*Matthew didn't have a clue how to bake* ooc: same so...time skip!!!!!!