*Anna casted the spell*
*Erin watched*
*Erin sent a blast at Corin but he doged it*
*Sora sumind his keyblade*
"what can I do?" she asked in a panick*
ooc: Matthew's old teacher placed a curse on him
"that sounds bad!" Sora said
*claps like crazy* you are so good at this!
*Matthew's heart was beating slowly*
"you ok King Mickey?" Sora asked
*Matthew fell unconches, and was still feazing* "MATTHEW!!!" Anna screamed
*Trinity clung to Tron but Sora pulled her off* *she cryed* "man...I think I just mite be the world worst big brother!" Sora said trying to calm her down
*Matthew was freazing* *Anna ran over*
"well then maybe we should wait" Sora said
Erin woke up hours later. The room was dark, and there wasn't a single sound. "What is wrong with me? Ever since the accident this crazy stuff has been happening to me!" Erin said to himself very confused. "Worried?" an older man's voice asked Erin looked around wildly. He knew this voice far to well. suddenly a portal appeared in the room, and an old man walked out with a younger man in a strange suit. "NO! IT CAN'T BE! IT JUST CAN'T BE YOU!" Erin yelled in shock. His eyes filled with fear and he moved as far away as he could, but the man just kept walking closer. "I see you remember me...I'm so honored." the man mocked "This can't be! I thought you were dead!" Erin yelled in shock "Well then I'm afraid you thought wrong!" the man said with an evil smile, and then the younger man charged straight at Erin. Erin was filled with fear and, all he could do was scream. His heart rat quickly increased, and he was suddenly filled with pain. He fell to the ground, and he could feel his body be picked up. "HEY! PUT HIM DOWN!!!!" Mickey yelled running into the room, but was quickly knocked unconscious by a blast of darkness from the old man. The old man made a new portal, and him, the younger man, and Erin left through it. [The next morning] Mickey woke up, and in a sudden jab of pain he remembered everything that had happened the night before, and ran to Yen Sid's study as fast as his legs would carry him. "MASTER YEN SID! THEY TOOK HIM!" Mickey yelled still in shock "Who took who?" Yen Sid asked confused. "These men came, and just took Erin! I think he knew them....Yen Sid...did you know Erin is a chaser?" Mickey asked "Yes...I was hoping that this day was a long way off. Mickey....to save your new friend...you will have to find the chasers named Terra, Aqua, and Ven..." Yen Sid said gravely
"I just had a bad fealing..." she said looking down *Suddenly Matthew went pail*
"are you ok Tron?" Sora asked
"ZC! Are you both ok?" she asked
*Sora rubed his head*
*Anna suddenly was filled with a fealing of dred and could sence something bad was going to happen, and she knew whitch way it was comeing from* "ZC! MATTHEW!"