ooc: the thing Tron and Sora had to fight the heartless and do the race thing in
*Anna ran down the streat* I hope he's ok! if he's hurt...oh Nox! Anna thought
ooc: pregnency tests
"awwww! well that sounds boring, but guess there's not much of a choice..." Anna said with a sigh
*Anna was shocked and ran out of the house*
*Sora kept fighting him* "Trinity no!!!" Sora yelled *Trinity cralled into the cumputer game/ tornemet thingy*
*Matthew watched them leave*
"well...now what?" Anna asked
"is mommy ok?" Matthew asked
ooc: sure but first bic: *Trinity crawled off in all the cayose* ooc: mickey is bad at babysitting! XD
*Anna woke up and looked around* "hello?" she asked
*she got sick*
*Sora swong his keyblade at Shark*
WOW! mean old man!!!!! great job!
ooc: ok I'm not alowed on the pc much anymorer
ooc: recap please
"two...OH! I'M GONNA BE SICK!" she exclaimed runing off
*Erin was filled with fear and ran*
*she didn't have a tempechor*
"this isn't good!" Sora said