*they ran twords the castle* *Corin orderd more solgers to attack*
*Erin obayed Rex*
*Erin took Matthew's hand* "I'll race you!" Matthew said in a childe's voice "you're on!" Erin said *both boys ran off* ~the vishon ended~
ooc: you are saying you attack someone not you attack at someone....you have tio give people time to doge
*Matthew noded*
ooc: I'm not trying to be mean do
"I'll take him" Matthew said holdeing out his hand to Erin *Erin looked up at ZC nervisly*
*Erin kept fightng*
*Erin screamed* ooc: ummm...you are kinda god playing
*Erin blasted some of the monsters*
ooc: yeah only controle overs oc's if they give you the ok!
"yes?" Matthew asked a little caught off gard
wow! realy good points!
*Matthew got the stuff*
*Erin deactevated the alarm* *Corin heard about the alarm*
ooc: yeah...
"hello there" Matthew said in his regularly calm voice
*he went to get the stuff*
Matthew woke up a few hours later to the smell of fire smoke, and cooking food. He suddenly remembered that Christopher had went to chop fire wood earlier. Matthew was sure that Christopher must be home, so he got up quickly, and ran into the next room. When Matthew got into the next room his happy smiled, turned into a terrified look. Christopher was in the room, but to Matthew's surprise, he was tied to a chair, and was beaten up badly.Two other men were in the room staring at him. The other men didn't seem kind at all, and Matthew couldn't run back into the back room he had been sleeping in, because the moment he ran in the room the had turned there attention to him. "Now look what we got here!" One of the men said walking towards the terrified Matthew. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!!!!!!! HE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!!!" Christopher yelled at the men. "Well considering he is, so close to you he may be of use to us!" the second man said slapping Christopher across the face. Matthew was shocked by the pain they were causing Christopher, and ran past the first man, and right up to Christopher. He looked at the weak Christopher, and hugged him crying. "Don't worry Matthew. I'm ok." Christopher said in a gentle voice. The second man grabbed Matthew by the hair, and pulled him away from Christopher. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!!!!" Christopher yelled "We will...when you give us our money!" The first man yelled "You know where to find us when you got the cash" The second man said, and then they picked up Matthew and carried him away. Matthew tried to fight back, but wasn't strong enough. "MATTHEW!!!! MATTHEW!!!!! MATHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'' Christopher yelled fearfully. Tears streamed down Matthews face, as he was forced away from the only friend he had in the world. "Aw! the little baby is crying!" the first man teased. "Well then lets give him a time out." the other man teased with an evil grin. "Are ones?" the first man asked. "Duh!" the second man replied Suddenly Matthew felt sharp pain in his back, and was thrown into a bag. He could feel the bag be tossed into a bag, and next thing he knew he was un conches.