*Erin forced himself to his feat and got outside as fast as he could* meanwile... "Able...please come back to us!" Ada begged I would never return to your weack side!" Able replied "you were always a fool, but you were still our friend" Matthew said *all 3 were beeten up realy bad and had been fighting for a very long time*
"Matthew...is dieing..." he said trying to force himself to his feat
THIS IS SO WRONG BUT OH SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKUFKMWLgE0
*Erin stood up ,but culapsed* "MATTHEW...." Erin said trying to get up
ooc: XDXDXD bic: Erin forced himself to sit up*
"we met agin...just like you said we would" Erin said
*Erin backed up worried they mitwe get hurt if he was near them*
*Anna walked around bordly*
ooc: yeah. there is no twin babys on photobucks!
"wow..." she wisperd lissening
ooc: *hugs back*
ooc: nothing...I typed in anime twin girls, and saw things I shouldn't have
ooc: ok then
ooc: I guess...
"ok" Sora said reluctintly *Trinity craled into the elevater thing*
ooc: yeah! *looks agin*
"oh boy!" Sora said *Trinity craled around*
*Anna was almost out of the light empire*