Like I care
Now it involves you
Now it's about Monkeys
I joined a forum and i've made the shoutbox topic entirely about sex. I'm weird like that. I'll put the site in my siggy IT's a Kingdom Hearts fansite by the way!!!!!!
"Yeah it's been since what? May?
Hello, looks like we're finally on at the same time
yeah I think I added too much light
how about now?
hence the crowbarblade and gunblade
I'm going to fill it with my yuri collection. I might go for a photoshopped background. Idk
What about a gunblade?
Yeah, I need to edit mine too.
You edited your profile awfully fast
I'm a girl not a guy. That'sa pic I wanted to Jaden to use for an avvy
How do you like my siggy and avvy guys? And I'm leaving to join TKK so I won't be here as much.
Hey that was mean Rhian. Anyway, how are you? Do you like my siggy and avvy?
Well guys I'll be leaving KHV for TKK. Aqua_Heart searched up some sites for me to join and I'm joining there. I'm guessing it's a christmas present for Xakota
It is deleted. I'll call Aqua so she can do the same. Kyle can just get on the comp as will Petru.
No, he won't listen to me. He sees me as a dumbass who listesn to the dumbass? So i'll just delete my deck and convince the others to do the same.