Why are we never on at the same time? I can't have a good conversation with you D:. So how's it goin with that guy you like?
Aha found one thanks to a good friend of mine http://oekakiwolf.deviantart.com/art/Baby-Entei-40247116 and another http://ganea-rebecca.deviantart.com/art/Pokemon-Three-Little-Legends-134209554
weekdays same thing. Apparently CP slipped some antidepressants in my drink so i'm doing so well seeing how i haven't been on them for awhile so...
Loving Pain Loving Pain This pain is unbearable my heart is trembling and my mind is getting weaker I chase after those memories once forgotten Begging for them to come back to me but they all look at me with hate What have I done to deserve this pain what have I done to deserve this fate Should I just let my life go to waste? should I just end my life right now? this pain is killing me slowly if only I wasn't a coward A coward does not live through life but a coward is afraid to let his life end Which should I do KHV, hang by a block of wood Or stare at her grave, there my soul stood Waiting for God to bring her back to me if only if only
Any but no hacked. Yours may be tied. Mine is tied between baby eevee and baby entei
So how is your weekend so far?
Zeus had thunder for a weapon. I've got another code idea. Unlimited gummi points meaning maximum fire powa
I'm leaving the fireplace lit :D
Great username and welcome to KHV
*bows in honor*
He's cheating on you D: How dare he. *takes out sniper rifle* I'll go find him. I've got an army of bounty hunters for I am Jabba the $|**t
Didn't like, Didn't like !!!?? *titties pop* Anyway, he's got his own moveset when Romhacking. I'm also trying to get his keyblade into the game
stressed as usual. Damn Ven code for Days isn't working
Cutsom ideas. Zeus Form 2 photon debuggers max electricity thundaga thundara thunder master form model Final's moveset
Spdude might sing in on Christmas possibly
You know me D: You know Rhian, DarkRikuofdarkness (the age switching happy person) and some other people.
Yayyyyyyyyy, now I can go and pwn in the Underdromes
Mclovin it
Hi, how are you?