The book comes out tomorrow!!! I cant wait. I agree the second wasnt my favorite, I liked the end though.
"Well last I heard I was the funny one and you were the serious one," Zepharus laughed. "I wish my memoires would come back quicker. I remember I would always get in trouble and you would bail me out. Seems things havent changed after all this time."
"Yes, just took me by surprise is all," Zepharus smiled into Xeals cheek, sighing happily.
"I knew there was a reason I loved you," Zepharus smiled into Xeal's shoulder as he embraced Xeal. "Hey, you just called me Zepharus........ not Zeph or Zephy." Zepharus gave Xeal a playful 'what do you want' look.
"Like Kade and I..... I would have followed her to the ends of this world..... and still would. It's weird though, the Dragon and Tamer relationship..... its like," Zepharus sighed. "Like we would do anything for eachother..... That's why I tried to destroy Telren everychance I got, because it would have made Kade happy, she tried to help me bring back those Dragons that died because of me.... then we realized the cost of those lives and what we would have brought into the world..... and so we abandoned it. Ina showed up and traveled with us for a while, kade sent her off to Telren to spy on him. Against my numerous warning and now I dont think Ina's spying on him anymore. Ina just wants someone to stay at her side. Kade found someone to take her in but Ina was found by the Knights and it wasnt easy for her." Zepharus felt a tear go down his cheek. "All that's happened seems so unreal.... I can hardly believe it." Zepharus looked over at Xeal and put his head down on his shoulder. He coudlnt figure out why he hadnt felt the connection before his memories came back and for that he felt guilty. Guilty that he didnt remember all the time they had spent together or the feelings he had for the only Dragon that had stayed by his side.
"I'm good, you can pick," Zepharus sat down next to Xeal and picked up the sketch book Kade had left the night before. "Trying to find a way to get rid of Telren again, thats what she was doing.... when we walked in on her. Using those tarot cards to see if she'd be given a sign on hwo ot deffeat him." he flipped through the rest of the book. "More alchemic circles...... She needs a hobby."
"All right then, just let me know when you want to head out," Zepharus waved as he walked back to his room to take a bath. Zepharus took off his sweat pants, threw them onto the bed and stepped into the warm waters of the bath tub. He put his arms on either side of the rim and leaned his head back to look up at the ceiling. 'Everything's happening so fast.... my memories, Xeal, me being brought back from the dead. I wonder if Master Z.'s going ot find out and come after me.... I did kind of break the law...... before and after being crystalized..... I't too much to think about right now.' Zepharus sank into the water, then coming up and shaking his head, hair and droplets of water going everywhere. Zepharus cleaned himself off, got out, dried off, put his clothes on from the day before, and walked back out into the kitchen, living room area.
"All right then sushi it is, and anything else you might want to eat," Zepharus smiled, he stood up and kissed Xela on the forehead. "And I would love for you to help me, gotta make sure I make it correctly right?" Zepharus smiled. He picked up the bowl of grapes and put it back in the fridge. "When would you like to get the fish?"
"Well contrary to popular belief the spirit world isnt filled with food," Zepharus explained. "I havent had anything to eat since Salix and Yeifou tried to kill me and I guess spiritually I dont need food but physically I do and my body knows it hasnt eaten...... in a very long time." Zepharus saw Xeal's face light up at the sound of his favorite food. "All right then, ootoro it is. Tomorrow."
"Yeah, your probably right, hope Kade wont mind the sheets being dirty," Zepharus laughed. "Fish hu? Well, I can cook fish and meats. Give me a recipie and I can cook that. Like I said I'm fairly handy in a kitchen." Zepharus stuffed some more waffle into his mouth, his plate claeaned even form crumbs he walked over to the sink and cleaned it. Setting the plate on the counter he walked back to Xeal and started devouroring the grapes.
"Flashes all night, memories popping up in my dreams, nothing I didnt really have emotions from already," Zepharus explained taking a bite out of his waffles. "Hey dont worry about it, like I said I can cook. So what do you like besides muffins and bread? you're not going to get out of this, if you get to call me Zephy I get to make breakfast for you once in a while." Zepharus smiled, placing a hand on Xeals head and messing with his still damp hair. Zepharus thought of his own appearance for a moment and laughed. "I should probably take a shower or something today, now that I think about it. I probably look disgusting." OOC: read lol its not too many pages
"Morning," Zepharus replied then thought to himself 'Why did say he could cal lme that again? oh yeah because he's special to me.' He saw Xeal take out the muffins and bread. "What? Dont like my cooking? I can cook ya know. Who do you think made the food when Kade and I were off in the mountains? She cant cook to save her life," Zepharus laughed as he took a few waffles out of the waffle maker. He put them on a plate on the island in the center of the kitchen. Grabbing another plate he plopped two waffles onto it, grabbed the bowl of grapes, silverwear, and walked over to the table and sat down next to Xeal. "How'd you sleep last night?" OOC: just trying to be more detailed i guess lol i dont know i was just like "hmmm... im going ot be more descrpitive from now on..... or atleast try...."
Zepharus yawned and stratched hsi head groggily, not being the morning person that he is, he pulled the covers back over his head and tried to get some more sleep. After about half an hour he gave up and lazily pulled himself out of the bed. His stomach growled at him for it's neglection, stretching his arms above his head the walked out of his room and into the kitchen. His bare feet hit the cold tile floor and Zepharus almost jumped right back into his still warm bed. 'I hate mornings..... too bed I didnt bring socks or something.....poor feet....' Zepharus whined in his head. He hadnt brought anything with him from the other side, he couldnt. He was brought back in black sweat pants and a black sleeveless trench coat that went to his knees that he hadnt bothered buttoning up. He worked hard to keep in shape so why not flaunt his muscles. So now he was just walking around in the sweat pants he had fallen asleep in the night before. Making it to the kitchen he opened the fridge and found some grapes which he put on the counter, then he went to the pantry and found waffle mix. 'Yummmmm,' Zepharus licked his lips. "Food how I"ve misssed you.' He took out the box, read the directions, got all the ingrediants out and whatever else it was that he would need, and began making waffles. OOC: In case you havent noticed I'm trying to add more body to my posts from now on lol, no more one liners if i can help it :nomore:
"All right fine, have it your way. I'll sleep in a bed," Zepharus smiled as he got up off the couch and walked towards a spare bedroom. He opened the doors to find a very spacious room filled with a large bed the could easily fit five people, a circular tub in one corner, a dresser and desk in another, a small sitting area occupied the center of the room. Zepharus let out a low whistle, "And these are the guest rooms....."
"Or I can sleep on the couch till Kade uses her alchemy to make a bed and basic bedroom furniture," Zepharus laughed. He pulled a pillow behind his head and laid his head down in it.
OOC: haha no. BIC: "Why did I agree to letting you call me that?" Zepharus groaned throwing his hands on his forehead. "Though I could get some sleep, I've had an eventful day, bringing brought back from the dead, getting your memories back, scaling a mountain and saving you can take it out of a person."
Zepharus put his arms around Xeal and fell into the backof the couch with Xeal on top of him, his fingers gently rubbing the top of Xeals head.
Zepharus sighed in defeat, "Your going to do it either way so why not...."
"Ouch," Zepharus said flatly as he just watched the kitten bite him then vanish. OOC: the three guests are welcome to join if they so choose lol we dont bite
"Hey, no problem. whatever keeps you from killing us at night," Kade laughed at Frostex. "Bitte me," Zepharus retorted to Xeal, still slouched in the couch. OOC: Byes well miss you!!!