Thanks for everything you've done for me and helped me through
"If you want to put up with him he couls be useful," Ina commented on Reon, she did find him annoying but he did have his uses, especially his ability to control the energy around him. "Mind if I help? Dragon tension, Zepharus left kinda pissed so Xeal's all moody and justusualy stuff," Kade filled Salix in on what he was missing.
"Reon, and well my Wolf, Yugure, is around.... somwhere. Either way, with me and Ina we coudl practically bring Kade to you on a silver platter. I'm her brother," Reon bowed with a smirk. "He's telling the truth, though I dont know if you'd be able to put with with him," Ina explained giving Reon as disgusted look. ~~~ "No, I think I heard Salix working I'll go check on him," kade explained and she teleported to Salix. "What ya doing?" OOC: It's in japanese eninstein lol
Reon teleported infront of Telren, "Hiya boss, Ina tells me you could use some help." Ina stormed into the room, "I did no such thing! We're doign just fine without you Reon." Reon shrugged, "So will you take me?"
Zepharus sighed and teleported away, he needed some alone time, to think. Zepharus reapeared in the air, floating among the clouds, laying on his back the drifted through the sky. "Geez, what am I going to do? After all this time..... blaming myself for my fathers death and it was my uncle..... he planned it...he planned to murder my father...... I should have been the one to kill him!" Kade walked up behind Frostex, "Yeah they do that, Zepharus does anyway."
"Oh really like what?" Zepharus asked, his mood worsening by the minute, he was tired and wasnt much in the mood to be talked back to. OOC: No Last was here before me, by a few posts actually lol
OOC: I just thought about something, how logn as everyone been here? I was here when Oxyrt, i think it was, made the very first Division 2 thread.
"Yeah like being brought back to life using forbidden magic, batteling for my life, regaining my memories, climbing a mountain, fighting my uncle who apparently murdered my father and did I leave anything out?" Zepharus asked looking over at Xeal.
"Yeah, "Zepharus sighed placeing the back of his hand on his forehead. The past few days had been crazy for him, it seemed unreal and unbelievable.
"I'm fine," Zepharus said as he plopped down on the couch with a sigh. Stretching his legs out he put the m on the arm rest on the opposite side and his head on a pillow.
"all right then,"Zepharus nodded as he followed Xeal through the portal and back to the Organization's HQ.
"Ummm ok that works too," Zepharus just floated where he was, unsure of what to do next.
"Ok well I'll let you do that, you're the summoner, not me," Zepharus flew back a few feet to let Xeal do his thing.
"All right then, so is he gone? For good I mean?" Zepharus asked Xeal, his body still pumped with adrenalin, his rage subsiding.
"You ok to fly?" Zepharus asked noticing Xeals weakness.
"You going to fill me in on the giant flying skull?" Zepharus asked, somewhat pissed that he wasnt the one to kill his uncle.
Zepharus growled, if he wasnt seeing red before he was now. "Let him go," Zepharus growled angrily, his body shaking.
"What did my father say?!" Zepharus raged, slaming his body into Zetsumei, slaming them both into the mountain side. "Tell me what he said, and I want the truth!"
Zepharus could have sworn he was seeing red, "I'm going to kill you!!" Zepharus roared as he charged Zetsumei. his netire life Zepharus had blamed himself for his fathers death, thought because of some foolish prank he pulled his father took the punishment and somehow that was what had killed him. OOC: Lion King/Hamlet anyone?
"And how did he die?!" Zepharus raged, his body shook. He was ready to take Zetsumei from the sky right now and kill him if he had to.