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  1. Keyblade_Smokey
    "I'd hate to do this to you Frosty but I'm going to have to," Reon smirked, Yugure charged Frostex, biting at his ankles, so that Reon was given a clear shot and sent whips of energy sailiing at Frostex.

    "If hes not overly excessive," Ina replied. She knew Reon well enough to know that he liked to show off and could easily get cocky.

    The rain poured, the water in the lake was starting to rise ever so slowly. There, in the middle of the broken and cracked rocks sat Kade bent over, crying. The visions she had seen had shaken her up. And for the first time in her life she was afraid of dieing. At the moment she could have sworn she was human, that she wasn't some empty shell of one. Feeling sickness coming on she scrambled over the rocks. Her body shook violently, from being sick and all the crying.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Sep 22, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Keyblade_Smokey
    "Why woudln't I? Come on Frosty, bring it," Reon smirked. "Yugure, now." Yugure ran to his masters side in Wolf form.

    Ina took the few step to Telren's thorne and sat down on his lap, her arms around his neck.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Sep 21, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Keyblade_Smokey
    "WHAT! I'm not a lab rat," Reon raged. He caught Telren's glare and knew he meant buisness, sighing he places the needle next to his neck and injected the serum into his body. Pulling the needle out he began to feel a bit off, he wasn't sure how he felt different. All he knew was that he felt weird.

    Zepharus gave up on finding Kade and went back to the Headquarters, "Salix, dont look at me like that all right I know you hate me, where's Yeifou. Kade.... well I don't know what's going on but she's scared, I felt it and I don't know where she is."
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Sep 21, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Keyblade_Smokey
    Reon took the needle and looked at it curiously, "And do what exactly?" He wasn't too fond of sticking needles into his body, but being the obedient lackey he was he put the needle close to his beck.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Sep 21, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Keyblade_Smokey
    "Very well," Ina smiled as she walked off to fetch Reon, not too happy that he was refereed to as her little brother. "Reon, Telren want's you."

    "Nice," Reon jumped out of his chair and followed Ina to Telren's chamber. "So what you got for me boss man?"
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Sep 21, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Keyblade_Smokey
    Ina stood up and walked to Telren's side, "Do you have a plan my love?" Ina asked. She had pushed Kade's fear into the back of her mind. She was with Telren now, she couldn't afford to be attacked to her Nobody. Not that she wanted to be in the first place.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Sep 21, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Keyblade_Smokey
    Kade sat on the small rock island that jotted out of water; the lake, she assumed, must have been a valley at one point. Before the rains came and turned it into a lake. It was a perfect place for her to think, she had brought paint with her, to test her new alchemic circles. She wasn't exactly sure what was going to happen once they were used but she wasn't about to take any chances. Drawing the intricate circle on one of the rocks she took out a knife and cut the palm of her hand, blood dripping from the wound onto the circle. the circle glowed red. Lightning erupted from its outer edges. Tornado like winds followed suite.

    Then there was darkness, and then light, and Kade found herself at a gate with nothing behind it and nothing in front besides her. Nothing in any direction except an endless void. The gate opened and pulled Kade inside. Falling, images passed by her, and she learned things that she never would have dreamed. Then before her there was a void of black, terrified she tried move in the other direction, to no avail. She was pulled inside the black void.

    Opening her eyes she found herself face first in the ground, right where she had been. The little rock island in the middle of the lake in the middle of no where. Clutching her head she realized what she had seen. Her eyes widened in fear.

    "We're all going to die," Kade said to the wind, fear in her voice.

    Zepharus soared through the sky, trying to dampen his rage. He wasn't succeeding, his father was right. He was the easier Dragon to piss off and the worst at letting things go, he felt a tremor go through him. Fear. Anguish. Despair. He could only feel one persons emotions, and only if they were strong enough. Kade. He had never felt emotions this strong from her before, not even while they were fighting their replicas and about to die. The only time he had felt anything strong was when Kade was with Yeifou,. But still this was stronger. Frantic Zepharus tried to pinpoint his Tamer's location and flew off in that direction.

    Ina, Reon and Yugure were lounging around Telren's base; awaiting orders when Ina felt Kade's distress. She smiled to herself, "Serves her right."
    "Who?" Reon questioned.
    "Kade," Ina replied to which Reon didn't remark.
    In truth Ina was worried about her Nobody, she and Kade had a connection, however weak it was, and she had never felt these strong of emotions from her before. She had picked up a few when Kade was with Yeifou but these were so much stronger. Maybe it was because these emotions were more in touch with her own emotions, she didn't love Yeifou so maybe those emotions didn't react as strongly to her as those of fear and despair.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Sep 21, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Keyblade_Smokey
    "Exactly why you shouldn't have gone, we need to stay low. This Organization is vulnerable enough as it is..... I almost asked some Knights to come here incase we got attacked," Kade defended, she had finally listened to Salix and realized that this Organization needed a wake up call. "Then let Xeal's brothers stay here. I'll use what magic I can to put up a shield. I'm going to be weak for a while so I wont be able to fight so I dont want any of you doing anything stupid."
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Sep 21, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Keyblade_Smokey
    "What?! A world was destroyed! Why didn't you stop him? Why were you fighting him in the first place?" Kade argued, Yeifou was out of the picture at the moment and someone with the power to blow up an entire world, she should have been informed. "You could have died out there!"

    Zepharus sat on the sidelines, not bothering to get in the middle of the argument.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Sep 21, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Keyblade_Smokey
    "What's going on?" Kade barged into the room. "What did you guys do? Zepharus felt it to so I know I'm not making this up." Zepharus followed up behind Kade, looking just as annoyed.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Sep 21, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Keyblade_Smokey
    Zexion, I mean that guys got a book and he kicks a$$
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Sep 21, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. Keyblade_Smokey
    First aniem I watched was on that show, back when Tom had the beer belly nad looked kinda chibby. Outlaw Star, Ronin Warriors, Sailor Moon and DBZ the good old days
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Sep 21, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Keyblade_Smokey
    Neither, never watched Camp Rock but high school musical was an insult to those who actually do theatre.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. Keyblade_Smokey
    I delt with a bunch of crap but all in all its worked our ok
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Keyblade_Smokey
    I really liked KH2 there seemd ot be more character development, but that could be because they didnt need to introduce everyone like the yhad to do in KH1
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. Keyblade_Smokey
    hmmm id say
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Keyblade_Smokey
    Lalalalala so bored
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Keyblade_Smokey
    I'm going to feel stupid asking this questoin but is it the same battle system as the Gamboy CoM? with the cards and whatnot, because all though it was original and creative it was a pain when it came to opening doors.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. Keyblade_Smokey
    Zepharus thought he heard someone call his name but dismissed it as his mind playing tricks on him or his mind just being drained from all that had been happening to him. He sighed heaviky, he felt bad for all he had done in his life, was still doing. After all that had happened to him one would have thought he would have laerned a thing or two, apparently not. Landing on the top of a mountain he turned into a Dragon. Takign a deep breath he let out a breath of fire and magic into the sky.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Keyblade_Smokey
    "Yeah, Xeal apparently needed him so they could both sacrifice themself for something or another. But I wasnt going to see him die again so I had to stop him," Kade explained, somewhat afraid of Salix's response to the news. "So ummmm where's Yeifou?"

    Reon smiled "Sure thing boss. Whatever you say." With a snap of his finger Yugure appeared at his side, "And this would be Yugure."

    Ina sighed, "He loves his theatrics."

    Zepharu floated through the air, lying on his back with hsi hands behind his head.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home