Kade noticed Salix's smile, 'Yeah, I'm happy too. I hope this time everyone will fight and we can finally defeat him.' She missed the old members that would have stood by her side no matter what, the members who she had through hell and back with. "Well let's kill Kade off first, we can save Yeifou for last; seeing his members turn on him and join us, and seeing the rest of them die. Sweet vengance," Ina smiled deviously. All she wanted was to kill Kade, she didnt care who else she had to kill jsut as long as she could have Kade.
"I can't wait to take over their precisou Organization." Ina smiled after the kiss. If Nobody's were able to show emotion then why not two Heartless. "Now the question is who to kill off first and who can we turn to fight alongside us." "No, you are not dieing, what am I going to tell Kaden when he asks about you?" Kade's eyes widened schock. "We will face him together, like we always do." She sat down next to Salix and Garxena, looking at all the other members. Some hadnt been here as long as she had, they had showed up after Telren decided to mess with their lives. She had been there when he first showed up, it was partially her fault for him being here in the first place. Yeifou had tried to make hearts for them both, against her many warning and countless protests that she didnt need one, so Yeifou had turned to Telren to help him make a heart. It was agaisnt his better judgment but both she and Yeifou were young and believed they coudl do anything they yet their mind to. Zepharus sat in one of the chairs, ready for the battle to start. If it were up to him he and Kade would be flying over there right now. He thought about it logically and as long as there wasnt a replica of him and Xeal as Dragons they had a much better chance than they thought. All Xeal and he would have to do would be to fly and attack from above and the battle would be over quickly. But knowing Kade she would want to fight Ina, as her Heartless Kade felt Ina was her responsibility and that she had to clean up her mess. Zepharus assumed Yeifou felt the same of Telren. For once in his life Zeparus was glad that he was a logicaly animal that didnt put much emphasis on personal battles.
"We are perfect for eachother," Ina smiled at her love. "The question is, who to kill off first and who should watch us walk away with the brat. I would pereseonally love to have Yeifou see us kill his wife, and take of with his son." Ina laughed slightly at the idea of killing Kade or better yet turning her to their side and taking their son and turning him aginst the very organization his parents loved. Reon sat in his cell, taking small amounts of energy from Yugure to help heal his body. "I'll be allright Yugure. Besides, now we have more information for the Big Boss man." "Promise me this won't end up like my dream," Kade told Yeifou as she held into his hand. She swore to herself that she wouldnt let anything happen to any of the members, they were the only family she had left, no point in counting Ina and Reon as family. OOC: all members you have been PMed lol
"I just want her to feel pain," Ina smiled. "And i think taking her kid from her would hurt her more than anything." She was quite fond of her plan, getting a replica of Kade to take the most precious thing from her was brilliant.
"Well you didnt have to destroy her..... wait could you recreate her? What do you think about this idea," Ina proposed putting her arm around Telren's shoulder. "You recreate the Kade Replica, hide her when the battle is happening and when I'm fighting Kade, you send her Replica in to steal Kaden from them, after all she is Kade's replica, a little child won't know the differance."
"Just make sure you tell that Kade replica of yours to stay out of my way when we battle them. Kade will be mine and no one elses," Ina assuered before she leaned down and kissed Telren. "We can separate them, make their brat watch as we take everything from him, kill Kade and Yeifou while they are apart from eachother, let them her the others cries for help. Or maybe we should leave one of them alive for a while to find the other...." Ina pondered the many possibilities at her disposal.
......and you have limewire, just wait till your computer crashes. I made mine
Avatar: 6/10 for cuteness
Kade eyes Frostex, somewhat shocked by his comment. It didnt seem like him, she sighed and went over to the Nobody and kicked it into the wall. Yeifou was trying have a serious Organization wide meeting and then this thing showed up and danced around. SHe turned back to her fellow members,"Well no that that's taken care of we're moving on. We have a huge problem that none of you seem to realize; Telren has been massing an army, has been for a long time now and I dont see any of you trying to stop him. Xeal, Zepharus and I tried to fight him but when we got there he had made replica's of us and so we were fighting ourselves. Needless to say, now that he has a replica army, Ina, my heartless for those of you who dont know, and Reon, my brother who can basically control you and as far as I know deep freezing him rapidly is the only chance we have at defeating him, so yeah Telren's gottene a lot stronger. So unless someone has a plan that I dont know about we're not going to last very long." Zepharus sat back and listen to Kade's speech with a smirk on his face, 'It's about time someone opened thesee Nobody's eyes,' He thought to himself. He was a Dragon and loveed a good fight, it was in his nature, he was a predator and anyway he could find to challenge himself he would do it just to test how strong he was. Ina took Telren's lead and sat on his lap, "When will this battle take place? They havent attacked us in such a long time. They must be very weak, after all you must practice to be stronger and without practice you loose your edge." Ina smiled at the thought of facing Kade on the battle field once again.
"Yeah, Reon's my brother I dont think youve met him yet but if Telren's got a hold of him we all really will die. He's more like Salix, a replica rather then a Nobody. But he's areplica of a Nobody so he's still kind of like us," Kade tried to steady herself but gave up and created a portal where everyone was gathered along with the dancer Nobody. "What'd we miss?" "This Nobody showed up, and everyones sitting aroung dealing with their own personal problem rather than deal with a MUCH larger one," Zepharus grumbled the answer to Kades question, he stood up and walked by Kade to stand next to her. "So really you havent missed anything." Ina nodded and teleported to the cells, foudn and empty one and threw Reon into in. "Would you like me to get Kade to get you out of here?" "No, I dont want her help," Reon growled against the pain. "Yugure here." Within a few moment Yugure had teleported into the cell and had laid down next to his master. "Good boy." He turned his attention to Ina once again. "If you bring her here, I'll kill you." Ina nodded and teleported back to Telren. "He's locked in a cell with that dog of his," Ina informed.
"Yeah just a little bit," Kade smiled as she stood up. A wake of pain washed over her and knocked her a little off balance, 'Reon, my brother...... Telren's doing something horrible to him.... Ina's going to die..... why didn't she tell me..... wait, Ina, she wanted me to send her to spy on Telren, she wanted to join him. Why didnt I see it?' Yeifou, we have a problem, I think Telren's making something, and he's usuing my brother to get it." "Sorry to disapoint you," Reon spat as he attempted to get back up on his feet, he was wobbably but he managed it. "I've had enough of this.... of you.... I'm leaving....." he tried to walk out of the room but his feet wouldnt hold him up so he collapsed on the floor yet agin. "Stupid boy," Ina mumbled as she picked him up and healed his wound. "What would you like me to do with him? He's out cold for the moment." Zepharus fell from the sky and landed by the dancer Nobody, "Um, who's is this?" He asked, not very impressed. "Is Kade ok? Does naybody know?"
"I'm enjoying this just as much as you are but I dont think we'de be setting a good example for the others," Kade laughed as she took Yeifou's hand in her own, lacing their fingers together. "Oh really? ahhhh cause it seems like youd like nothing more than for me to die right here," Reon collapsed onto the floor, his head agaisnt he cold metal floor, sweat pooring from his face, breahting heavily. Reon let our a roar of pain and the replica inside him finally escaped his body.
Reon fell to his knees, the pain taking over his entire body, he clutched at his sides. "Why? Why do you need a replica of me? or is this why you kept me here? Just to kill me and take the replica?" Reon asked through the pain and his heavy breathing. "Ina, help." Ina stood by her lover's side, trying to block out Reon's screams, ignoring his plea for help. 'There's nothing I could do for him anyway.' Kade laid there in Yeifou's arms, "you know we're going ot have to get up and do something eventually," Kade smiled back at Yeifou who was behind her. "Not right now but eventually."
"So what? Your going to have a bunch of cinical and cycotic mini me's running around the place," Reon smirked. "Have fun with that." He arm shot with pain, he tried his best to ignore it but it didnt work. Slowly he brought his other arm up to his injured one, hopeing that clutching it would keep his mind off of it or he could transfer the pain from one arm to the rest of his body, diminishing its severity. "I missed you while you were gone, and while I was gone," Kade murmed into the warm sheets.
"I know, I love you so much," Kade sighed happily as she cuddled with Yeifou. He had left her and know she knew whathe had gone through when she had left with Zepharus. Now she knew what she had done to him and knew, even more certain then before that she should never put thim through that again. "Just do what you have to do," Reon grumbled. He looked over at Ina who just shrugged, just as unsure about what was about to happen as he was.
Zepharus watched Yeifou take care of Kade, he was worried. He had never felt anything like that from Kade. He didnt even know she could feel emotions that deep. Zepharus left the room, unsure of what to do next. He teleported himself to the tallest tower he could find and sat there, watching the sky. He would do what he had to to help Kade, it was his duty as her protector, as her Dragon. That's why the bonds were created, so that the Tamer kept the Dragons natural aggresion in check and the Dragon protected the Tamer. It wasnt something easily replicated through magic or science. It was a bond that ran deeper then imagined. Kade rested her head against Yeifou's shoulder. Closing her eyes she sighed, she was drained; physically and mentally. All she wanted was Yeifou right there beside her. She knew she should probably be trying to find ways to counter her vision but she couldnt bring herself to do it. Ina watched Reon curiously, he had finished healing his Wolf which to her still looked dead. He placed the Wolf on the floor, to rest, as he said and walked over to stand infront of Telren's throne. "Anything else? Since I'm in no mood to complain." Reon asked sarcastically, he just wanted to get this over with so he could fully heal Yugure. Yugure was his friend, his only friend. He had saved him when eh was wondering the forest aimlessly. Reon had been starving and had woken up, soaking wet because ha apparently fellinto a stream and to a Yugure licking his face.
Kade sat down on her bed with the help of Yeifou, "We have to tell the others..... somehow, my brother is involved in this....... and the three of us, Xeal, Frostex and I, we tried to destroy him but we couldnt." "What will happen to him?" Ina asked curisouly. She looked at Reon on the ground, trying to chanel energy into Yugure's body to heal him. "If I just send energy through the wound, it should help the cells divide faster.... healing the wound faster..... Yugure you cant die on me! I'll kill Frostex for what he as done," Reon growled to himself. Whatever Telren made him inject into himself was staring to work. Zepharus teleported into the Headquarters, seeing Yefiou help Kade who looked like she had a complete breakdown. "Kade! Are you all right? I've never felt anything the strong from you before." OOC: I just realized that this thread has been going on for two years and we've only changed hands once, Oxyrt created it, then left and well ummmmm Kade and Yeifou and Ixade kinda took it over....wow man a lot has changed...
Kade left Yeifou's lips on her own, she quieted down a little, 'I love you too.' The kiss broke and she took a deep breath, "I saw us...... everyone.... we were in a battle and we were holding our own.... then someone else showed up to fight and he was against us...... he was killing us all..... we were all dying.... I could see it right in front of me, as if I was living it..... I saw you die, right before my eyes, and I couldn't do anything to stop it......" Kade pulled her knees to her chest. "Zepharus was there, I told him to go..... to protect Kaden and to get him out of there, to some place safe..... and when eh was old enough.... tell him about us.... about you and me......" Reon glared at Frostex as he teleported away, "Stupid snowman." he mumbled before turning his attention to Yugure and his wounds. "And what would that be? The serum he injected himself with? Or do you know someting about him that I dont know?" Ina asked with a cynical curiosity.
"I know, it's just that.... I planned on telling you and everyone once I could get a hold of myself. I didn't know what that circle would do or the side effects.... I was careless," Kade sobbed into Yeifou's chest. "I've missed you so much." She clutched onto his jacket, afraid that if she let go he would vanish again. "We shall see," Ina replied to Telren. He did have a point Reon wasn't lacking strengh, it was his character that made him questionable. "Yugure!" Reon raged, he ran to his partners side. "Yugure, get up. C'mon Yugure get up! YUGURE!!"
OOC: poor Yugure..... he's a him btw. BIC: "Yugure!" Reon yelled as his companion was frozen. Reon ran after Frostex himself, touching the ice Yugure was trapped in on his way, to speed up the molecules, so that it would melt quicker. Reon touched books and whatever else he could find and sent them toward Frostex, exploding near him.