Do you have Wi-fi? i need to exchange letters with someone to get side quests so i can unlock onion knight and stuff.
What do you think of Itachi?
Well, that's how it is i guess. Do you by any chance have Final Fantasy III?
I is back!! tournament went great! i won 1st! (But thats not unusual lol i am kidding.)
i got to go, see ya! *hugs*
Why aren't you confident?
Dude, don't worry about it, it'll come to you. why are you not confident. (like things you don't like about yourself)
Well don't worry about what other people think find what you like and do it. I have a purity ring that people make fun of, but i won't let them...
lol, don't worry bout it. Do you play sports? (Karate is not a sport though they turned it into one. i do actual self-defense training, this is a...
lol, i just felt like hugging u. :glomp: but if that's not okay.. :oops::sorry:
lol, i think the hardest thing for me to do is waking up early. yup. that is definitly hard. *glomps you out of no where*
Oh, i'm confident in my abilities, i just don't know if i will be awake when my division is called. (i have to wake up at like 4:00am) But thanks! ^_^
um... well, i am going to be in a telavised karate tournament tommorow, but thats not good, i don't really want to be on tv, and i wouldn't...
um, okay..
Well, look inside yourself and love what you find there thats what i say. So what kind of stuff have you been up to lately?
Well, good luck with that, i never really have liked parties or anything of the such. Ya know you should really try to be more confident about...
like i said i am very intuitive so it may just be me., but honestly u didn't hide it THAT well. But don't worry about it. I see ur B-Day is next...
lol, tis okay. ^_^ Yeah, i am a black belt, so he knows what i could do to him. Do you know anyone who had Final Fantaasy III ds? i need to...
lol, i just told my brother to get out before i knock him into next week.......he ran. um, who else guessed? i don't know, you just seem kind of...
I don't have Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days but i hear it's good. You are really shy huh?