um, open to the public, you want everyone to join!
lol, i can't wait, tell me when u start it.
Well, good luck then, but be carefu l i bounced around so many karate schools till i found one that actually was in it for the karate. (not money...
I don't know, i never really liked her, she is too desperate, and i hate the color pink.
lol, thanks, i don't know, i do a mix of like seven styles, and i never really got into kung-fu, i am more into like, self-defense. I think it is...
Awsome!! Post it here:
Nothing much, i had a karate tournament Saturday that was telivised that i won first place in.
I love cars! I want to be a mechanic, which is kinda werid for a girl lol. My dad has a 89 firebird that i love! I really want a mustang!!!
i just changed mine and i am changing it again.
Why hello rather cute and funny person whom i didn't pick random but rather you are friends with one of my
lol, i just posted this a min ago. People are competitive.
TenTen, Temari, Tsunade, and Hinata don't get enough screen time.
The name is pretty self explanatory, good luck peoples!
lol, i like her whole attitude. (do u know anyone with wifi and Final Fantasy III ds?)
Well, i love temari, she rocks! (that's to bad lol)
Hunger Games Trilogy is my fav, i think it was way better than twilight or harry potter, what does everyone else think of the books?
oh yeah, that's right, i think so. i wasn't able to watch naruto for a while and one of the resent (sp?) episodes they were trveling through the...
um.. i ment on the show, why saskue not there?
lol, ditto. I missed something, is saskue dead or something?
Thank You!!!! hbu? do u have anything ur into? :)