Well, you have to read it, you have a local library?
What guy......
i'm sorry.... I lost my Grandma in 2008, she was like a mother to me, it was devistating for the entire familiy, (she wasn't that old, she died...
long hair makes me feel vunerable lol.
You must!! Tis the greatist book of all time!!
lol, i love my hair short.
well, alot of people liked my hair better long, but it was to much work.
lol, have you read the book that is my fan club?
lol, that's too bad, iwas getting ready to tell u that you seem alot more confident, either that or ur hiding it better lol. I would put a link to...
lol, sorry *nervous laugh*
What can i do? I don't understand the question.
lol, um at the bottom of this page actually i think is what you want http://www.kh-vids.net/group.php
um, no, i don't think that, but her hair is pink, which makes it ugly, i mean, who has pink hair?
Without the stickers yes, but you should put up a variety of cars, muscle, and sports cars.
see ya! ^_^
I live in the U.S, so i guess not lol.
Everone loves cars! (of course when i say everyone, i mean some people)
For people who love the hunger games, catching fire, and can't wait for the next book, this is where we unite!!
um, i was just wondering if you lived anywhere near my school. lol