I always stop the microwave right before it beeps just so i don't have to hear it.
Go Hunger Games!!
I can't decide whether or not i want a movie. On one hand it would be cool to see everything happen, but on the other hand they will probably ruin the book.. i think i rather they don't. (The link to my social group is in my sig.)
O.o it's dead in here...
Go Katniss!!! Who did you vote for on my poll?
yeah, i don't plan on ever getting drunk becasue i don't want to do something stupid. Though i am curious about what it is like. :sleepy:
What style do u do?
what are u doing right now?
*puts out fire with the water of posiden* I win.
I know right? I wonder how the series is going to end? We have to get more people in here and more people joining my fanclub in the link on my sig.
sorry man, that sucks, my dad was in a accident in his truck (he is a truck driver like an 18 wheeler) someone was drunk and crossed the line and...
alright. I see u changed ur style!! It looks cool.
congrats on the tournament! (yeah ur sensei is a little werid, but i understand)
ditto, though i do more self-defense. I'm a regular instructor. i hate how there are schools out there that are just in i for the money. My...
black belt. Do u do sport stuff or self-defense?
Ya know, i just looked at ur about me, and it says karate! I do it as well! ^_^ What rank are u?
Hi! Welcome!! Try posting here so you can introduce yourself! http://www.kh-vids.net/forumdisplay.php?f=23
What's up?
lol, me too. none of this is mine i just find all of this hilarious stuff. : Guy: Where have you been all my life? Girl: Hiding from you....
I'm stealing everyones fries.