"Give me some time to talk to the people in charge of AVALANCHE and see what I can do for you," Caleigh took Legas' extended hand and shook it. Fuhito and Shears would be surely be happy to accept another member into AVALANCHE. The group was only about twenty strong at the moment. She grabbed a napkin and a pen from over the counter; she wrote the address of her safe house on the napkin and handed it to Legas. "Go to the place written there later tonight. I should have an answer for you by then." Now she needed to see if she could get anything about Rae. "Now I have a question for you. What do you know about what happened to Kalm four years ago?"
Won't be back until Sunday afternoon (Utah time). See y'all!
Satoshi Town "C'mere, Poochyena," Ariel called her Pokemon to her. He looked a little disgruntled to be distracted from his food but he came nonetheless. Ariel put the Pokeball she'd been rolling back into her backpack and then picked up Poochyena and placed him in her lap. "Pooch?" he cocked his head to the side. "Oh you're so cute!" Ariel smiled hugged Poochyena, who squirmed and licked her face. "Piplup!" the neglected Pokemon had left his food bowl and stood in front of his trainer with a strong pout on his face. "You too!" Ariel opened her arms and Piplup jumped into her lap on top of Poochyena. OOC: changed color because royal blue is being used by a lot of people
Haha, thanks! I'm glad my ex decided to pose as my Naruto for the day. 8D We've gotten so much positive feedback on our shots!
OOC: Classes are now changing. Have fun with second period! But, please, for the sake of all of us, don't pull a Seamus Finnigan. lol "Just wanted to see one," Ben replied to Jacob. He wasn't sure if he should go blabbing his friends' ideas to everyone so he'd answered with a quick half-lie. Professor Umbry dismissed the class. Ben took the chance to thank Jacob again and say good-bye to him and Layla, telling her that he'd meet up with her and the others at lunch to go to the library. Flying was Ben's next class and he didn't want to be late for it so he hurried out of the greenhouse with the rest of the students. He liked flying and couldn't wait to buy his own broom in Diagon Alley. He'd even given a little thought to joining Gryffindor's Quidditch team. ------- After searching unsuccessfully for Becca, Al realized that she needed to get to Potions in about five minutes. It was times like this she wished she had map that would show the location of everyone in the school like Harry Potter was said to have had. ------- Potions class now. Jack frowned at his bag as he slung it over his shoulder. This was the class he shared with Al, and because of that it was his least favorite class. Since the start of this year, the relationship between the two had grown more tense than ever. She'd always given Jack a talking to whenever she caught him picking on younger students, but this year she could actually take points from his House for it. He needed to play up his goody-goody side with her. Or he could just leave her to the basilisk; that seemed like a better idea.
It's been this way for about three days now. I just managed to load my User CP after about a 1 or 2 minute wait. EDIT: This is what I get when I try to view all my subscribed threads, "Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in /home/khvids/public_html/includes/functions.php on line 1916"
Awkward loading I don't know if I'm the only one having this issue, but I can't load my User CP or view all my subscribed threads. Everything else loads incredibly slowly. This is the only site that my laptop is having issues with, so I'm pretty sure that it's not my laptop's fault. Is anyone else experiencing this? Can it be fixed?
Give her information? Not likely that was going to happen. Admit to being a member of the force that wanted to crush Shinra? That'd earn her a one-way ticket to death row. No, there had to be some way out of this. But Caleigh liked to play dangerously. After all, when would she get another chance like this? She put the cigarette she'd been twirling back in its box and gave her full attention to the Turk. "Answer my questions first, stranger, and I'll answer yours."
"Shut up," 004 growled through grit teeth at 007 as she rocked herself into a sitting position. She took her hand away from her shoulder, revealing the hole where 007's shotgun bullet entered. It had only gone about half way through her shoulder -- and the feeling was strange. "Just pull it out or whatever so I can kick this guy's ass!" She wouldn't allow herself to sit here while the others had to fend off the crazy cyborg.
"I know a thing or two," Caleigh started, her composure cool but her brain rapidly trying to work something out. Then she continued, "How are you going to make it worth my while?" This was finally her chance. The only people who were looking for AVALANCHE either wanted to join the group or wanted to end the group, and this guy certainly seemed like he wanted AVALANCHE gone. He had to be a Turk. She didn't take the time to glance around the bar but she knew there was a fair amount of people lounging about. If a scene was caused here, there'd be witnesses -- but was that a good thing or a bad thing for her? ------- Rae's eyes opened. She hadn't rolled in the bed, dreamed, or even slept. She started ahead blankly, her stomach gurgling. A shallow inhale and rough exhale passed her lips as she debated on whether to get out of the bed or not. Barret had walked her to the bed and she'd needed ever bit of his help. There wasn't much of a chance of her making it to the kitchen without him or Caleigh to help her. So to distract her thoughts from food, she changed her focus to all the questions that had risen before. Why had Barret and Caleigh been so shocked when she'd told them she was from Kalm? Was that memory of explosions and talk of Mako real? How had she heard Barret and Caleigh have the same conversation twice? Why did she feel so run down and weightless? "Caleigh...?" Rae's voice cracked. She felt dimly scared and wanted the woman back in the room with her.
Without hesitating, Anemos grabbed his sister's hand and manipulated the air to get the both of them quickly onto Wolfman's back. There was no need form him to suspect a dirty trick at this point; all three of them wanted the same question answered. He and Thyella suddenly had the same thought: Wolfman had said scents not scent. Could it be the explosion was caused by more than one person? On purpose? "Okay, let's go." Anemos held onto Thyella's waist to keep her steadily in front of him.
"Whoa," Ben scurried over to where Jacob was, practically sticking his face up to the potted Mandrake. He'd never gotten to see one up close before and they were one of his favorite plants. "Hey thanks!" He smiled at Jacob. Everything Ben had read about Mandrakes said that they could reverse petrification, but he still needed to find out how. "These are so cool," he commented to himself as he touched a leaf. ------- "Perfect," Jack agreed. Today would be the day to handle all of details he wanted to; tomorrow afternoon was the first Quidditch match of the year -- Slytherin against Gryffindor. He hadn't made up his mind yet if he was going to the game or not.
Satoshi Town "Okay, guys, eat up!" Ariel placed a bowl of Pokefood in front of her Piplup and another in front of her Poochyena. She sat on the grass next to them, rolling an empty Pokeball in her lap. As Piplup and Poochyena began to eat, Ariel's smile turned to a pair of pursed lips. She'd just bought food for her two Pokemon and three Pokeballs. But she wasn't even sure what she was going to catch with those new Pokeballs. In fact, she didn't have much of a plan for herself at all; she never did. But her whole journey thus far had been everything but disappointing. She looked fondly to Piplup and Poochyena and smiled. Well, whatever was going to happen would happen; she'd just go with it.
"Well I'm sorry to disappoint you," Caleigh replied smoothly, drawing a cigarette from her box and twirling it between her fingers. "I only dream of being a part of that group." She sighed dreamily. "No, I don't have the courage to do the things they do." And it wasn't a complete lie. Her role in AVALANCHE was mainly to be a safe house for the others and only get involved in fights when absolutely necessary. She returned Legas' glance completely. "I take it you don't like AVALANCHE?"
"Anemos," he corrected as he lowered his hand and the barrier of air with it. The explosion had distracted him. Was it possible for Cyclops to create something like that? Unless he hit something explosive. Could Hellion do that? Anemos didn't know. "What was that?" Thyella asked of her brother and Wolfman. "None of us can do that. Can any of the Paragons do that?" She was nervous now, keeping a hand on her brother's arm to steady herself.
Sure! For right now, Al and Jack are the only ones I've planned for. The first years are just doing stuff as they go along. I think we're going to...
Ben pulled out his class book, 1000 Herbs and Where to Find Them. He flipped it open and showed the page to Layla. "Hey. You said last time that they used Mandrakes to for something, right?" he tapped the picture of the Mandrake on the page. "Let's see if we can find one in here." ------- This time Jack didn't move away from Taralynn. His anger at himself simmered down as he thought about what she'd said. "I'll leave them up to you then," he said coolly. "Peeves is the most bothersome... But we shouldn't touch the House ghosts; that would cause suspicion."
"On second thought," Jack grinned at Taralynn over his shoulder. "I want to play with that Head Girl. Let's make a game of this... and see who gets caught first. And Faye? She'll come to me. But I'm starting to worry about," he hesistated. "getting caught. The ghosts in this school seem to see everything. I should have thought about this!" He pounded his fist on the mantle. "What if they go into the Chamber? Can they even be petrified by my basilisk?" He grit his teeth. He thought his plan had been bullet proof, but now there was a hole in it. Jack's family had paid a good sum of gold for that 30 foot long basilisk and he couldn't let it go to waste. His parents had put so much pressure on him when they found out he was a Parselmouth; something he hadn't exactly said outright to Taralynn yet.
"Mister Starlit," Professor Umbry raised an eyebrow. "Yes, you're late. That's five points from Ravenclaw." She lightened up. "But you can earn those back during this class." "I'm a half-blood," Ben said. "Besides, there aren't really that many pure-blooded witches or wizards anymore. If anything does happen, practically the whole student body would be in danger." He stopped, realizing that he wasn't being much of a help. "Sorry." ------- Jack stood and paced. "Of course," he answered after making sure they were the only two in the common room. "This school is riddled with Mudbloods. I almost can't decide what order to take them out in. But that Head Girl of Hufflepuff has caused me some trouble...." He stopped near the fireplace, running his hand across the spotless mantle. His eyes closed as he tried to sort out his thoughts. Turning Hogwarts into a perfect school was a lot to do for one fifth year boy and seventh year girl. He sighed, opening his eyes again. "I want Faye with us; the first year Slytherin. She's stupid and naive, and I've already got her wrapped around my finger." He raised a fist, then lowered it. "Would you stay with me though? I need you."
"We'll go see the plants then," Professor Umby smiled. "You all can look at them, ask questions if you need to, make notes or sketches if you'd like, but don't touch them. Some of the plants we keep can be dangerous." Ben stood out of his stool with the rest of the class and followed Professor Umbry to the next greenhouse. "Hey Layla," he began, "You okay?" ------- Giving little mind to her comments, Jack sank next to Taralynn on the couch. The couches in the common room were his favorite; he needed something like this down in the Chamber. He looked at the Potions books on the table. "Studying?"