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  1. Garxena
    I like the idea of making both knifes. That way you can change between them if you want to.

    I was Haruhi Fujioka at the last con that I went to and I had a tough time deciding what I was going to do about the other members of the Host Club since I had no other cosplayers in my group. I ended up being pulled into a couple of Ouran groups that didn't have a Haruhi. XD At one point a the formal dance, two Tamakis were fighting over me!
    I guess what you do with a solo cosplay depends on what kind of a cosplayer you are.
    Post by: Garxena, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Garxena
    Thyella's head snapped towards the new voice. Who was it? Where were they? And what was that about a fire? Before she could ask, Anemos had taken her by the arm and pulled her behind him. He knew she couldn't see anything that wasn't a solid object -- and fire is not a solid object. He quickly started to think of what he could do to stop the rapidly growing fire. Could he create a kind of vacuum seal around the fire and extinguish it? Would trying only create winds that would fan the flames?
    "Somebody better do something!" Anemos accepted that there wasn't much he or his sister could do with their abilities at this point. Their control of the air was too precise, not wide enough to handle something like this. His arm stayed around his back, his hand on Thyella's arm; if she was close to him, she was away from the flames.
    Post by: Garxena, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Garxena
    Name of RP: Final Fantasy VII: Black Gold
    Synopsis: This RP will go through the entire timeline of Final Fantasy VII -- yes, the entire timeline. That means it goes from the year 0001 to 0010 (that's Crisis Core thru Dirge of Cerberus). There are only two more spots for non-Turk OCs but all the Turks are still open to make. Twists and turns are taken at every moment, meaning the plot of FFVII deviates (for instance: Elfe is now no longer involved whatsoever. She never existed. Another character has been twisted to fill that hole in the plot.)
    Genre: Action-adventure
    Link: Clicky here
    OOC Link: Now clicky here
    Activity: CLOSED!
    • This RP will require a lot of thinking and cooperation!
    • There are no video game-esque things to it (no limit breaks, no turn-by-turn battles, no weapon upgrades, no levels, etc.).
    • I may or may not allow more OCs after the last two spots are filled.
    • I am very happy to help anyone out who wants to join!
    • I prefer it if you knew the plot of each game, OVA, and movie. But you don't have had to have played or watched them all. (I've never finished DC myself...)
    • I have created a very helpful timeline that anyone who wants to join or has joined can get from me. All you've got to do is e-mail me at with "Black Gold timeline" as the subject.
    Created By: Garxena
    Post by: Garxena, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Garxena
    Ah, okay. I get it now. Thanks for helping me understand that. (:
    Post by: Garxena, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Community News & Projects
  5. Garxena
    Okay. So what would happen with the modification notices? Would the reason just be a general thing like "modified for unnecessary vulgar language" or "modified for inappropriate content" or "modified because it can be." Or would detail be given?
    Post by: Garxena, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Community News & Projects
  6. Garxena
    See, that's the only issue I have with this. I think we all deserve to be told why our post or thread was deleted or modified. I also think it would be nice to know what modifications were made to our post.
    Post by: Garxena, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Community News & Projects
  7. Garxena
    Wally attempted a smile when his eyes met with Tim's. He stood from his seat and made his way to the back of the crowd. After quickly glancing around to make sure no one was looking at him, he took a running start; in a second, he'd arced around the crowd and was next to Tim, walking as though he'd been there the whole time. He fixed his tie and put his hands in the pockets of his black jacket. "Sorry you had to do all that." Wally felt like someone needed to apologize for all the stupid reporters and cameras -- who better than a best friend?
    Post by: Garxena, Jul 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Garxena
    I personally like the top knife better but I think the bottom works better for Katniss. The darkness of the blade works really nice for the mood/theme.

    When I don't have another person cosplay the character who is paired with my cosplay, I like to carry a plushie with me. It's easier (and cuter!) than a cardboard cutout.
    Post by: Garxena, Jul 26, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Garxena
    Aw, ℇʟιкα, I'm sure you don't suck. :glomp: Everyone takes cosplay at their own pace. Some get really good really quick, others take time to develop their style. Just give yourself some time and really give your cosplays love. You don't have to make a cosplay by hand for it to be "good." I only make alterations to one I buy online (Neri is the only one I've attempted to do mostly on my own -- just bought a dress and am fixing it up the way I want it). I think for someone to "not suck" at cosplay, they NEED TO HAVE FUN. It's my number one rule for cosplay. (:
    Post by: Garxena, Jul 26, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Garxena

    did we...

    I haven't seen any ads. Where are these demonic beings?! D<
    Post by: Garxena, Jul 26, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Garxena
    Yay for cosplay! 8D I wonder why there wasn't something like this earlier? (:

    Here's a little bit about me!
    Current main character you're cosplaying: Alphonse Elric
    Characters you've cosplayed: Haruhi Fujioka, Neri, Hinata Hyuuga, L, Hope Estheim, Satoshi Hiwatari (OC), Ben Tennyson, Roxas, Minnie Mouse, Tinker Bell, Tifa Lockhart
    Characters you want to cosplay: Vio, Fai Flourite, Aidou Hanabusa, Italy, Jill Valentine, Tatl, Tomoyo Hime, Tsubaki, Demyx, Train Heartnet, Ciel Phantomhive, Yuna, Kid Flash, Shirley, Euphemia li Britania
    Cosplays you're working on: Kid Flash, Neri
    Been to a con before?: Several times!! 8D
    Post by: Garxena, Jul 26, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Garxena
    If everyone's okay with it, we can skip to lunch now.

    Still thinking strategically about all details of petrification.
    Post by: Garxena, Jul 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Garxena
    Here's comes the shortest recap ever: First hour is over. Second hour has started. The end.
    Nah! I'm kidding! 8D

    What happened during first hour?
    Tybalt and Juliet spoiled Jack's plans to go to the library with Faye and Olivia (who should have been in class). Tybalt was all like, "Don't mess with mah sister! Imma mess you up, fool!" And Jack was like, "I take you down so hard you gonna think you in the Shreaking Shack!" And then Juliet was like, "No fighting! D<" So she escorted Faye and Olivia to their classes with Tybalt while Jack ditched them all to bring breakfast back to Taralynn in the Slytherin common room.
    Jacob, meanwhile: "I shall be hero and save Hogwarts! 8D" ... So he's doing all he can at the moment to learn about the Chamber and Mandrakes and stuff. He was in Herbology with Ben and Layla. Ben's been: "I'm so cute and naive and lovable! I wanna help people and make friends!" And Layla's all, "Ohmahgwadohmahgwadohmahgwad! Me thinks I fancy this little redhead! <3"
    Al didn't see her friend Becca at breakfast and has been, "@o@ Where is she?!!?!?!?" and searching for her.
    Taralynn was like, "Does I rike Jack? Or does I not rike Jack? I'm confuuuuused! DX" And Jack's just like, "Do what I tell ya, whipping girl! >D" And they're happily pursuing their evil plot.

    What's going on now?
    Second hour has started and everyone has just gotten to class. Flying is going to be on the Quidditch Pitch today because it's fun and I said so. XD Potions class is making the Babbling Beverage. Other classes are doing whatever because I'm too lazy to do all the teachers and it's totally chill if peeps want to write whatever (within reason) for their class hour.


    I knew about the love potion stuff, but I could never picture Voldy actually having a child. He was so sure of himself and arrogant that I don't think he ever thought he'd fail. His plans were "perfect." And because he thought he could live forever, he wouldn't have felt the need to have an "heir" or "successor."
    Post by: Garxena, Jul 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Garxena
    Professor Thoaldves smiled at Ben to return his greeting and then clapped her hands to get the attention of the class. "Good morning, class. Today, I have a treat for you all. I can see by your silly, puzzled faces that you've noticed out lack of brooms here. That's because they're waiting for us elsewhere. Anyone care to guess?"

    "The Grand Staircase?" A snooty girl answered sarcastically.

    "Oh no," Professor Thoaldves smiled kindly despite the girl's attitude. "Somewhere much more fun. Does anyone know what's going on tomorrow after classes?"

    "The first Quidditch match of the year," Ben responded enthusiastically. He was starting to get the gist of what was going on.

    "That's right," Professor Thoaldves winked. "So today we're going to bend the rules a bit... and do some flying on the Quidditch Pitch."


    "Everyone's here? Good." Professor Royal looked over the Potions students. "For this hour, we're going to try a complicated, yet fun, potion: the Babbling Beverage. Some of you may know of this potion, but don't spoil it for the others! If anyone can successfully brew this, we'll have a bit of fun at the end of the hour. You'll find instructions and ingredients on page 22."

    Al couldn't make up her mind if she was excited or disappointed. It was a hard potion to make, but the effects weren't all that interesting. She'd only made it once before in her sixth year -- as a prank on one of her classmates -- and couldn't fully understand why Professor Royal would choose it as today's lesson.

    "Well?" Jack asked of Taralynn in a low voice as he flipped open his book and pushed the small cauldron on the desk aside so there'd be room for the book. He wasn't in the mood for a complex potion at all; chances were he'd end up setting something on fire somehow. He hated Potions.
    Post by: Garxena, Jul 25, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Garxena
    Hey, gaiz.... I have realized a pretty dumb mistake I made. >> Some classes at Hogwarts only last half a year... That's why students have so many classes! So, shall we leave schedules the way they are? Or fix them (which might be a little complicated)?
    Post by: Garxena, Jul 25, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Garxena
    My puppies woke me up two hours ago when I had planned to wake up in about a half hour. Thanks for sleep depriving me, Fred and George! ><
    Post by: Garxena, Jul 25, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Garxena
    "Good morning, Professor Thoaldves," Ben greeted the Flying instructor. He noticed there were no brooms out for the class and wondered right away what they'd be doing for this hour. A couple of other students appeared and seemed to have the same idea Ben did.


    Al and Jack arrived at their Potions lesson at almost the same time -- Jack only moments after Al. Sometimes she wondered how someone like Jack (who managed to set almost everything on fire) could get into a class as advanced as this one. She loved how complex the recipes for these potions were, and how patient their Professor was. Rarely did Al have questions or problems but when she did, Professor Royal was happy to help.
    Post by: Garxena, Jul 25, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Garxena
    Well, a few random characters will be used, but I have plans for existing characters. People will get PMs from me later about that.
    "Gar?" That's a new one. XD
    Post by: Garxena, Jul 24, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Garxena
    Thanks guys! I had a great time! My sister and I went to the Shakespeare festival and had a total blast! 8D We saw Midsummer's Night Dream and Romeo and Juliet.

    I agree with tummer; instead of dropping your characters, we can petrify them so that they are available to you when/if you decide to come back. <3
    Post by: Garxena, Jul 24, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Garxena
    "We can manipulate air," Anemos answered Wolfman, keeping a steady hold on his sister.
    Thyella jumped, surprised by Hellion's sudden appearance. She could "see" now and had easily recognized the teacher. "What do you mean 'big trouble?' I can try to find the others but with all the trees it'll be difficult."
    Post by: Garxena, Jul 24, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home