Take a look around and love the awesomeness of the new layout. XD Right now, I've got two roleplays up: Harry Potter and Final Fantasy VII. The...
Yeah, I remember. Awesome for getting an MSN! Mine is ben-10-tennyson2005@hotmail.com. The screen name is "Kid Flash." My sister (mrsbaggins) and...
Caleigh took a deep breath and swung at Reno with her left hand, catching the side of his coat jacket in his grip. She twisted it quickly, keeping her right arm up to block any blows, and spun the Turk around. Before he could recover, she swept her left leg wide in a low kick, knocking his legs out from underneath him. She turned to Legas as he came toward her, jerking her head toward the door. “Want to get out of here before these two get back up or what?!â€
Just go back a couple pages for the recaps I did. : D
"Nice get up," Kid Flash commented as caught up to and sped alongside Red Robin. His arms swung in opposite rhythm to his legs as both a habit and trick of balance. "Ready to bust some baddies?" He knew his friend probably wasn't. "Maybe save a damsel?" He kept up his jovial attitude, but he was really wondering how many people would be at this crime -- and how many cameras.
The first 3 movies with Tobey McPooface (yeah, I went there) sucked. There was so much wrong with them that I'm not even going to start. Let's leave it at the face that this new movie looks like it's going to do some extreme justice to the comics. The Green Goblin isn't exactly "the biggest enemy" that Spidey had. He caused a crapload of trouble (and death) but I think some other antagonists top him. And the Lizard is the antagonist for this movie (from what I've heard). Eddie (Venom in the 3rd movie) wasn't a bad guy! He was just upset and jealous. Yes, they're starting over. Disney bought out Marvel so I assume that's a contributing factor to this decision. And the fact that Tobey won't come back.
What could be wrong about not having the Green Goblin? I personally like it. I think it's good they're using the Lizard (but I'm a bit biased 'cause I like that character so much). There's more to Spidey than the Green Goblin, just like there's more to Batman than the stupid Joker.
Oh yeah, I do. I mean, I don't make a big deal out of it, because I like my internet nicknames better than my real name. If someone one of my friends that I see daily calls me Garxena or GraceDragon, it takes my brain a second to register that they're talking to me, but it's not like they have to repeat themselves to get my attention. My online personality and my real life personality are pretty different -- though I'm trying to make them the same. In real life, I'm pretty unassuming and just go with whatever people want me to. I don't speak my mind very often unless I'm really upset about something. I'm only myself around people I trust (and I'm still struggling with learning to trust people more). But online, I kick ass. lol I'm not afraid to speak my mind and be goofy and have fun, and even be a total tosser. I think people are a lot more willing to be open with their actions online because there are generally no repercussions for it. If you argue with someone online (like I do), you don't have to see them the next day (or in an hour) and bring it up with them face-to-face. Let's admit it, it's hard to stand your ground when you're looking into the eyes of the person you're having a disagreement with. BUT! There's a good side to it as well. Take me for example. After years of being who I really want to be online, I'm starting to become that person in real life as well. I'm not so afraid to speak my mind anymore. I'm more extroverted. I'm happier.
As far as I know, MJ isn't in this movie (thank goodness!); it's Gwen Stacey (yay!). From the trailer, I'm betting the graphics will be outstanding. I'm betting they're going to enhance Spidey's webs because they're going by the comics and not doing some weird thing with Peter's wrists. I think they'll use practical effects for the actual webbing (and webbing mixture) and then green-screen Spidey swinging on it.
Click. This. Now. Okay. Now that you've all seen that, you can understand why I'm really looking forward to this movie. I can honestly say that I STRONGLY DISLIKED the first three movies. Spider-Man is my hero. In every way possible of the saying. Actually, Peter Parker is my hero. As I said on the movie's Facebook page about Andrew taking the role of Peter/Spider-Man: "The point is that he doesn't look like some buff guy who could kick your ass by just looking at you. That's always been Peter Parker's charm. And that's why Spidey is my favorite super hero, because he's just like us under his mask. He's a lovable dork who has no shot at getting the girl of his dreams and falls over his own feet half the time he's walking. If you were a real fan, you'd know that. Andrew is perfect for the role." I stand by what I said there. Peter has inspired me in my day-to-day life, even now that I'm out of high school and done with all that stupid stuff, I can still look up to him as my hero (despite what happened to Peter in the Ultimate series). Andrew looks to be amazing. Emma Stone can pull off a very nice Gwen in my opinion. And although, being the hardcore Spidey fan that I am, I'm a little frustrated about some changes we can see in the preview (no, not the costume; I love that), I'm going to be at the movie theatre opening night to see this. The cast and crew of this movie have earned my respect and trust. I just hope that I haven't misplaced them.
Yeah, I kinda have an issue with just have 7 episodes as a prize. I wonder what they're plans are exactly. >> I mean, these "contestants" are giving it their all and spilling their passionate hearts out on TV. Can't they be on for a season?
Oh, I mean like when she fixed Harry's glasses on the train when they were eleven and in Diagon Alley when they were twelve. I just thought it was weird that she was allowed to do it, but Harry got his butt busted for protecting his cousin.
Question!!! ....... Why is there no Wolverine?! D:
Caleigh stared at Reno, unfazed by his quip. All she really needed to do was disarm him so she could get closer to him. "I'm your opponent here, Turk. Don't get distracted." She rushed at Reno, left fist hooking toward his face while her right attempted to grab Reno's weapon from him.
I didn't want to make a new thread just to ask this question, so I thought it'd be okay if I asked it here. Why is it that Hermione never got in trouble for doing under-aged magic outside of school??? But my thoughts on the seventh and eighth movies? They were both wonderful. I was disappointed in the movies from the 3rd to the 6th. But the seventh was wonderful (acting especially) and the eighth... I just can't put it into words. As with many other people, Harry Potter was what I grew up with. From 1999 to 2011. What a great span of my life. The Deathly Hallows finished the saga with so much passion. :') I couldn't have asked for it any other way.
I really like this show! I think the best part about it is that the people who work on Glee are the ones who are doing the "judging." It's much better than having someone else do it. I still haven't picked anyone that I actually want to be on the show though. To me, right now, none of them can handle being on Glee.
Not very much has happened. Kid Flash is awesome!! Robin isn't allowed to tell people his identity! D< lol And I haz a Robin.
Actually, I'm not. I save up for a long time before I can buy anything. Sometimes I get help from people too. I don't have very much talent when it comes to needles and thread so it's not like I can make my cosplays like other brilliant people can; don't have the time for it either. Anyway, I have a lot of respect for people who make cosplays (either because they work for online stores or because they're awesome otaku who have the talent for it). One of my good friends does cosplay commissions, and very well. I'd love to give it a go again, but sadly, I just don't have the talent for it. Some people aren't artists, or singers, or dancers, or video game designers; I'm not a sewer. Oh, and Clawtooth, that really sucks about having to pay more for importing. ): I've never been able to understand that. >>
We should have let it go for a year. XD
I'm going to wait for Jayn till I post. (: