Ain't that just cute? XD
Since mrsbaggins magically skipped about seven hours of the day and decided it was nighttime, Caleigh accepted Legas' decision. "I'll see you later then." She gave him a mock-salute and walked away, drawing a cigarette as she went. This was the best of luck for AVALANCHE. The Legendary Turk himself wanted to join their fight against Shinra. Was it too good to be true?
Logan put back the cigar he had been taking out -- he couldn't do anything around here, could he? -- and shrugged, completely perplexed by what Professor X had said. Something that was pure mutant energy? And it broke Cerebro?? What was he supposed to do about it? "What?" He looked down at Professor X. "You want me to go investigate or something?"
My chickie, Ariel, is with her Poochyena and Piplup in Satoshi Town. (:
I'll post tomorrow night or Sunday. Working out some stuff pertaining to the plot.
Logan had the fridge door open and was looking for something better to drink than soda and water when he heard Professor X. He'd thought he would get the whole afternoon to himself since everyone seemed to be concerned about training the kids. He pushed the door of the fridge closed, grumbling something about the lack of alcohol in the school, and walked out to the courtyard to see what it was that Professor X wanted. "What's urgent is this place's need of beer," The comment was mostly just him talking to himself, but Professor X probably heard it as Logan came to stand next to him.
The girl smiled and giggled at Kid Flash's humor. "Uh uh. My cat is just stuck in this tree." Her lips formed the perfect pout. "And no matter what I do, I can't get him down." "Your what??" Kid Flash was disappointed. Of all the things that could have been bothering this pretty girl, it had to be a stupid cat in a stupid tree. "Well I --" He stopped, noticing Jesse walking his way. But she didn't look to keen on conversation, and he probably shouldn't act all friendly with her while on this dangerous mission. He looked back to the girl and smoothly picked up where he left off, "I've got time."
Caleigh thought for a moment. Would it be easiest to just go now and skip risking being followed later? She had a feeling that the word of two anti-Shinra activists getting into a bar fight in Sector 5 would spread fast. If they split up now, there was a greater chance of them being followed later. She recognized the alleyway; they were close to her home. "You got plans? With that stunt you just pulled, someone's gonna be looking for us. And I'd like to keep out of Shinra's eye." She smiled and laughed. "We might as well just go there together now."
Oh.. mahgwad....... TERRA! D: I WILL post her and KF tomorrow before all the other jazz I do.
And Wally's hitting on a hot girl. XD
I didn't see a need to complain to you about FMA. >> But it did bother me. Especially the episodes of Roy and Envy... I think Ao no Exorcist and...
I didn't at first. The image of people burning (especially to death) really disturbs me. It's something that I just can't watch. And even though...
"'Fly safe?'" Ben was a bit confused by Jay's parting message. He nodded to Jacob, biting his lip. "I've heard some different stories about what happened with Harry Potter, so I thought I might find better facts in books. But... um... How do you feel about all of this?" ------- Wolfsbane... Wolfsbane... Wolfsbane... I've got to try that one again some time. Al stared at her half-eaten chicken salad and poked a baby tomato with her fork. But then... maybe I should just try a different one. Wolfsbane is supposed to be one of the hardest to brew anyway. I shouldn't be so down about not getting it the first time. Maybe if I go for an after-classes lesson again, I'll figure out what I did wrong. As usual, her mind was on Potions. Her earlier class was easy for her; she'd been the first to correctly brew the Babbling Beverage. But now she was starting to wonder more about what those kids in the library were doing.
The first years had agreed at breakfast to meet up in the library to see if they could find anything about the Chamber. Mostly everyone is in the library right now doin' just that. Jay, our wonderful new character, has also joined in to cause a little mischief.
Ben's usual happy expression turned to a worried and slightly frustrated frown. Where had Jacob come from? Ben hadn't noticed him; the library was pretty big after all. How was it that everyone was in this one section? Of course, it completely left his mind that they were all looking for the same information. But he didn't have the guts a Gryffindor was supposed to to tell Jacob that he didn't really want his help. So instead of telling one boy that he did want his help and the other that he didn't, he cowardly accepted both of them into his plans. "We'd like the help. What we wanted to know was what happened the other two times the Chamber was opened. Maybe we could find some clues in those stories that will help us now."
I'm attempting to style a wig. >>
Go overboard with the posting! : D
That sucks! D: But we all understand.
I think so. That way I won't just be sitting and do nothing while they're having fun at the bank. 8|
I love it when my cat gets in trees too. >>