i love nostalgia. like IRC.
http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?37317-Rosey-is-cheap.-v.v WHY ARE WE SO OLD. AHHHH.
beyyyyyetchhhh. I love you too <3
message me on MSN crono kthx.
lol are you going to go find my facebook/prom photos.
its true. I only get stalked by nerds :( aka speech and debate nerds. why am i not attractive enough to get hot stalkers :(
i talked to you more on fb anyway. k bye. ill fb creep you in a few.
oh hey there guyz. i still talk to shadowjak and O R A N G E on facebook a lot. they are alive and well.
rosey for everything. game over.
so should i send you another card? with a dollar perhaps?
i want pictures i want pictures. i showed you mine so you have to show me yours. :)
right now I am looking at stanford, MIT, georgia tech/emorys combined program, U Penn, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Case Western, and possibly the University of Rochester.
Oh dear :( I'm so sorry. I would honestly see if you can see someone. I know it may sound cliche, but sometimes it can be very helpful to talk to a counselor who is completely removed from the situation. They may not be able to fix the root of the problem, but they can provide an outlet as well as resources to help you. I dont know how comfortable you feel with the idea of prescribed medicine but it has done wonders for some people that I know that were having problems with their moods. I really hope this gets better for you, I am so sorry this is happening. If you need to talk, just message me.
im pretty sure i have to go to a prestigious school.
KHV where should I go to college.
you are trying wayyyy too hard. its a forum. calm down.
this post is me not caring. like honestly what is the point of the thread at this point. they arent together. lets all move on.
im obvitotes the hottest female.