how is it being there right now??? i hope you are all okay.
pluto was a planet.
basically im really cool. ALWAYS.
is gorgeous. srsli. love it.
its not particularly BAD. at least the song is about something people actually feel like relating too? maybe? either way its not god awful. but everyone is going to listen to it, be like thats nice, and no one will actually buy it. its one of those listen to because of the last stunt they pulled but they didnt go bigger, so it failed and now no one is going to care as much.
oh god im on fb much more than KHV ._. i pretty much just keep my facebook up on my computer and im always doing work on my computer so... also all of my photography and portraits are on fb. so i spend a lot of time doing stuff for people on that.
i feel like i have seriously known you for so long. its ridiculous. IRC. epic. i remember when i was 13 and was like OH THOSE MEMBERS THAT ARE 17 HA THEY ARE SO OLD. ._. im so old.
i have my own birthday thread? i feel so specialful. <3 17 - the age at which you can literally do NOTHING.
seriously, this is ridiculous.
oh lol. what up girl. i remember you.
Those fights between the two of you were so excellent. And no one can rant like SJ or Vivi could. I miss redsonic.
like .
Hey gurl heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
It is okay. We all can't be as exceptional as me or CtR.
yeah no .
*tilts head* are you talking about a camera ISO?
I've been on this site for a little over four years, and I haven't met anyone on here. I can understand where your parents are coming from. If I was on KHV when I was 13 (which I was...), and had asked my parents to go see someone I had met on here, they would have been very upset with me. It is not only a question of how would you work it out, but also a question of safety. They are honestly just trying to look out for you in the best way they can. They don't want any harm to come to you. That doesnt necessarily mean that you are going to be physically hurt by said person, but they are afraid for you possibly getting too close to someone that you can't physically be with (not be with as in like romantic, but friendship as well). I can completely understand their concern. If you are set on seeing this person, you are going to have to do your research. Places to meet up, how to get the two of your parents talking etc. I do not suggest blatantly defying your parents wishes, running away and going to see this person. I can assure you that will not end well. As for me, I am 16, going to be 17 in about a week. Are there people I would love to meet from this forum? Absolutely. I know a certain member (who isnt active anymore) might be going to the same college that I am. If so, we are totally rooming together. I introduced her to debate, and maybe if we are lucky, we will see each other at nationals next year. If I ever go back to england, you bet your butt I'm going to see Kay. If I end up going to Puerto Rico, I am probably going to photoshoot with Bivi. Honestly, I would wait to see this person. If the opportunity comes up, grab it. Use the time you are looking at colleges to visit a college near this person and meet up with them when you are older. In my opinion, you are too young to be meeting up with other people on the internet, regardless of how long you have known them. Just hold your horses and see how life plays out.
message me on MSN. betch.