i didnt cry either but.... D: WHAT. so sad )))):
go go go go go go go go go go go go go. signs now.
so... no day but today is actually called finale B. o: I semi disagree. One day more is better.
*looks down at rep* oh thats cool.
neko, your sig has something to do with being christian and if we kill you that makes you a saint. i feel like thats wrong. i feel like that would more so make you a martyr. just sayin.
i kind of stopped caring. i was a rockin mod to begin with though. then life came along and was like BOOOOOOOM. and now i have a life. crazy stuff right there.
oh haiii :> hahahahahahahahahahaha no. i was anawful mod toward the end.
i love khv.
i remember when i used to have the 2nd highest rep at KHV *nostalgia nostalgia nostalgia*
Bivi and I are leaving each other video messages. They consist of super mario pjs, a sora poster, singing, and dino noises. you be jealous. I know.
opinions KHV. esp from those who know what I look like. lol
i was the corner queen.
i just had to stalk your usernotes to figure out who you were D: i missed you how are you?
nice! HL or SL? i have HL bio english and history, SL spanish, math, chemistry.
i am indeed an iber. IB senior.
i remember the corner! my cornnerrrrr.
holy ****. Oh my god do the two of you have skype.
its a 4000 word essay that is due tomorrow. so excellent
i am done with my EE. *holy music plays*