ahmygawd RvR <3 i miss everyone[DOUBLEPOST=1370923524][/DOUBLEPOST] ... see but we are also friends on facebook so like thats a thing. hahaha. i should have sent you the picture when angie and i got coffee. i think we are going out together this weekend
rat! <3
I stalked your profile and saw your email so i knew haha. And dude I dont even remember. its been a WHILE. even longer since ive tried to post.
wait am i not a premium member anymore? thats awkward. also god username changes. who is everyone?
this new layout confuses me. HOW DO THINGS WORK. clearly, it has been a while.
ohmygodmylife. watching the twitter and fb freakouts following this announcement has been the highlight of my day.
Ive been busy :( school has been whooping my butt.
I am going to college! Yay! oh and hi i missed you how are you all etc etc im alive
oh em gee how could you forget me. im so offended. obviously.
oh hey girl hey.
Case Western as a biomedical engineering major. did i mention the 22,500 per year scholarship?
victory .
YOU TWO ARE RUINING MY NOSTALGIA THREAD. SHUT UP. LET ME HAVE MY NOSTALGIA WITH THE OTHER PEOPLE WHO WERE THERE D: rude. just rude. also no one cares. its an internet forum. even if it is an alt, i dont give a ****. so. <3 stop it. no one cares. really. let the staff do it if they feel like it.
http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?20452-Wtf-was-I-thinking/ nostalgia. booooooom. you are all welcome.
There are quite a few things that annoy me, but there is one in particular. I cannot stand it when people put themselves down FOR NO APPARENT REASON. If you have a reason to put yourself down, have your five minute pity party. Go for it. But for the love of God if you put yourself down all the time, it makes me so angry. Because at that point you are making me feel guilty, as well as putting yourself down and killing your self confidence for no reason at all. It also puts me in a position where I am expected to baby you every minute of every day, and that does not fly with me. So putting yourself down all the time is seriously one of my biggest pet peeves...ever. also. http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html you are welcome.
shadowjak says if we unbann his account he'll visit haha
i remember when you were admin for five minutes. then everyone revolted.
I feel like I banned you and your alts... three, maybe four times?