I'm a huge fan of Mega Man X and I'm just sorta lukewarm about the Zero series myself haha (I actually have not played ZX/Advent). You might enjoy X more? As for the story... The Zero series in particular iirc had a story with a lot of interesting potential, but it was presented in a way that made it confusing or even seem like kind of an afterthought. I believe part of the problem was that Inti Creates was apprehensive about Keiji Inafune's initial idea for the game's story, and they ended up changing some things around last-minute -- Plus, Capcom made Mega Man X6 without Inafune's knowledge after X5 was the intended finale for that series, so Zero (as its followup) had to be altered to preserve continuity. Probably not worth it as X6 is comical in its lack of regard for canon continuity, but... Lol.
Thank you for your help! The file checker found some corrupted files it couldn't fix. After that I ran DISM /scanhealth and /restorehealth and it's coming up clear now. I'm going to wait and see if it's behaving okay for a few days before I close this, otherwise I'll be sure to post again! CCleaner looks great so I'll be sure to grab that too. Nothing, but I think it's okay now. Gonna have to wait and see!
Hey guys, I was wondering if you had any advice for me... Lately (like within the last month or so I'd say), my laptop will sometimes freak out if I try to click on icons in the taskbar to pull up program windows that are minimized or in the background. It happens a lot when I try to pull up Skype after using Chrome for a while, for example. Usually, Explorer completely freezes up for maybe 20-30 seconds or so, and appears to restart itself before it will let me continue (after this it will allow me to pull up whatever I want without complaint). I have a fairly new SSD in this computer and I have no idea why this would be happening. I'm generally careful not to install or download unnecessary stuff on this PC as it's mainly intended for school, so all I've really been doing with it is web browsing. Details: Samsung ATIV Book 4 Windows 8.1 (64) Intel Core i7-3537U 8 GB RAM SSD: Samsung 840 EVO 500GB
tylenol pm
College orientation is the pits, I'm sorry. School itself is much better in my experience, if it's any consolation. :v
Yeah Shuffle is garbage lol (sorry not sorry) although nothing against her or her performance. Visual novels are such a weird medium :v I feel like there's a lot of potential in them but it is mostly wasted because the audience they ended up catering to is often in it for porn. There are some exceptions of course, but eh. I'm admittedly curious how she responded to your question though, lmao, did she seem to know the game you were referring to?
;__; I'm rooting for you
I actually also just saw a tweet of the old intro on my feed today too hah.
godspeed friend ;___;
Signal boosted you. Best wishes.
This is pretty much impossible though, you have to go to a restaurant for that... You can sub in better flavors for the seasoning but I don't think you can ever get the texture or broth 100%. The thing is, there's just no way that a $0.50 package of instant ramen (or $0.50 anything really) will ever compare to the 'real' stuff, and if you dress it up too much it defeats the purpose of a cheap/quick meal anyway and you may as well go out, lol. If you eat ramen all the time and it's all you know how to make, maybe you should experiment making other foods? You could just be sick of it in general to be honest with you! I get being busy, but there's a lot of simple, cost effective alternatives out there. That being said, I believe there are a myriad of websites dedicated to trying different instant noodles and rating them, so maybe look around and see which ones people like best. I do like Koyo ramen personally. These days I like to let ramen noodles soak up the flavor of the broth for a few minutes and then get rid of it; the broth's just really... Well, bad for you lol. It's a small change but I got pretty sick of ramen last year and for some reason it's given it some extra mileage with me. Substituting cheese for broth is surprisingly good imo (I thought I'd hate it), and I like to add meat or dried seaweed sometimes... It's a pretty versatile food haha.
i legitimately forgot we did this last year lol
what is a man
From Kotaku (yeah yeah lol): It seems like Nintendo wants to limit the inclusion of third party characters, and Sora isn't exactly representative of the Kingdom Hearts games in the same way Mega Man, Sonic, and Pac-Man are of theirs as I see it (he's not a "mascot"). So I feel like he's an unlikely addition, even setting aside potential licensing issues. That said, if a third party character gets enough votes, who knows... I just think there might be too many legal hoops to jump through with Sora in particular :v .
Audio from the voice recorder indicates that the pilot was locked out of the cockpit and pounding on the door just before the crash. The suspicion is that the co-pilot deliberately crashed the plane... Really horrifying.
the server went on strike
I mean... Starting a career is essentially what college is for. I don't know what you're thinking of studying, but maybe talk to an advisor about job prospects/ways to get ahead in securing a job in the field(s) you're interested in? You may have to be proactive about it, go to job fairs etc. And get scholarships/grants if possible! As for getting a job before then, you just need to be persistent, I think... Colleges tend to have lots of student/campus jobs available, so be on the lookout (maybe check the school's website?).
Cool, hope it is/was nice! Speaking from experience, don't worry if you don't like orientation much; I really did not have a good time at mine (not to scare you -- yours might be good haha) but when college proper began I really liked it.