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  1. Stardust
    There are plenty of other things that you've probably consumed semi-regularly that put strain on your liver, like Tylenol for example or, in fact, perhaps even soda.

    Alcohol of course is in essence a drug, and it's important to be mindful of its effects on your mind and body and consume it responsibly! Personally before I was old enough to drink I was really scared of it, because sometimes people treat it like you will spontaneously combust if you have any. The media doesn't help -- usually when alcohol is involved it goes hand-in-hand with a disaster, whether it's in a work of fiction or a news story.

    The reality for most people is really different; you do not lose all control of yourself or get hungover from a beer or two (honestly I think you'd have to be really really drunk to feel it the next day haha).

    I'm not trying to pressure you into drinking of course, if you don't want to you don't want to and that should be respected! But I don't want you to be misinformed; I feel like I used to be.
    Post by: Stardust, Jun 19, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Stardust
    In my limited drinking-age experience imo the problem with alcohol is a) it's expensive and b) it's really not much fun to drink on your own lol chocolate is far superior

    That said I do enjoy having a drink on special occasions or with friends. If it's not your thing don't let anybody give you **** about it, obviously it's not a requirement to have fun (sometimes people make it seem that way :v). As long as the people in question are responsible about it though I would really advise being polite to others who do enjoy a drink or ask you if you want one; your friends will probably understand if you just explain you don't drink.
    Post by: Stardust, Jun 19, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Stardust
    no, instead it would gain sentience and seek violent revenge.
    source: i'm an expert
    Post by: Stardust, Jun 19, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Stardust
    i'm dead, i'm buried. i'm dead
    Post by: Stardust, Jun 16, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Stardust
    I guess I just feel like if they invested millions into engineering a creature like that, they should also be willing to take into account its insane capabilities and invest whatever is necessary to ensure it doesn't get out -- it doesn't matter if that means backup chips or extra fences or whatever else imo; I was just tossing out examples. It felt like lazy writing that they were so ill-prepared for its escape.


    In my opinion it got off to a rocky start, picked up maybe half an hour in, and remained really entertaining from then to the very end -- just growing increasingly stupid over time, lol.
    Post by: Stardust, Jun 15, 2015 in forum: Movies & Media
  6. Stardust
    Fair enough! I didn't really think about it from that perspective to be honest; I approached it with the same attitude as the kids inside the ride, that is, "A character is actively doing something that may get them killed during a crisis, which they have explicitly been told not to do." But it isn't the same situation, exactly.
    My bad, I was writing things quickly and didn't articulate what I meant by this well. I was trying to express that it seemed like most of the equipment for subduing the dinosaur would be laughably ineffective against a creature of that caliber, and how it felt like that should have been obvious to all involved (especially when iirc the equipment changed little through multiple encounters), lol.
    Post by: Stardust, Jun 15, 2015 in forum: Movies & Media
  7. Stardust
    I just saw this last night and I have lots of thoughts! I also don't really remember any characters' names well lol so bear with me. But the short of it is (mind the spoilers!):

    The Good:
    The cast was mostly solid, the action sequences had excellent setup and payoff (the final fight was an obvious choice but the scene where the gate opens was so perfect!!), effects pretty good, soo refreshing to hear that theme again!
    The Bad:
    Basically the writing... Filled with heavy-handed themes, dumb characters, occasional out of place lines, and obvious deus ex machinas. Some examples off the top of my head; I could be misremembering or forgetting some things, granted:

    • We suspect our massive GMO Dinosaur has broken out of its cage... Let's go inside of the cage to investigate, immediately, before it has been located.
    • We can't possibly close the park in the face of GMO Dinosaur mayhem!!!!11 What about MONEY??
    • Further let's outfit GMO Dinosaur with a SINGLE CHIP for tracking and containment outside of its cage, and not warn the folks in charge of watching it (or tracking it down) about its ridiculous capabilities. A layered enclosure or multiple implants you say??? give me a ****ing BREAK
    • "Stay in the car." ...She gets out of the car immediately. The scene of her watching the dinosaur die almost makes up for it.
    • The system is telling us our ride is closed and we should turn back, but let's not only continue but go OFF-ROADING INTO A RESTRICTED AREA WHICH HAS A SUSPICIOUS BREAK IN ITS FENCE. What could possibly go wrong???
    • Let's outfit our security personnel with tiny-ass rifles every time we send them after GMO Dinosaur, they'll be FINE
    • Now that GMO Dinosaur is down, let's just shut down communications like there aren't any other dangerous creatures still on the loose!
    • "RUN!!" As in, come over here and hide behind a piece of rock with me so we can all watch??
    • "We've gotta tell mom about this!!"
    • "Can't you just sniff it out or something??"

    • The kids CONVENIENTLY know how to fix a car when they need to, and have everything necessary to get one abandoned since the early '90's running (not to mention original park equipment was CONVENIENTLY still hanging around, right where they needed it)
    • The velociraptors are CONVENIENTLY clicker trained to search and destroy
    • The velociraptors also CONVENIENTLY switch loyalties whenever the plot necessitates it.
    • Swimming Dinosaur CONVENIENTLY breaks his enclosure exclusively to eat GMO Dinosaur, right when everyone needed him to.
    • GMO Dinosaur CONVENIENTLY has all the capabilities necessary to ruin everything for everybody all the time, which CONVENIENTLY gets revealed -- you guessed it -- just when the plot needs it. How is it so stealthy?? It's part tree frog... We sent raptors to catch it??? It's part raptor...

    • Government Raptor Guy was a poorly developed thematic device -- very one-dimensional, designed to be an easy audience target, and an obvious setup for the eventual release of the raptors (which would obviously go wrong!). I wish they'd done a better job with that character if they were going to go that route -- Perhaps a government official sent to view the progress on training the raptors, with little or no opinion on their feasibility as a weapon to begin with, whose feelings for or against their usage develops over the course of the movie. Also, I don't remember the amount of power he held ever being made clear, which made things confusing when he basically took over the entire security operation of the island.
    • The dangers of playing god has been a part of Jurassic Park from the beginning, but filling the cast with people who mostly had no real interest in dinosaurs felt like a bad move. They made some effort to teach those characters that they were dealing with living, breathing animals (the aforementioned death scene; the eventual turning of the velociraptors...), and the male lead personified this point of view, but at the end of the day it felt half-baked... I think I'm mostly taking issue with it because of the raptors side-swapping again at the end, lol. Beyond the fact that the mere existence of this film means people keep making the same mistake, I mean... I guess I have to give that part a pass :v .

    Also, minor nitpick: Claire(?) ran around in those damn pumps the whole time! I kept waiting for someone to hack the heels off, ala Romancing the Stone.

    I hope I don't sound like I hated it because I actually did not, I thought it was really entertaining! Just... Not much more than that, haha. But sometimes that's all you need from a movie. I walked out happy.
    Post by: Stardust, Jun 14, 2015 in forum: Movies & Media
  8. Stardust
  9. Stardust
    All of mine are, yes. Although my Chrome wasn't quite up to date when I started this thread (see the OP), I've since updated it... Problem persists.
    Post by: Stardust, Jun 11, 2015 in forum: Bug Reports
  10. Stardust
    Post by: Stardust, Jun 10, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Stardust
    Thanks for the help everyone... Hilariously enough though I discovered last night that not only is JavaScript turned on, it refuses to work exclusively for KHV (I double checked to see if I accidentally blocked it for the site somehow; no dice). It's fine elsewhere.

    I am long overdue to switch back to Firefox anyway, so I'm just going to do that for now, but it is... Curious, lol.

    I'm running a virus scan but I suspect Chrome is just borked, haha.

    EDIT: Yeah, came up clean. It is a mystery.
    Post by: Stardust, Jun 10, 2015 in forum: Bug Reports
  12. Stardust
    They still don't work in incognito mode. Tried IE and it displays them fine though, lol.
    Post by: Stardust, Jun 10, 2015 in forum: Bug Reports
  13. Stardust
    Added a cap... Definitely not.
    Post by: Stardust, Jun 10, 2015 in forum: Bug Reports
  14. Stardust
    I do get info on hover ("Online Now," "Style Chooser," etc.). If those are supposed to be styled in the same vein as Amaury's screenshot however I'm not getting that; they're just plain.

    Post by: Stardust, Jun 10, 2015 in forum: Bug Reports
  15. Stardust
    Nope. Here's the model (sans HDD now that mine's been replaced with a solid state), if it helps at all.
    Post by: Stardust, Jun 10, 2015 in forum: Bug Reports
  16. Stardust
    Both Light & Dark, main index & subforums. If I make the window size small enough, the boxes stretch out enough vertically to accompany all the text.

    Windows 8.1 x64, 1366 x 768, Chrome 43.0.2357.81 m

    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 10, 2015, 24 replies, in forum: Bug Reports
  17. Stardust
    Profile Post Comment

    Should be good to go!

    Should be good to go!
    Profile Post Comment by Stardust, Jun 10, 2015
  18. Stardust

    but congrats on 8-- I mean... My condolences?? Welcome to the club???
    Post by: Stardust, Jun 9, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Stardust
    in before cancelled


    The thing is, people have been bitching about this since it was announced (as people do for everything Capcom does in regards to Mega Man) but I honestly think a lot of the reasons why are flimsy... Yes, "Oh great, another NOT NEW Mega Man game," but...

    1) Even this thread is decent evidence that there are people with interest in these games who have never had the opportunity to try them before, and now they can do so in an HD collection with extras??? WOE IS ME
    2) I've seen a lot of "Why should I get this if there are already Virtual Console versions/Anniversary Collection/etc??" and the reason why, aside from access on consoles that may not have had it before, is that afaik all of those are low resolution ports, so they will look like garbage on a modern television! Not to mention the collection having some unique features in and of itself, like that challenge mode :v.

    I really have little problem with this, I just hope it turns out (and performs) okay! The only thing that would make me jump for joy would be the option for some basic scanline/CRT simulation (nothing fancy, I don't want to make my games look like they were fed through an RF cable lol)... Games like Mega Man look wrong without them imo. But I get that to a lot of people that just makes it look worse haha. Other than that -- the lack of inclusion of some of the later titles is disappointing.

    Anyhoo while I have all of these I might get the PC version to try them out in high resolution, assuming it's proper HD. If not, I am much less interested. :C

    The DS version can be had for like $15 these days I think?
    Post by: Stardust, Jun 9, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  20. Stardust
    Post by: Stardust, Jun 5, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone