maybe we'll find out someday C':
i thought this was going to be about work on a computer plz do that also, everyone
...There is a small part of me that would really like to try this, but a) I am not a particularly engaging streamer & b) I am not a particularly interesting drunk :'c
My understanding is that primarily they exist for networking (this can extend beyond college) and/or to meet new individuals with whom you share some commonality. I was recruited for a co-ed honors frat my freshman and sophomore years; groups like that can offer a number of perks like access to extra academic assistance/study groups or materials, resume building, maybe even scholarship opportunities. Ultimately I opted not to join because they also had a number of community service and event requirements that I was apprehensive about committing to on top of school. I don't think it's really for me, but I can see the appeal of grouping with people & helping each other out. Of course there are a lot of social frats/sororities that are known for drinking and parties, but they're not all that way:
idk I always felt like .hack//SIGN didn't get enough love other .hack stuff aside
ok a few things 1) this is the best OP ever I love you 2) SO EXCITED, I suppose this was more or less a given since iirc AA5 performed very well in Japan, but still! 3) Really relieved and pleasantly surprised to hear of a western release especially! 4) Not sure if I'm happy or bummed that Phoenix appears to be the main character again. Mostly I just want to see Maya (my favorite character, cry... those Famitsu pages are making me a bit hopeful), but it seemed like the backlash toward Apollo caused Capcom to drag Phoenix back into the limelight, even though his story arc was wrapped up pretty well. It's been a while so I could be misremembering things I guess, but while giving him a bigger role again post-AA4 technically works, his personal involvement in the story seemed kinda over with by then. :v I missed out on AA5 so I'm still unaware of any developments that would have changed that. Great to hear of a new main series title, in any case.
I know some people have a natural talent & pick these things up really quickly but most of the time, getting good at something takes practice. Games included! No need to feel pathetic... You'll improve naturally as you keep playing.
I just moved into my own place a couple weeks ago lol! It took maybe four days for my fridge to die ;___; had to get a part replaced. I hope yours is nicer to you. It is a little lonely living on your own, but having had a disastrous roommate situation last year I'm finding the benefits outweigh the cons... It's nice not to have to deal with anyone but yourself if you don't want to. All the best~
it's a remix of Quick Man's stage theme from Mega Man 2
Thanks guys! Feel free to keep posting recs if you think of any lol, and I will look into these~ I intend to get the PC version of Legacy Collection actually hah, I want that RGB monitor filter. The funds are already on my eShop account though so I can't put it towards that. And I have the original Shantae actually! I like it, played it a lot this summer. Never got around to finishing it. I probably should :v August 25th.
recommend me stuff?
PLEASE DO But yeah I am really excited for this. I liked Big Hero 6 and have kinda felt like it didn't get enough love from Disney in the face of the money monster that was Frozen. It's awesome to see it get featured, and great to see the world's presence continue the story instead of just rehash what already happened. C':
I've been listening to San Francisco by The Mowgli's (sic) more or less religiously ever since I heard it in a store a few weeks ago (funny enough it was not while I was in San Francisco lol) and I think it'd fit this bill, I haven't tried their other stuff yet but maybe give it a shot~
every time a thread like this crops up i INFINITE RYVIUS I understand that articles like these have a tendency to exaggerate or alarm for the sake of engaging journalism, but scientific predictions like those warning of a major earthquake are done in the hopes of saving lives, I'd hardly call that unimportant!
I'll be in Colorado in August so it sounds like I'll just miss you :c Burlington is waaaaaaaay on the east side of the state though so I don't think I could make it even if I was there in time sigh. If you ever perform closer to the Rockies let me know! fresh corn is delicious, I'm ok with this
I agree that it's better that professionals are involved with fireworks (granted any illegal fireworks would probably be fairly isolated, not on the scale of a planned show), but... I don't think that's necessarily true.
this thread made me feel small