happy birthdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
yo I just realized, exactly two days from now will mark my 5th year on staff, hah. Spoiler: img
i feel ya, i'm going to be 22 in less than a month and that is just so ??????????
maaaan I thought I'd fallen out with Caravan Palace's style, but they released a new album last month. Finally getting around to giving it a listen... I think I just listened to Panic too much and got sick of it before :V I'm liking this!
I think I'd be really ok with Tifa personally Although, I don't think third party characters typically get more than one rep in Smash, do they?
Absolutely! We're here to help; just let us know if you ever need further assistance!
Your username change was approved! Should be good to go.
Ah okay, I see. We might be able to change it early then -- we'll look into your case and get back to you as soon as possible!
In order to change your username, you need at least 300 posts and 5 months of membership. After you have enough posts, you can request a change...
Happy birthday!~
i made a post re: animation a while back, myself, as well. Just a link. I swear there is a related article out there somewhere about the people that make up the Academy & iirc it's exactly what you describe. EDIT: Wow ok the post you are referring to was part of the same discussion haha. I found it on the same page!
does this set look hella bootlegged to anyone else
The price of silver went from $7.20 a troy ounce to $6.12 a troy ounce during the past 6 months. This represents a decrease in price of what percent? Or, "What percent decrease is the difference between $7.20 and $6.12?" I think you might've had a harder time with it because it's asking for the opposite of what it does in the other questions (percentage from price rather than price from percentage).
not directed at me but 1) You want the percent decrease that 6.12 represents of 7.20; I think the way you're thinking about it is a bit backwards. 6.12 is not the 100%, 7.20 is, right? You can subtract the smaller value from the larger one to find the difference, and then divide that out of the original value to find what percent decrease it is. $7.20-6.12 = $1.08/7.20 = .15, and multiply by 100 to convert to 15%. 2). 32.49 is 65% of the original value, not 35! x * .65 = $32.49 Divide to isolate x. 32.49/.65 = $49.98.
I have to be honest with you, I think it's really really hard to make headway in something like that without taking a class :v Lack of structure and someone to correct your mistakes makes progressing very difficult. I do think a social site like Lang-8 (among others) is a useful tool once you have the basics down.
this spacetime concept is exactly what we talked about in my astronomy class today. weird
That... admittedly makes two of us?? But it's good to see you again!
<3 axelrific for life my friend