Gonna take a wild guess and say nobody checks this thread anymore? Oh well, I'm still gonna post! Enjoy! :)
Bet u all missed me, yeah? no? k. Well I don't care, I still missed you guys! <3 I'M BAAAAAAAACK!!!! For a little while...I will still need my handy helpers to run Idol (which I presume is going smoothly?) but otherwise I am posting away!!! So...what's been happening?
I was going to post a very depressing facebook status when I remembered nobody likes to see that, so I'm here instead. Hi, I'm Kat, and I have some serious anxiety **** going on. Uni kinda feels like high school again. I'm trying too hard to be friends with everyone, and I can't just 'go with the flow'. I've recently met a bunch of musically-oriented people because I took a music subject, and they are a really fun bunch. I still feel like an outsider though. Not like they've specifically done anything to make me feel that way, I just do. I feel like I'm 13-14 again: not speaking a goddamn word for the fear that I'll be judged. When I speak I generally get a good reception, but it's hard to keep up that personality all the time. I've just been really down generally and I'm not too sure why. I think I'm just exhausted from trying to be friends with everyone, but I'm not too sure. It's coming through at work now as well. I'm starting to lose my temper at complaining customers, I'll kinda beat myself up if I make a mistake...its a miracle I haven't been fired yet. My close group of friends-the ones I've been with since high school-are starting to give me panic attacks. I've never been the most social of all of them, but the way I've been feeling lately, I don't have the energy to hang out with them. One of them is in a musical and the rest of us are gonna go see him but the fear that I will say something and they will glare at me and joke about it and make me feel awful as a result has just made me feel like it's not even worth going. Also, anyone remember that lovely time in my life when I was good friends with a certain ex of mine? Yeah just an update: he's a horrible human being. I made an effort to spend time with him (as I do with all my friends) and he found it really weird, started talking sh*t about me, and thus made himself a d*ck. KHV, I need your help. Like, I really do. I've struggled with social anxiety before but not to this degree. I stopped seeing my shrink because it was all good until this week, where it's hit me really hard. Uni is nearly over for the year anyway so I don't get to see my shrink until next year. Anywho KHV. Help. Please. I have no idea what to do.
Is it too late to drop out? Sorry my darling but I got so swamped with work!!
About time I updated... Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to Elliot, he's a fine guitar and this is my first full cover with him. Enjoy! :)
Fixed :)
Ladder updated! 1. PaW (118 points) 2. darkhorseD (91 points) 3. Amethyst (90 points) 4. Fearless (75 points) 5. Mish (73 points) 6. Janson (66 points) 7. Romani (51 points) 8. Tummer (43 points) 9. Zelda (38 points) 10. Fork (28 points) 11. Calxyin (24 points) 12. Dinny (20 points) 12. TheFishXigbarTriedToDrown (20 points) 13. HoT (16 points) 14. Odamadillo (14 points) 15. Heart (9 points) 16. Flowergothic (2 points) 16. Moshi (2 points) Now as most of you are aware, I will be taking a short break from running KHV Idol. But it will still be running, so the new guidelines should be up shortly :)
The results are in! Equal 1st place, with 2 votes each, goes to entries 1, 3 and 4. Congratulations to Romani, darkhorseD and Fearless! Second place, with one vote, goes to entry 2! Well done PaW! We hope to see you next time for another round of KHV Idol! :)
According to that list, Fame is a high school musical...so bam: Put me down for it! :)
thanks, but you're the third person to volunteer haha. What I'll do is send a group PM and you guys can work it out yourselves :)
(Sorry for the delay, uni has officially become my life :( ) Hey everyone! Welcome to another round of KHV Idol! This round's theme was Acoustic Versions, where participants could sing any song as long as the instrumental was an acoustic guitar or piano version! HERE ARE YOUR ENTRIES!!!1234 Voting closes in 7 daysAll entrants must voteYou cannot vote for yourselfHappy voting! :)