Highscore 35. awwww yeahhhh PS I really don't understand why the creator is taking it down
Your Personality Type is The Supervisor (RECAD) Supervisors are emotionally reactive, which means that they experience their emotions strongly and can be very passionate., however also have a higher tendency to experience emotions such as anxiety, anger and depression. With a good sense of social awareness, they tend to be outgoing and enthusiastic, with a tendency in groups to talk and assert themselves. The Supervisor generally prefers fact over fiction and security and stability over ambiguity and disorder. Sticking with convention and familiar routines is generally best. With a sense of social responsibility and a general trust in others, Supervisors are often seen as sincere and generous. However the Supervisor generally has good self discipline and is recognized as being able to plan and think ahead. 1.96% of people are Supervisors It says I'm like Justin Beiber and Harry Styles...why would it say such a thing? :(
Monday 3/2/14 I walked into work today wanting to quit, and then my boss hires this reaaaalllllyyyy hot guy with an awesome accent!!! That, AND she let me have a day off! Miracle? I think so :)
Sunday 2/2/14 Fiiiinally just got to sit and relax in the pool! It was so good! Probably didn't geta tan though...oh well
Friday 31/1/14 My day started off with dropping a whole box of Coke Zero, making 3 cans explode on instant. My work friend and I actually couldn't stop laughing while we were cleaning it up. Afterwards I learnt a few more songs on the guitar, and I should really get around to recording them! Saturday 1/2/14 Had the day off work, so I got to go house hunting with my parents. I actually love it, because I have some kind of say in where we're moving next lol. found some really nice ones too!
*sigh* yet again I have to fill in 4 days worth of stuff Sunday, 26/1/14 Today is Australia Day, so it was an incredible day! I spent a lot of time with my sister (whom I hadn't seen since Christmas) and we had a lot of fun failing at fishing Monday 27/1/14 Busy busy day at work! So many customers, so little time, and although I really don't like working on public holidays, it kept me on my toes the whole day! Tuesday 28/1/14 Went around the city, as well as my uni and even my local area, looking for new jobs. People seemed willing to hire me, although I didn't have my resume on me. But it's all good! I expect some calls if my current job decides not to like me any more. Wednesday 29/1/14 Got a lecture from my boss, as she saw a very true facebook status I made and then told me to delete it. But I am very glad she agreed with what I had to sya, at least we're on the same page. In other news, my singing classes started back today! I got an award that I missed getting last year, and my teacher really liked my interpretation of I See Fire Thursday 30/1/14 I have the day off today! Now I am catching up on SVU, trying for the love of god to record a song, and planning an Anti-Valentines Day Party. Everything is working out pretty well!
Wednesday 22/1/14 Began downloading a whole bunch of Disney movies which I will be watching sometime later on Thursday 23/1/14 I headed to one of the nicest clubs in Sydney just for a night out. Shame the dancefloor was too packed to actually move or anything, but otherwise I had a really good time :) Friday 24/1/14 Went out to dinner with some newly made friends at a Japanese restaurant. SO MUCH BETTER THAN TAKE AWAY SUSHI OMG. yes yes it was very nice. I would've loved to chill at the casino with them afterwards but I had work the next morning Saturday 25/1/14 Dinner again (lolwut I'm popular what is this). Went to a pub for dinner and I HAD ONION RINGS! I LOVE ONION RINGS SO MUCH I WAS LIKE OMG WOW. In other interesting news my friend in Europe sent me a text out of the blue just asking if I'm okay, and the weird bit was I've been having a bit of trouble with stuff. It's like he knew!! He has some weirdass telepathy sh*t going on!! :P
So I saw this photo while scrolling through facebook: View attachment 37411 I really didn't want to be one of 'those' Christians, but I actually got offended by this. Scrolling through the comments I saw "Christians are hypocrites, get over it" and "Religion is dead anyway, who cares?" It actually made me very sad to see that so many people have yet again stereotyped an entire group of people based on what a few have done. The majority of us are accepting of everyone, and those who aren't as accepting are learning to be. But this will not be a thread defending my religion. I'm more concerned about secularism and if it has spawned a certain amount of disrespect towards religious groups. Just because religion is not a part of everyone's lives does not mean it shouldn't be respected. This picture actually annoys me a lot. Comparing a slice of pizza to a sacred text? Maybe not to you but to some people? It annoys me a lot. I know I'm targeting Christianity here but there are definitely other religions that are disrespected like this as well. I am also aware I'm getting too worked up about a tumblr post but it bothered me. Maybe society will always have some underlying sense of unacceptance, disrespect and hypocrisy. But I really don't know. PS I'm sorry if this seems to jump all over the place, I hope you can understand what I'm concerned about
Tuesday 21/1/14 Having cleared out half my wardrobe, I decided to replace it all by shopping. It was amazing! And then I went and saw Frozen, which was also amazing!
The problem I have with Kairi as a light is that she's always been the one to hang around on the side. I wouldn't like her to suddenly become all badass UNLESS there is an opening scene where she's actually been training with her keyblade while on Destiny Islands and then actually has the ability. At the moment it just seems like Kairi is going to be a side character again waiting for Sora and Riku to get back. I might be very wrong on that though.
that reminds me of this: and that would suck so bad. Besides we already know it wasn't all a dream, otherwise DDD was some serious inception! also, I really don't think multiple endings would work, but I would love to see joke endings/extra cutscenes unlocked later of just fun and weird things. Kinda like the ending of DDD.
If I have Phil telling me to get up on the Hydra's back I swear to god I'll kill someone I realllllllly don't want Agrabah. Please no. And to be honest I was never really a fan of Neverland either. I dreaded it in BBS More FF characters are fine, as long as it's not Lightning. She's so damn overrated it annoys me I actually really really really liked the Gummi ships, and I love how you could customise them in KH1. What i don't like is having particularly challenging Gummi routes. They should just be a very pleasant journey where you defeat small enemies and get some prizes. There's definitely more I can think of.....
Agreed. Although I'm not too sure about the rest of the Org members. Would it be possible to have Luxord, Marluxia and Larxene in it? I think Xion is going to be one of the lights instead of Kairi. Feel free to disagree with me on that, but she is part-Sora and she's probably a better candidate anyway I'm fine with having Yen Sid as one of the lights, but the way I interpreted it Xehanort will be using people as vessels for his heart and I highly doubt Maleficent will let that happen to herself. But as a side battle I definitely agree. 7 LIGHTS: Sora, Riku, Ven, Aqua, Mickey, Xion/Eraqus, Lea 13 DARKNESSES: Master Xehanort, Xemnas, Ansem, Young Xehanort, Terranort, Vanitas, Isa, Braig, Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene, Vexen?, Zexion? Aqua vs Terra Clearly that will be a battle to tug at the ol heart strings. Aqua will fight Terra to try and free him from darkness. Either she'll be successful, or she'll kill him. If he is freed from darkness he will have a touching cutscene with Riku about the darkness and blahbitty blah. Still, that should definitely be a fight. Ven vs Vanitas This is pretty much going to happen. there is nothing quite like fighting your evil counterpart, so why not? Lea vs Isa Yep yep yep. I definitely see this happening. The two were best friends and its pretty much another Aqua/Terra situation. After Isa is defeated Lea teams up with Xion and probably mickey to fight against the rest of the organisation members Xion/Lea/Mickey vs Xemnas I feel like Mickey is going to be a sidekick in all of the battles, but nevertheless after Lea has his fight with Isa, him and Xion would team up with Mickey against Xemnas and that would finally defeat all the original organisation members Mickey vs Young Xehanort If Mickey has his own battle with any of these then I reckon it will be Young Xehanort. They actually seem like a perfect match for battle and I do recall him knowing Young Xehanort from back when Ansem The Wise was around Sora/Riku vs Ansem It's pretty much a given that this will happen. The guy destroyed their home and deserves to have a keyblade to the butt. After this there will be a cutscene with Kairi and all is well with flowers and sparkles. she offers to help and they're all like noooo we're macho (not really lol, but like I said I don't see Kairi being one of them) Everyone vs Master Xehanort I assume this will be a game where you can pick a character, or develop each one. If Eraqus isn't one of the 7 lights, then the final battle will be everyone against MX. And this will be the final battle because he'll transform into all these monsters that you have faced while playing specific characters. Real mind-f*ckery shape shifting too (eg MX transforming into Xion's final form and her having to fight that, or Sora fighting A transformed Kairi, or Lea/Xion fighting a transformed roxas, or Aqua/Ven fighting a transformed terra. I talked about all these battles before but I'm saying as part of Xehanorts master plan he could shapeshift into characters which hold sentimental value to our protagonists. Of course I'm thinking quite far ahead though.) Also, has anyone considered if Mickey was a Disney character from the light, then perhaps there could be a Final Fantasy character? I mean, I know none of them have keyblades, but one of them could. Having Cloud or Squall as one of the lights could be really good too, although like Maleficant, I really highly doubt Sephiroth will give in to Xehanort. They probably look at him like "b*tch please, you aint gettin my body" So yeah there are my thoughts. What do you think?
I would love to see Atlantica the same way they had it in KH1. If we had an appearance from Finding Nemo I think that would just make my world (even though they're in two separate parts of the ocean but pfft logic) While we're on Pixar, I'd like to see a Monster's Inc world. Could you imagine how much fun you could have with those doors? And a Toy Story world too A Pocahontas world would actually be amazing. I'm imagining fighting enemies whilst heading around the riverbend, and I can really see Governer Ratcliffe being possessed by darkness and yeah. Pocahontas would be a great world to explore I'm all for bringing back Port Royal, I think it was great. But no Lone Ranger or any of those other ones But enough of the Disney. I really REALLY REALLLLLYYYYY WANT A FINAL FANTASY WORLD! Like seriously how cool would that be? Maybe have a Cocoon world, seeing as Lighting strikes me as a character guaranteed to be in KH3. If not, put something like the Gold Saucer in Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden full of mini games and stuff (dat chocobo racing). I really want to see more action from the FF characters. OMG WHAT IF WE RIDE CHOCOBOS EVERYWHERE! Unfortunately there can only be so many worlds in KH3, and there is so much, yet so little, that Disney has explored. Oh well, we can only hope I guess
Impressions? You have been transported into any KH game and can play as any character. Which game, which character, and why? Of all the Avengers, who would you most like to be? You have the chance to defeat any superhero or supervillian you desire. Who do you chose and why? I heard there was some pretty bad weather over in the UK a few weeks ago. You ok bro? If I was over there or you were over here, do ya reckon we'd be best buds? Favourite part about being a staffie? (Someone has probably already asked that, but I don't care) If you could stop any major historical event from happening, what would it be? Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are drowning and you only have time to save one. What kind of sandwich do you make? If you could live in any other part of the world, where would it be? Admit it, you love Sydney. Don't lie it's the bestest place ever
Any Hobbit fans here? I watched the movie last week, fell in love with the song and had to do a cover of it. I hope you enjoy :)
Saturday, 18/1/14 Finally finished ny recording! All I have to do now is make my video and I'm all set! Sunday 19/1/14 I went to this party at a place called The Island. It was a floating bar!!!! It was so cool I had heaps of fun :)[DOUBLEPOST=1390224046][/DOUBLEPOST]Monday 20/1/14 Although today was a real meh kinda day, it was still pretty good. I got a hand-me-down dress from my younger cousin that I can definitely see myself wearing sometime soon
Wednesday, 15/1/14 Headed home from work and started learning I See Fire from The Hobbit on my guitar. That solo bit is quite challenging, but it's so cool! I also decided to clean out half of my wardrobe, and I'm going on a shopping spree soon to get some new clothes. yay! Thursday, 16/1/14 At work I got an unexpected surprise visit from my boss (that wasn't awesome), but what was good was she made me do all these things and my shift went really quickly. When I got home I went for a swim because it was so goddamned hot and then I practiced. It was a good day. Friday, 17/1/14 Got home and decided to start recording. I worked hard, but sadly there were no good takes :( I have the blisters on my fingers to prove it! But at least I worked out all the harmonies in the song! Woo! ...Can anyone tell me how to stop falling behind?! Ugh.
Hello and Happy new Year! Welcome to an exciting new round of KHV Idol! Contestants this round were asked to sing a song that was released in the year 2013. Here are your entries!!! 1 2 Happy Voting! :) EDIT: Goddamn, forgot the poll. Post to vote or else it won't count!!
Tuesday, 14/1/14 Figured out FL Studio (finally!) and saw the Hobbit. OMFG THAT IS SUCH A GOOD MOVIE LIKE WHAT :D