Search Results

  1. T3F
    Oh yay! Thanks Plums!! :)[DOUBLEPOST=1402965590][/DOUBLEPOST]Ladder will be updated and guidelines will be up soon, but just a question for y'all: Do you still want me to keep the entries anonymous? Like I know part of this competition is that we base it off the voice and not the name, but we all pretty much know how our voices sound, so should I keep it anonymous or no?
    @darkhorseD @Fearless @. : tale_wind @Yukari @Laplace @SPACESHIP
    Post by: T3F, Jun 16, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  2. T3F
    My 6 year anniversary was a while ago...GUYS IM GOING ON 7 YEARS HERE
    Oh and where does time go? It flies, because some idiot decided to throw a clock out the window :P
    Post by: T3F, Jun 11, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. T3F
  4. T3F
    Post by: T3F, Jun 11, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. T3F
    Hope people like Game of Thrones lololol

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]




    to be updated. Many many more to come. Any cnc would be much appreciated, guys :)
    Thread by: T3F, Jun 11, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. T3F

    Young and Beautiful-Lana Del Rey :)
    Post by: T3F, Jun 9, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  7. T3F
    Pfft, guys, it will obviously come out on Gamecube
    Post by: T3F, Jun 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. T3F
    Profile Post Comment

    already noticed it

    already noticed it
    Profile Post Comment by T3F, Jun 8, 2014
  9. T3F
  10. T3F
    AHHHHHHHH I wanna join!!!!! :)

    Username: Amethyst
    What you would like to be called: Amethyst
    Where are you from?: Australia
    Time Zone: GMT+10
    Your buzzer:
    Post by: T3F, Jun 8, 2014 in forum: Community News & Projects
  11. T3F
  12. T3F
  13. T3F
    Voting thread is up!!

    Happy voting! :)
    Post by: T3F, Jun 7, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  14. T3F
    Hey hey! Welcome to another round of KHV Idol! The theme for this round was Fandoms, where participants could sing any song from any fandom!!

    Voting Ends in 7 days
    You can't vote for your own entry
    All Participants must vote
    Happy Voting!! :)
    Thread by: T3F, Jun 7, 2014, 4 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  15. T3F
    Thanks so much!! :)

    I'm the youngest, so I'm pretty sure watching any of those with my family won't be an issue lol :P
    Post by: T3F, Jun 6, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. T3F
    I'm sorry I have disappointed you.

    EDIT @SPACESHIP you rule. thats quite an awesome list :)
    Post by: T3F, Jun 5, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. T3F
    I just realised I never replied to this. Their song "Saviour" is in Warriors of Rock

    Also YAY FOR THE NEW ALBUM COMING OUT! I'm actually pretty excited! I've been listening to their teaser trailers of it and it sounds pretty cool so yeah, bring it on
    Post by: T3F, Jun 5, 2014 in forum: Music
  18. T3F
    And I need to ask a favour...
    I'm putting together a list of shows I need to watch/movies I need to see, and if you have any suggestions, put them down.

    Assume I haven't seen anything, because I pretty much haven't. To put things into perspective: I watched my first Harry Potter movie last week *shot*

    yes yes I am aware, that's why I'm doing this

    So yes, put down any and every show and movie you think I should see, because I most likely have not seen it. Thank ye muchly.
    Thread by: T3F, Jun 5, 2014, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. T3F

    1. darkhorseD (34 points)
    2. Fearless (29 points)
    2. tale_wind (27 points)
    3. Yukari (22 points)
    4. tummer (20 points)
    4. Laplace (14 points)
    5. Amethyst (11 points)

    waaaaa I'm coming last!!!!!! :( Should probably enter this round or something, right?

    Theme for KHV Idol #22: Fandom/Parody Songs
    Rules: Sing a song from a fandom, or a parody song!!!
    Deadline: Saturday, June 7

    Happy singing!!! :)
    Post by: T3F, May 26, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  20. T3F
    The votes are in!!!! Well done to everyone who participated!!!!
    1st place, with 5 votes, goes to entry #4! Congratulations @Yukari !
    2nd Place, with 1 vote each, goes to entries #3 and #5!! Congratulations @. : tale_wind and @Fearless
    3rd place, with 0 votes each, goes to entries #1 and #2! Well done to @darkhorseD and @Laplace

    Well done to everyone who entered!
    We hope to see you again for another round of KHV Idol!!! :)
    Post by: T3F, May 26, 2014 in forum: Production Studio