"I agree"V said running towards the rock he'd arrive on, he picked it up "I'd like to see you doge this"
V had a handful of rocks and threw it at him
V placed a rock in the middle of the staff making it able to levitate he then began spinning it making a wheel of fire. he then sent it towards cannon at huge speed
"Fine then"V said, he piked up a piece of wood that began to grow at rapid seed until it became a staff. he than ignited each side of it "now ready for round two?"
"Yeah like that would happen one of my many selfs is to stubborn" V said , he then grabbed an arm of a person who had been killed when his "transport" had crashed into a building " he put it towards where his old arm had been an then it merged with his body becoming a new arm. "Now that is what i call "handy"" V said laughing
"Well if you touch me I am touching you"V said looking at Cannon "i have increased your body temperature to 70 degrees Celsius an I made everything in your body withstand it except your skin which you see is melting away" And now I need a new hand for crying out loud"
"Don't think so i need that arm, and touching me is the last thing you want to do"he said as Cannons skinn began to melt "i can change how everything works remember"
OOC yeah sorry bic: "Oh your a hungry fella"V said picking up more rocks "this will be fun" he threw them all at ones making it impossible to eat all of them
V picked up a rock "Now lets begin"he mad the rock levitate as well as rising the temperature of it before throwing it towards Legion, due to the lack of gravity the speed reach to that of a bullet
"I was going to kill you"V said
"sure" V said grabbing it. "now it will work" he said giving it back again
"Well that's sad, then i guess I'll have to kill you"V said smiling evilly
"No killing who ever is in charge of this country"V said "After all its their fault i was created, because of their experiments my government did the same"he said as he took the thing of his head and threw it towards him
"well something like that, but excuse me I have some business to attend to"V said
"thought you where surprised after seeing a 10 ton rock flying into a building " he said
"so you can't speak?"V asked
"I'm VIKING experiment 1-5, all failed"V said
"I'm called a VIKING, and I won't tell you my power cause none of me is really that stupid. after all i won't give anyone a advantage if it comes to battle"
"Well I'm technically form Finland"he said "no your not, stop trying to be funny"V said "Yeah we're from Norway"
"Sure can" V answered "yeah like 5 voices in my head wasn't enough " he said