OOC: well then knock yourself out ^^
OOC: Remember kids lava might look tasty but its bad for your health "Hurray more people to play with"V said
"Who's the idiot?"V said "look who's talking he" answered himself "hey i'm trying to have a conversation here"
the magma that hit the gutter stopped the rest and began spreading out
"3..2..1 an pop there goes the barrier"V said as the lava flowed out
V threw several rocks at the psi barrier and while he threw rocks at Cannon OOC: I will remind you these rocks are as fast as bullets
"the psi barrier should become quite weaker now"V said happy
After a while it became quite the throwing game
V threw more and more rocks at greater and greater speed
"mmm purple"V thought "Man I'm dumb" "Good for you"V said he was holding a pawn full of rocks now and threw them at Cannon
"yeah your one hungry guy"V said "but i on the other hand can't eat them""why would you we are so much fun"he said waving his arm like a crazy guy
"hey you try to have 5 personalities and stay sane"V said bored
the rock melted completely until it was just a lava"how annoying here i was hoping for some BBQ"V said disappointed, he sat down and began looking at the lava
"Hmm i wonder when they'll notice that the rock is melting?"V thought "They will figure it out when their a**es are on fire"another one answered "Oh great you guy's are back"
"Hey stop ruining or fight, if you piss me of you have 5 people to say sorry to"V said standing he had reach the rock while Delta 1 was distracting cannon "now magma time"he said as he threw the 10 ton rock towards cannon while it was melting faster and faster
OCC: hey i got one mind working and one is standard in all bodies
V ran towards the rock again this time he raised the temperature even more making it melt while it moved even faster towards cannon
OOC: actually when it first its program it continues to do whatever its programmed to do if not his body would have fallen apart
V watched as the rock was heading towards Cannon "My mind feel so quiet"he said meanwhile in the darkness "Why did we have to come here?"One said "Don't ask me the smart one is still wherever that is"
"not really"V said throwing the rock "5 minds remember" the rock was glowing red due to V who had raised its temperature