OOC: Yeah the strange thing is we produce 75% of your ammo bic: "Well a baby won't need a gun would it"V said
"Don't know how you do it in America, but back in my country we tried not to hurt each other"V said
"Well this is just getting ridiculous" V said
V made a rock
Inside V's head "Take paper""no take rock""hey it's obvious he should take scissors""no he should take a break""From now on you aren't allowed to speak to us ever again"V thought
"Testing my powers"V said "that and I've been sitting on that rock for 3 days now i get kinda bored"
"Sure we could always do rock, paper, scissors"V said
"Don't know five different memories kinda messy"V said his hands was staying completely still in front of him
"Hmm thats bad"V said holding his hand over the wound he'd gotten, it closed quickly "You remind me someone"V said
"Hey I'm not from this strange country so no, but i guess I'm kinda in trouble now"V said "but man i need a new way to fight you guy, its like fighting a zombie"
V walked back a bit he was bleeding quite a lot "he he, man I'm a genius" he said he grabbed several rocks an fired them at Eric like bullets
V grabbed Erics hand, he smiled as he reprogrammed Erics bones making all of them stick together with no joints, which would paralyse him completely, though the sword arm had hit him pretty deep since he didn't doge
"Don't know its just a power i got"V said he pulled out the spear before trying to stab erics head
"Don't know it's as natural as breathing"V said
"Well then we'll just raise the temperature"V said as the spear began to glow red "electricity can be used to heat up metal"
"Lets see who'll win then"V said as he tried to stabbed him
"I can do that"V said as the staff became a spear OOC: oh and i have to leave now it kinda late here on the other side of the Atlantic sea.
"oh great i had meet a fashion freak"V said as he made the piece of steal longer by merging more and more steal on it until it became a staff it shout small lightning here and there, it almost hit V in the foot "Now this may shock you"V said as he charged at Eric
"Wow thats soooooo coooool"V said "now serious time"he said picking up piece steel, sparks was flying out of it "oh how i love static electicity, though this is a few times more powefull than that"
"Finding out what to do and who to kill mostly, that and finding out what i can do with my powers"V said not really focusing