"I don't want to"V said sitting down like a spoiled kid
OCC: Jordan didn't like me :( well mostly the killing part. so now they are fighting ^^
"Right"V touched his own body there was smoke coming from his body it completely red and almost glowing from the heat "Come on I'd need something to cool me down right now"V said smiling like the crazy person he was
"OKEY NOW I'M hungry.. AND ANGRY!!"V shouted He transformed the ice into water and then split their atoms so it became oxygen and hydrogen. he then took a pretty big rock and threw it Towards Jordan at the speed of a bullet. It was heated up so water would only vaporise if it hit
"Oh what have I done"V said he vaporised the water this time
V said as he touched the water and it froze "Whats with you?"V said surprised
"Well yeah living is much more fun than dying and well look at me I'm a walking maniac its so fun blowing things up and blame it on someone else"V said
"Ven, he was the last experiment"V said he now he was melting the rocks and merging them
"we don't really know all of us is a great mix, I did a bad job when merging or brains if not only one of us would be in this body"V said
"Yeah and I break them as I do with everything else"V said "Fast, effective with no idea on how and why i did it"
"Probably" V said as he threw a rock into the air, it didn't come back down
"Man they must really miss you, no one sent a anyone after me.. but then again they think we're dead"V said he was getting bored and used the time to levitate rocks
"Ven and Vinz"V said
"No i said two of us like to party"V said
"I told you Viktor, Vinz, Ven, Vbjørn, and Valter"V said again
"names.. oh yeah. Viktor, Vinz, Ven, Vbjørn, and Valter"V said
"Two of us dose"V said
"Me"V said making it obvious there where no dominant one
OOC: it really is if you like mountains ^^ bic: "I'm 5 dead people merged into one crazy being"V said
OOC: We're one weird country. man I love this place ^^