... Right like anyone but me knows how to take control of the world
Cool I got my awsum mike Stamp ^^
Hmm for some reason no visits me :( hehe^^
OOC: hurray my character got accepted ^^
"There is more and more humans"Rei thought
there was a reason for Rei's meditation he used his psychic powers to look for treats. at the moment there where gathering an unusual number of them near the river that and it seemed there was one heading straight for them. Finaly he could smell them those evil Seekers he would slaughter all of them when he reached them Dang was getting excited parts off him was burning
"Okey people lets get moving"Rei said getting everyone ready. soon everyone was walking after Moorai. Rei was mediating levitating in the air while following the rest
Rei stopped the ice in the air in the air "Dark one your temper will destroy you one day. Pray that you one day will learn patience"Rei said
Rei closed his eyes, "The fights will be many the matches bloody, warriors who will decide the fate of this world will participate"Rei said, he opened his eyes again
Disappeared in thin air moving at enormous speed
"You'll get you fighting soon enough"Rei said "I see great battles ahead"
"No let them keep at it it makes my job much easier"Craig said watching the fighting
OOC: you added and there is no need for a recap nothing has happened yet we're all just introducing or characters bic: The visions let go of Rei and he took his bottle and walked back to the camp, there everyone was packing up getting ready to leave. they could not stay to long at one place due to the danger of being discovered by humans. Back in the human city Dang got his sword and was ready for work, his job was getting food to the city by hunting animals, that and scouting for the seekers. he strapped his katana to his back and then ran into the wastland
"Don't need to", he said as he stabbed Xalibur with another dagger
Suddenly Craig was holding a dagger towards Xaliburs trout
"OH YOUR SO DEAD"Craig shouted he disappear, he moved to fast to be seen by the eye
OOC: hey aren't you hurt at all?
"WATER!!"Craig kicked Xalibur in the stomach so hard his bones almost broke
Craig kicked Xalibur to the side with ease "That wasn't very nice"he said "I might get angry"
"Noooo of course not"Craig said hiding the dagger behind his back