When they reach the ship they set sail at ones, Drake was being treated while John took command
"Yeah can't remember where tough"Drake said he suddenly cough up some blood "Damn the pain is returning"he said looking at his dragon arm "I need to get back to the ship"he said as began to run towards the ship
"The kid didn't have the Cross. his father has it and he's on his way to London. we need to hurry"Drake said
"John Go to port take the crew with you and make ready to sail I'll get that Li guy"Drake said John nodded and began running Drake walked into the rumble of the house "Hey Li get over here, we need to leave now!!"
"Let me"Drake said taking of the bandage of his right arm revealing an arm that could only be describe as a dragons arm "Good by Kiddo"he said as he stabbed James trough the heart with his claws
Drake walked ran towards James who began swinging his sword like a maniac "That's pretty useless"Drake said as he grabbed the sword with his right arm "Now give me the real cross"he said James started laughing "It's not here, My father has it and he's probably half way to London by now"he said laughing
OOC: i thought it was sneaky ^^ and I agree with deathsight bic: The Griff ran towards him Drake stood up bleeding like hell "that hurt" he said as he stood up
The Griff looked at it with rage in it's eyes and attacked
The Griff clawed at Drake giving him some serious wounds. he punched it though it only made angrier
Drake smashed the wall to get to the outside "Why did you smash the wall, the door is right beside you"The governors son said "I smash what a want to smash kiddo"Drake said as he noticed the governors son standing there in an armor "The name is James"he said "Griff attack them"
Ooc: No but there is this thing.. oh you'll see bic: Suddenly they heard a great roar from the backside "Oh great they have a animal of some kind"Drake thought "ITS A GRIFFIN RUN"a pirate shouted "Captain some help"John shouted from the outside
Drake had taken a different approach to locating the cross he walked into the first rom he could find and walked punched straight trough the wall on each Rom on the way
OOC:... That was way to easy There is no way the cross would be in a safe and if so it would be protected. Place edit your post cause the cross is no in a safe...
John was fighting his way around the house slicing up every marine he could find Drake had just thrown the cannon at a group of marines and was now entering the house
The marines was now fighting back and had gotten a canon from the armory they pointed it at Drake who was busy tearing apart an really annoying marine. they fired and it went straight for him. in the last second he took his right hand up and stopped the cannonball. it fell to the ground "Oh now you've pissed me of" He said as he walked towards the marines with an evil look in his eyes
"Great Now the plan is easy, we walk in the door and get the cross. kill anyone in your way"Drake said as he took a hold of the gate and pulled it down
Drake And John came walking down the road towards the front gates "Hello people looks like we're ready to rumble"he said
"No we meet at the front gate at the governors mansion"Drake explained "so I'll see you all there"he said as he an john walked towards their ship
"Fine by me"Drake said "now all wait to night, then we make a whole mess of this place"he said