Tonight at roughly 9pm EST, we're back once again taking your requests. A few changes to the rules this time around: Requests are now being taken (request in this thread, don't pm me). However, requests will close are roughly 6pm EST so make sure you reserve a spot for your song of choice! (Might close earlier if we get flooded with requests) Also the requests will be put in a random shuffle, so even if you aren't the first to request, there's a chance your song still might be the first to play. If you're confused about the times, please compare the clock on the radio page with your own. Radio Page:
Sparkling Daydream - ZAQ
Here's your smelly alert. <3
Wasn't it spend $60 and get $10 back last year? Hmmm. Might still consider some vita games though.
When it comes to forum games, at the moment we're going to treat it like the old reputation system. Since you're new here, basically what I mean we don't allow reputation (now likes, since we moved to Xenforo) to be used as a capital element in a forum game. Same goes with making threads asking for likes in general. We will make the rules more clear on "likes" as we adapt to it. But for now Locked
I uh.... what?
Was rewatching A's. But yeah Fate is too adorable. xD
Hopefully you get it fixed soon. Should look something like this.
Do not advertise your sites on the forums. Please follow the rules and keep all links in your signature. -Locked-
Welcome back. Things settling down a bit with most people back in school. Not much else otherwise.
Maybe just try re-adding it? (great album there by the way) Also does it only happen with that theme?
Hey, there! Welcome! We're a really friendly community here, so don't hesitate to ask questions. Staff is as follows: Administrators Super Moderators Moderators (AKA: Sectional Moderators) Reporters Coders There are also Premium Members like me, but we're not part of the staff team, just users with more perks than regular user; if you want to become a part of the club, you must reach 1,000 posts.
You'll find a lot of weird and disturbing images out there, it's the internet. As for the "chubby" images yeah, it's quite common to find those. Some people do it to make the "perfect" looking characters look funny. But honestly most of them are made because it is a fetish for a lot of people. Not my cup of tea though.
Miku Monday starts in a few minutes for those interested
No midnight poops for you?
Um... yeah no offense, but being gone for a few hours every day (which most people do anyways) doesn't make it a departure. Unless if you plan on being completely gone for over a week, don't make threads about it here. -Moved to Spam- Good luck with your studies, though.
Oh god it's like a Clamp manga.
I mean uh... grats~